Back In Time Pt. 3

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"Well, I guess Miss Benson will have to find other transportation." Braedey turned to them. "If I don't meet a woman, there's no possibility for a romantic infatuation, right?"

"You're the doc, Braedey." Clark nodded.

"But, what's the best solution to get the locomotive back to 88?" Batman asked. "We managed to use 3 miles of track in the modern time, but where can we find that amount of track?"

Braedey turned to the Dark Knight, and smiled. "I know just the tracks." He replied.


"Here." Braedey pointed to a line that separates from the main track, leading to a canyon, written on a map. "This spur runs off the mainline 3.2 miles out to Benson Canyon. It's a long stretch of slightly downhill but level track, that still exists in 2016. This is where we'll do the run with the locomotive." Then, he saw something on the map. "Funny. This map calls Benson Canyon 'Balakovo Canyon'. Guess that's what they called it that back then. It's perfect: a nice long stretch that goes clear across the bridge over the canyon, you know, the one that leads off to the residential housing development."

"Yeah, Braedey. But, according to this map..." Clark pointed to the canyon on the map, seeing a problem.

"There's no bridge that leads over Benson Canyon." Diana then pointed out.


"Well, Braedey. That idea's scrapped." Clark sighed, as he and Braedey walked off the start of the trestle bridge that'll span the Balakovo/Benson Canyon in 1895. "We can't wait a year and a half for the bridge to get finished."

"It's perfect, Clark. You're just not thinking fourth-dimensionally." Braedey told Clark, as they walk back to their horses.

"What are you talking about?" Clark asked.

"Don't you see? The bridge will exist in 2016. It's safe and still in use." Braedey explained. "Therefore, as long as we get the locomotive up to 88mph before we hit the edge of the ravine, we'll instantaneously arrive at a point in time where the bridge is completed. We'll have track under us, and coast safely across the canyon."

Suddenly, a woman's scream get the two men's attention. They looked down over the tracks, and they saw a woman, possibly around the same age or a year older than the Amazonian, in a horse and cart, and it seemed to be out of control.

"Great Hera!" Braedey got his horse into a sprint, chasing after the horse and cart, as Clark followed suit.

Braedey raced after the cart, chasing after it like a very determined greyhound in a race would, closing the gap between him and the woman's cart, and prepared to grab her off the cart. As he got closer, he saw they were rounding the bend nearby the canyon, and there was a large rock in the way.

"Jump!" Braedey yelled to the woman, and she then jumped onto his horse, just before the rock hits the wagon. As Tyler stopped his horse, the wagon flipped over, cab over wheels, and fell off the cliff. Braedey watched, and saw the wagon hit the ground with a loud crash. "Whoa. Easy, boy." Braedey calmed his horse, just as Clark rode up, and stopped nearby.

"Thank you, sir." The woman gasped from the shock, then pulled the large hat off of her face. "You saved my..." She stopped, as she stared at Tyler's rather handsome face, looking surprised. ""

Braedey pulled off his hat to reveal his hair to the woman. "Mr. Braedey Diana at your service, Miss..."

"Benson." The woman revealed her name. "Clarabel Benson."

Clarabel was around a year older than Braedey, with gentle silky cream skin, with an angelic face, gentle brown eyes, light brown hair done into a French braid, and with a small red bow in her hair. She had a body shape almost similar to Scarlet, only half the size, but she still had nice curves. She was in a sleeveless, ankle-length maroon red dress with a pleated skirt. The chest was adorn by a large, pink bow, and similarly coloured trimming that framed the ample neckline, acting like straps, and circled around the waist. She also had high-heeled shoes that matched her dress, and accessorised with a small chain necklace with a blue oval gem attached to it, and a bracelet made of white flowers circling her right wrist.

"Clarabel..." Braedey spoke slowly, as Clark looked at the letter Mayor Hubert gave Braedey a few days prior, and realises this was the schoolteacher. "What an adorable and beautiful name..."


Later in the afternoon, Clark and Braedey helped out Clarabel to her cottage house. It was nestled in some green trees far from town, but not too far for a walk.

"I will see you again, won't I?" Clarabel asked Braedey.

"Of course." Braedey replied, as Clark climbed up on his horse. "You'll see lots of me. I work with my buddy in town. I'm a local mechanic- I mean, blacksmith."

"Braedey, we have to get going." Clark got Braedey's attention.

"Excuse us, Clarabel. We have to get going." Braedey walked out of Clarabel's front yard, and locked the front gate. "See you soon." He waved to her, and she waved back. With that, he got back on his horse, and both he and Clark rode off for town.

"Braedey, did you see the look Clarabel was giving you?" Clark asked Braedey. "She almost looked like she'd wish for you to be with her."

"She did have quite a scare." Braedey replied. "After all, Miss Benson almost ended up at the bottom of Benson Canyon-" He then stopped, as he thinks.

"Wait..." Clark thought, then has a theory. "Braedey! Benson Canyon was named after a schoolteacher. They say she fell in there 131 years ago."

"131 years ago? That's this year!" Braedey realised.

"Every kid in the school knows that story." Clark laughed a little.

"Great Hera!" Braedey realised in shock, realising what he had just done. "Then, she was supposed to go over in that wagon." A dawning realisation hits him. "Now, I might have seriously altered history."

"Braedey, what's the worse that could happen? So they don't name the canyon after her. They'll call it Balakovo Canyon from now on." Tyler told his friend. "Come on, lets go."


"Braedey. This is Clark. Do you copy? Over." Clark called on the walkie-talkie.

"Check, Clark." Braedey called back.

"Great. These still work." Clark spoke on the radio.

"Okay, everyone. Let's go over the entire plan and the layout." Braedey and the others gathered around a large and long table, which had a scale-model railway. "Sorry about the crudity of the model. I didn't have time to build to scale or even paint it."

"It looks good." Diana told him.

"Oh, thank you." Braedey walked over to the other side of the table with a model train in his hand. "Tomorrow night, Sunday, we'll get the train down on the spur, right by the abandoned silver mine." He points to the sign saying 'Silver Mine' and 'Start Here'.

"The switch track is where the spur runs off the main line, 3.2 miles out to Coolsville Canyon." Braedey pointed to a model bridge end. He then began to push the model train down the tracks, up to the incomplete bridge end. "According to my calculations, we'll reach 88 miles per hour before he hit the edge of the canyon, at which we'll be instantly transported back to 2016, and coast safely across the completed bridge."

"What does this sign mean? 'Point Of No Return'." Diana pointed to a little windmill with the sign.

"That, is our failsafe point." Braedey informed her. "Up until there, we still have enough time to stop. But, once we pass the windmill, it's back to the future or bust."

Just then, a knocking came from outside the barn doors. "Hello?" A woman's voice called out from outside. "Braedey?"

"It's Clarabel." Beaedey realised who's voice it was, as the barn door opens. "Hello. This is a surprise."

"Hello." Clarabel greeted. She seemed to be carrying a long case. "I hope I'm not disturbing anything."

"Oh, no." Braedey shrugged it off.

"Braedey, when my bags were thrown from the wagon, my telescope was damaged." Clarabel explained to him. "And since you have a mechanical mind, I was hoping you could repair it for me. I would pay you."

"No." Braedey took the box with the telescope inside it. "I wouldn't think of charging you for this."

"I think the lens are out of place." Clarabel told him, as Braedey looked through the scope, whilst she turned the lens knobs. "Because, if you turn it this way, the image turns fuzzy." She then turned another knob. "But, if you turn it the other way..."

Braedey moved the scope away from his eye, and looked to Clarabel. "Everything...becomes...clear..." He whispered to her, looking like he was in a trance.

Diana noticed this, and she couldn't help but smile at her son. Now, he had finally found someone to be with and love.

Bruce cleared his throat, making Clarabel and Braedey move back. "Miss Benson, Braedey will have the telescope ready for you tonight." He told her.

"But, tonight's the town festival." Clarabel interjected. "You are planning to attend?"

"Of course." Braedey smiled to her.

"Okay. Then, I'll see you at the festival." Clarabel walked over to the door. "Thank you for taking care of my telescope."

"You're welcome." Braedey nodded to her, and Clarabel left the barn.

"It's a nice telescope." Diana told Braedey, who seemed to be locked in a trance with Clarabel.


"Ladies and Gentlemen." Mayor Hubert got the large crowd's attention. "As Mayor of Coolsville, it gives me great pleasure, to dedicate this clock, to the people of Hill County." The crowd cheers out. "May it stand for all time!! Tell me when, gentlemen." He tells some men.

"Three...Two...One...Now!" The men counted down, and once reaching zero, Mayor Hubert started the clock. It began to tick, moving in rhythm. The crowds cheered out, as fireworks launched off the unfinished courthouse.

"Let the festivities begin!!" Mayor Hubert declared, bowing with his top hat off.

Braedey, with Clark, Bruce and Diana, looked to the clock, and back to his friends and mother. "Hey, guys. It's rather fitting we are all here to witness this event." He told them.

"Too bad we left our phones and cameras back home." Clark sighed, then an 1885 style camera flash got his attention. He looked to the others, and smiled. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked.

The photographer, standing behind the camera, looked to the Justice League in disguise. "Ready, lady and gentlemen?" He asked.

Braedey was on the left, with Tyler on the right, whilst Rex is in the middle, with Diana.

"The only problem about this, is that we can't show it to anyone." Braedey told the others.

"Braedey, dear." Diana got his attention. "Smile." She told him, and they all smiled to the camera, which took their picture.

Soon, music began to play, and games commence, and the festival was underway. Braedey had to admit, the music was great, and it's got a beat anyone can dance to.

Then, as Diana looked about for her son, to her shock, she saw Braedey dancing with Clarabel at the dancing circle, and he seemed to be happy!!

Clarabel was wearing a gentle chocolate brown dress reaching down to just above her feet, whilst a small blue bow was tied in her hair, and Braedey was very sharp in his new clothing.


Meanwhile, Scarlet and her group had arrive with her lackeys, but she's wearing a jet black hat with a big black coat over her body, concealing every part of her body, but hiding something rather sexualised.

"You sure the blacksmith's gonna be here at this shindig?" The first blonde woman asks Scarlet.

"He's here. Everyone's here tonight." Scarlet replies, and she, along with her posse, walk into town unseen by the sheriff and the Marshall.

"There he is, Scarlet." The second blonde tells her.

"Where?" Scarlet asks.

"There. Just by the dancers." The second blonde points the blacksmith out.

"Whatcha gonna do, Scarlet?" The raven haired asks.

Scarlet takes off her coat, now revealing what she's wearing, along with her hat. She's wearing some kind of dominatrix outfit, revealing a rather large amount of her skin, whilst covering over her privates and the front of her breasts. But, is showed off her abdomen, her bare arms, most of her buttocks and thighs, along with a rather large amount of her cleavage, whilst also wearing black knee-high boots, and forearm covers. Finally, she has stud earrings, and her hair tied into a high ponytail.

Then, she pulls out a little pistol, a Derringer, out of her hat. "I think, if I bury the muzzle deep enough in his back, nobody will hear the shot." Scarlet tells her posse.

"Careful, Scarlet. You've only got the one bullet." The first blonde tells her.

"I only need the one." Scarlet then walks ahead.

Braedey danced about with Clarabel on the dance floor, and thought it was a rather settling sight, and he loved it. But then, his thoughts derailed, as he felt the muzzle of a gun being pushed up against his back.

"I told you to watch your back, smithy." Scarlet whispered to Braedey in his ear, as Clarabel looked in horror.

"Valentine. You're dead early." Braedey snapped.

"A Derringer. Small but lethal. Last time I used this, fella took two whole days to die. Means you'll be dead by suppertime Monday." Scarlet explained, unaware that someone was behind her. Then, she felt a hand grip her shoulder tightly, and she looked back to see Diana. "What-"

"Back...away...from my...son." Diana then threw the dominatrix clad woman over Braedey into the centre of the dance floor, as the music stopped, and everyone looked around.

"Damn you, Scarlet." Braedey told her, as Scarlet gets to her feet.

"I damn you..." Scarlet pointed her gun to Braedey's head. "I damn you TO HELL!!" She screamed out, but as she pulled the trigger, a boot collided with the gun. The bullet fired, and it knocked Braedey's hat off his head. Diana looked over, and sees it was Clark who kicked Scarlet's hand and the gun.

"You..." Scarlet snarled, and threw the gun away.

"Lighten up, you redhead jerkface back-stabbing bastard!" Clark suddenly swore, much to his allies', and to Scarlet's shock as well.

Scarlet looked at her lackeys, who shrugged, and turned back to Clark. "Mighty strong words! You man enough to back them up with more than just a boot?" She asked.

"I can back everyone in this town with a train!" Clark told her. Then, he had an idea. "If you think your so tough, why don't we settle it on Monday? Out in the street? Out front of the saloon?"

"Gladly. At 7 o' clock!" Scarlet told him.

"Made it 8." Clark told her, and cracked his neck.

"Hey, break it up." The Marshall then walked up. "You causing trouble, Scarlet?"

"No trouble, Marshall." Scarlet replied. "Just a little personal matter between me and..." She doesn't know Clark's name. "Wait. What's your name?"

"Call me Eastwood. Clint Eastwood." Clark gave a false persona, and Braedey thought this might cause something to happen. "Sorry, Marshall. It was Scarlet threatening to shoot my buddy back there." He motioned to Braedey, who got his hat back on. "Come on, folks! This is a party, everyone! Let's have some fun!" He called to the crowds, and the band played again.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." The Marshall told Clark, and walked away.

"8 o' clock on Monday, Eastwood." Scarlet told Tyler, as she pointed at his chest. "If you ain't here, I'll hunt you and shoot you down like a duck."

"It's 'dog', Valentine. Shoot him down like a dog." The second blonde told Scarlet.

"Let's go, girls!" Scarlet screamed out, tears actually threatening to fall from her eyes. "Let's these sissies have their little party!" With that, Scarlet Valentine left with her partners.

"Clark, what in the heck do you think you're doing?" Braedey asks the Kryptonian.

"Don't worry. We're gonna be back home before we know it." Clark reassured him, then showed a Colt Peacemaker and gun belt wrapped around his waist. "And, if she comes looking for trouble, I'll be ready."

Braedey then saw Clarabel walking up. "I'll see you all later. I'm gonna go and take Clarabel home."

"See you later, Braedey." Clark nodded to him, and with that, the Amazon child's left with his date.


The next morning, Clark and Diana were walking down the street, whilst Bruce checked on the train. As they walked through town, they saw Braedey, but with a lavender brooch on with the name 'Clarabel' on his shirt.

"Braedey? What are you doing?" Clark asked, as he and Diana walked up to him.

"What? Oh, nothing." Braedey replied, sounding relaxed. "I'm just enjoying the morning air. It's nice, isn't it?" He asked.

"Listen, Braedey. We need to get ready to go-" Diana noticed a tombstone that said 'Here Lies'. "Look. The tombstone."

Braedey looked at it. "Clark, let me the see the photo again." Tyler gave the young Amazon the photo, and he saw his name wasn't on the tombstone now. "My name. It's vanished."

"That's great, Braedey." Diana said in happiness. "You see? We go back to the future, and everything's been erased."

"But, only my name is erased." Braedey interjected. "The tombstone itself and the date still remain. That doesn't make any sense. We now know what this photograph represents, if the events of today continue to run their course onto tomorrow."

Just then, a man in a black suit and top hat walked up, and began to take Clark's measurements. "Excuse me, Mr. Eastwood. I just need to take your measurements."

"Sir, what's this for?" Diana asked.

"This is for his coffin." The man replied.

"His coffin?" Diana asked in shock.

"Well, the odds are running 2-1 against him. Might as well be prepared." The man then walked off back to the 'Undertaker' shop.

"So, it may not be my name that's supposed to end up on the tombstone. It maybe yours, Clark Kent." Braedey told the Kryptonian in disguise.

"Great Hera." Diana gasped in shock. "What do we do now?"

"We continue with our plan." Braedey told her, as they walked away from the 'Undertaker' shops and headed off to the barn. "We will leave tomorrow morning before anything else happens." With that, they head off to check on Bruce and the GWR engine.


A/N: will they get home in one piece? Will Scarlet Valentine get her comeuppance? And what about Clarabel Benson?

Find out next time on 'Back In Time Pt. 4'

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