Back In Time Pt. 2

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Here Lies
Braedey 'Octavius' Diana

September 7th, 1885
-Erected In Eternal Memory
By His Beloved Clarabel
-Shot In The Back By Scarlet Valentine
Over A Matter Of $80

"GUYS!! COME HERE!! QUICK!" Wonder Woman screamed out to the others, and they run over to the Amazonian warrior.

"Diana, what's wrong?" Hawkgirl asked.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." Superman added.

"I just did, guys." Diana whispered, and this made Superman looked confused. He walked around, and saw what is written on the tombstone.

"By the Gods!!" Superman said in shock, staggering back in fright, whilst the others looked also.

"Look at this." Diana reads what's on the tombstone. "'Died September 7th, 1885'. That's one week after he wrote the letter!"

"'Erected in eternal memory by his beloved Clarabel.'" The Flash then stood on the grave. "Who in the heck is Clarabel?!"

"Don't stand there, Wally!" Diana screamed out, and the speedy human then jumped off Braedey's grave.

Batman looked at the tombstone, reading on how the Amazonian somehow perished. "'Shot in the Scarlet Valentine...over a matter of $80?'"

Diana turned to Batman with a look of horror on her face. "What kind of future do you call that?!" She screamed in his face.

"We need to find out who's Valentine." Superman told them, and with that, the heroes headed off to the public library in the dead of night, whilst The Flash tries to push and pull the train to the workshop.

(Metropolis Library)

At the Metropolis Library, the Justice League were looking through anything and everything about anyone who has the name 'Scarlet Valentine' in their name. Since their modern day equipment in the Watchtower doesn't have anything about 1885, they needed to go to the library to check data. After a few minutes, Hawkgirl found something.

"Here it is." Hawkgirl opened up a profile book, and turned to the page of Valentine. "Okay. I found something. 'Scarlet Valentine was a notorious gunslinging woman, whose beautiful looks and sex appeal, earned her the nickname 'Poisonous Beauty'. She was quick on the trigger, and bragged she killed 25 men, not including Indians or even China men'."

"Does it mention Braedey? Is he one of the 25?" Diana asked from the other side of the library.

"Hold on a second. 'However, this claim can't be substantiated since precise records were not kept, after Valentine shot a newspaper editor who printed an unfavourable story about her in 1884'." Hawkgirl sighed in frustration. "That's why we can't find a thing about her."

Just then, Superman looked through some old photos in an old album, and found something shocking. "Guys, look at this!" He ran up to them with the photo. It showed Braedey, in 1885 clothing with a Western hat, and in front of the clock that is now in the old courthouse in town. The date stamped on it was 'September 5th, 1885'.

"It's him!" The Flash looked at the photo. "Then, it's all true. ALL of it!!"

"It is him who goes back in time to the Old West, and he gets shot." Diana sighed in sadness, seeing the only photo of her son before he perished.

"That's not gonna happen." Batman then said, making the others look at him in surprise. "After we get the locomotive fully functional and ready for action, we're going back to 1885, and we're bringing your son back home." He declared, and the other heroes nodded in agreement.

(Abandoned Track)
(3 miles from Metropolis Viaduct)

On an abandoned railway line far from Metropolis, The Flash and Superman, the latter wearing Western cloths instead of his hero outfit, were doing final-minute adjustments on the locomotive. The GWR 4900 Class 4-6-0 steam locomotive was steamed up and ready to go. Inside the cab, there was what looked like a main computer screen built into the centre piece of the cab, with a display screen of what the timezone destination is, then the last time departed, and the present time.

"You boys ready?" Wonder Woman got The Flash and Superman's attention. They looked over to the Amazonian warrior, but were taken aback by what she's wearing. She was wearing a red sports bra with her breastplate made into it, revealing her abdomen, a tan brow cowgirl hat on her head, a pair of denim short shorts held up with a black belt and gold buckle, with tan covers down her legs, connected to the short shorts, but kept her boots on, whilst having tan gloves on over the silver wristbands.

"I guess so." Superman replied.

"Well, we're just about ready." Batman walked over, as Diana climbed into the train's cab.

"Our future clothes and Braedey's future clothes are packed in, and he have walkie-talkies to contact with once we get back." Diana explained. "Hawkgirl, I'm afraid we can't take you with us."

"It's okay." Hawkgirl looked down to the other end of the line. "But, I think it's gonna be one hell of a walk to get back to town once you all get back there."

"It's the safest plan we have." Superman told her. "After all, we can't risk going back into a populated area, or to a spot that is geographically unknown. We don't want to crash into anything that once existed in the past." He turns to face the open line. "This was all completely open country, so we'll have plenty of landing space when we arrive. But, remember where we're going, there ARE no roads. Once we land, we will stop the train at the silver mine."

"Okay. All systems are go, and we're ready to go." Diana pulled the handle for the Time Circuits. "Okay. Time Circuits on. Braedey wrote the letter on September 1st, so we'll go back the very next day. September 2nd, a Wednesday. So, September 2nd, 1885, at 8:00AM." She typed on the touch-screen, and the Destination Time now read SEP/02/1885. "Braedey got shot on Monday 7th. We'll have only five days to locate him. According to the letter, he's a blacksmith, so he'll probably have a shop somewhere."

"All we have to do is to drive the train down the line, then cross the viaduct, accelerating to 88 miles an hour, and once we cross the bridge, we will end up in 1885." Superman added, pointing down the line.

With that, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman all climbed into the train, and prepared to move. Diana released the brake lever, then opened the regulator to 45% power. All at once, the locomotive began to move forward, slowly gaining speed, and was soon charging down the line. As they soon reached 45mph, she opened the regulator to full, and the GWR 4900 Class 4-6-0 raced down the line, the rails rattling underneath it.

Soon, after three miles, the locomotive was crossing the viaduct, whilst reaching 88mph. As the GWR engine reached the other side of the line, it suddenly vanished in a bright blue flash, and as it disappears in said flash, a fiery aura of the train raced down the line for a few more seconds, then vanished from sight.


In the Old West, the winds blew some dust around the area, whilst some foxes ran about in the hot sun. As they do so, they're unaware of what was about to happen.

Nearby the end of the viaduct, there was only the starting point of the bridge. Also, there was a large pile of wood arranged into a sign about 20-35ft away from the start of the bridge reading 'END OF TRACK' in bright white capital letters.

About 10ft ahead of the sign, a blue flash occurred, making the foxes that were standing around the track, and out of the flash came a scarlet red GWR 4900 Class 4-6-0, and it raced off from the viaduct, heading down the line, passing by a windmill.

"Wow. So, this is what the world looked like back then in 1885." Wonder Woman said, looking at the possibly lush and calming landscape around her and the other two heroes.

"Let's pull the train over there. There might be a turntable or something there." Superman pointed out what looked like a shunting yard, and pointed out a turntable.

Wonder Woman and Batman soon took control, and began to slow the train down to a junction point. They soon began to drive the train onto the switch track, and up onto the turntable. As they looked to one another, Batman looked away, and Wonder Woman showed a smirk on her face. As they did, Superman jumped out, and began to move the turntable, slowly spinning the train 180˚ around. Then, they all parked the train inside of a shed.

Wonder Woman climbed down from the cab, and dusted her clothes. "Okay let's go and find Braedey in town." She told the two men, and they all nodded. Soon, the three headed off down following the tracks, wondering where they could lead them to.

The three heroes in disguise walked down the tracks. It was getting a little bit frustrating for them to walk about. Soon, the three come up to a train station, but as they look at what's behind it, they were surprised.

"Talk about starting up small." Superman whistled, as he followed Batman and Wonder Woman out of the station, and down into the 1885 Western town.

The entire town looked just like what a Western town in the movies would look like, whilst horses and carts rode around, and people walked up and down the streets, going along with their regular daily lives.

There was an undertaker shop, a cabinet builder, a Marshall office, along with a few other shops and buildings, but the biggest one was the courthouse, which was in the modern timezone where the heroes came from. The building seemed to be in the early stages of its construction, and without its large clock.

"Hey, guys. Check it out." Superman pointed over to a corner hotel-saloon. "Let's go and see."

"Actually, I'll go and take a look. Maybe I can find out where Braedey might be hiding." Diana tells Clark, as she walked in, while Clark and Bruce wait outside.

As Diana walked in, the saloon seemed rather dark, especially with the natural light coming in from the windows outside. Men sat at round small tables, either placing some cards, or poker, reading a newspaper, or just having a drink. Diana walked around the tables up to the bar, where the bartender noticed the newcomer.

"What'll it be, stranger?" The bartender asked the Amazon in disguise.

Diana wasn't exactly sure what the bar might have, and she didn't really want to drink anything, but she was thirsty. "Well...what do you have around here?" She asked kindly.

"Well, we have whiskey." The bartender poured a shot glass of whiskey, but as he does, some of it hits the bar top, making it burn a little, and made some smoke appear.

Diana looked at where the whiskey spilt onto the table, and was flabbergasted at how strong a whiskey could be. "Whoa..." She whispered, then looked over to the bartender. "Hey, bartender."


"Me and my friends are trying to find a blacksmith in town. Do you know where he is?" Diana asked, unaware that someone had just entered the saloon.

"Hey, tall fella!!" A loud female voice called out, making Diana freeze oddly. She was actually worried to know who owned that voice. She slowly turned around, and looked to who was over at the door. "You're sitting in my-"

The person was a 22yr old woman, with bright scarlet red hair reaching down to her buttocks, dark brown eyes, and a gently tan face. She had an exaggerated and well-shaped hourglass body, with a pair of rather large breasts, while she had killer hips and a slimmed down waist. Also, her legs look like they'd be those supermodels would die for. She was in a tight black shirt, which seemed to be straining to hold in her impressive assets, whilst showing a large cleavage, and revealing a little bit of her red bra, and revealing her slim stomach and abdomen, a rather short black skirt, which showed off her impressive hips and legs, and if anyone, man or woman, could get a peek when it moves in the wind, they'd see the red frilly and very detailed bikini brief. She had pitch black leggings reaching up just below her knees, and knee-length high black high-heel boots.

The woman looked over at Diana with an oddly curious expression. "Well, well. Look what we have here." The woman walked over to the bar, with three of her partners with her.

Two of them had blonde hair reaching down to her shoulders, while the third had black hair in a bob cut. The first blonde had an hourglass figure, but smaller than the scarlet woman, while the second blonde had a slender form, and the black hair was a bit portly around her stomach area.

"You kin to that bay barber?" The scarlet woman asked Diana, as she looked around the bar and saloon. "What's your name, dude?"

"The name's Diana." The Amazonian in disguise told them her name. "What about you?"

"Hey, fellas." The first blonde showed Diana's shiny teeth. "Have you taken a look at these pearly whites? I ain't teeth that straight that weren't store brought."

The bartender then got some glasses out, but before the bartender poured some drink, the scarlet woman stopped him with a whip she had with her. "Bartender. I'm looking for that no-good, cheating, backstabbing blacksmith in town. You've seen him?" She asked.

"No, Miss Valentine. I have not." The bartender slowly walked away, and the name made Diana think about the name.

"Wait...'Valentine'..." Diana then realised something. "You're 'Poisonous Beauty' Valentine." She pointed to the woman, who's name was now known as Scarlet.

"Yeah..." Scarlet slowly walked forward, making Lucy feel uncomfortable about this woman. " about you and I...have some fun?" She asked, almost with a kinky tone of voice.

"How about..." Diana took a small step back. "RUN!!" She then ran out of the saloon in the blink of an eye, making all the four women look over in her direction in surprise, as the two doors swung around.

Clark and Bruce saw Diana suddenly running out of the saloon, and heading down the street, but they soon saw why. Scarlet and her lackeys then jump onto their horses, and they soon ride off after the Amazon in disguise, with Scarlet holding a lasso. Clark wanted to show that woman what for, but Bruce shook his head to him, knowing they cannot reveal their inhuman abilities to this past world. So, the two head off to the courthouse, which was right under construction, and head for cover.

Diana sprinted as fast as she could, without using any of her Amazon power, but didn't get far from Scarlet. The redhead threw the lasso around Diana, and began to drag her down the street. Scarlet and her lackeys laugh, whilst they rode up to the courthouse, with Diana coughing and gasping for air, after getting a mouthful of dust and dirt. Also, her clothes looked rather dusty and tattered now, and worse for wear.

"We've got ourselves a new courthouse!!" Scarlet yelled out to the crowds that had gathered up. "It's high time we had a hanging!" She forced Diana up to her feet, then wrapped some rope around her neck, tied it to a pulley, and as it goes up, it pulled Diana up, strangling her, whilst Scarlet and her lackeys laughed and pointed to her.

"Look at her sway!" The black hair lackey laughed.

Unbeknown to them, someone was slowly walking to them at a stalking pace. The footsteps sounded menacing, with each footstep crunching against the dirt. In the person's hands, was a Winchester 1883 flip-handle action shotgun, but with a scope fitted to the top of the gun. The person pulled out the scope, cocked the gun, and aimed it up at the rope. The gun fired, cutting the rope, and making Diana hit the ground, whilst the shooter reloaded the gun, and aimed it at Scarlet, whilst her lackeys aimed at the person.

"It'll shoot the fleas off a dog's back at 5,000 yards, Valentine." The person spoke in a male voice, though his face was hidden under a dark brown fedora-like hat. "And it's pointed straight at your head!!"

Scarlet motioned her lackeys to put their guns down, while she confronted the shooter. As she does so, Bruce and Clark helped Diana up on her feet. Then, they saw the person who saved Diana's life. The man flipped up his hat, with a flick of his fingers, and it revealed to be Braedey!! He was now wearing cloths in dark blue and silver, and had an Indiana Jones-like hat, with the Winchester gun in his hand, a whip on his left, accompanied with a pistol.

"You owe me money, blacksmith." Scarlet started.

"How do you figure?" Braedey asked.

"My horse threw a shoe. Since you's the one that's done the shoeing, I'd say that makes you responsible." Scarlet pointed to him.

"Well, since you never paid me for the job, I'd say that makes us even." Braedey interjected to her.

"Wrong! You see, I was on my horse when it threw the shoe, and I got thrown off! And that caused me to bust a perfectly good bottle of fine Kentucky redeye." Braedey rolled his eyes at Scarlet's ranting, and saw the two male heroes and his mother. "So, the way I see it blacksmith, you owe me $5 for the whiskey, and $75 for the horse!!"

"That's the $80." Diana coughed, as Clark helped her up.

"Look, if your horse threw a shoe, bring him back, and I'll re-shoe him." Braedey yelled back.

"I done shot that horse!"

"Well, that's your problem, Scarlet."

"Wrong! That's yours. From now on, you better be looking behind you when you walk. Cause one day, you're gonna get a bullet in your back!!"

"So be it, matchstick."

With that, Scarlet and her lackeys raced away on their horses, as everyone headed off back to their regular work. Braedey watched them go, then looked over to the three founding members of the Justice League.

"Braedey." Diana ran up to him, and hugged her son tightly, whilst Bruce and Clark walked up to the two.

"Guys. Mum. I'm so happy to see you again." Braedey hugged Diana back, and the others patted his shoulders. "Okay. Come on. Let's go to the workshop so we can catch up."


"'Shot in the back by Scarlet Valentine over a matter of $80?'" Braedey read the picture from the present. "'September 7th?' That's this Monday!" He realised. "Now, I wish I payed that stupid redhead matchstick off." He then read the bottom of the tombstone in the photo. "And who is this 'beloved Clarabel'? I don't know anybody that's named Clarabel."

"Not sure, Braedey." Clark replied, as he looks at the large machine Braedey had in the barn. "Maybe she was a girlfriend, or something."

"Clark. My involvement in such a social relationship, here in 1885, could result in a disruption of the space-time continuum." Braedey explained, whilst Diana was sitting up in the rafters. "As something as serious as that, I cannot take that risk."

"Braedey!" Someone called out from outside the barn. "Hello, Braedey!" The person turned out to be Hubert, the town mayor.

"Hey, Hubert." Braedey walked over to the front doors of the barn. "Hang on a second. I'll be right back." He called back, and walked over to Hubert.

"You remember last week at the town meeting when you volunteered to meet the new schoolteacher at the station after she came in?" Hubert asked.

"Oh yes, quite so." Braedey replied.

"Well, we just got word she's comin' in tomorrow. Here are the details for ya." Hubert then gave Braedey a sheet of paper about the schoolteacher. "Thanks for all your help."

"Anytime, Hubert!" Braedey walked off back to the barn, whilst Hubert prepared to leave in his cart buggy.

"Oh, her name's Miss Benson. Clarabel Benson." Hubert called to Braedey, as his buggy pulled away with him onboard.

Braedey stopped, then looked at the letter in his hand, just as Diana climbed down from the rafters above.

"Well, now we know who this Clarabel is." Clark said,
Showing a smirk on his face.

"Clark, it's impossible." Braedey interjected. "The idea that I could fall in love at first sight is nothing but romantic nonsense. I mean, it sounds like rubbish."

"I'm not sure, but I guess it couldn't hurt." Diana said.

"Well, I guess Miss Benson will have to find other transportation." Braedey turned to them. "If I don't meet a woman, there's no possibility for a romantic infatuation, right?"

"You're the doc, Braedey." Clark nodded.

"But, what's the best solution to get the locomotive back to 88?" Batman asked. "We managed to use 3 miles of track in the modern time, but where can we find that amount of track?"

Braedey turned to the Dark Knight, and smiled. "I know just the tracks." He replied.


A/N: what plans does Braedey have in line? What does Clarabel Benson look like? Will Scarlet Valentine get her comeuppance?

Find out next time on 'Back In Time Pt. 3'

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