Back In Time Pt. 4

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Just then, a man in a black suit and top hat walked up, and began to take Clark's measurements. "Excuse me, Mr. Eastwood. I just need to take your measurements."

"Sir, what's this for?" Diana asked.

"This is for his coffin." The man replied.

"His coffin?" Diana asked in shock.

"Well, the odds are running 2-1 against him. Might as well be prepared." The man then walked off back to the 'Undertaker' shop.

"So, it may not be my name that's supposed to end up on the tombstone. It maybe yours, Clark Kent." Braedey told the Kryptonian in disguise.

"Great Hera." Diana gasped in shock. "What do we do now?"

"We continue with our plan." Braedey told her, as they walked away from the 'Undertaker' shops and headed off to the barn. "We will leave tomorrow morning before anything else happens." With that, they head off to check on Bruce and the GWR engine.

(Abandoned Silver Mine)
(3.2 Miles From Balakovo Canyon)

At the abandoned silver mine, Diana and Clark were doing some final minute adjustments to the train, and making sure it was ready for action. All the while, Bruce was watching as Guard on top of an old tower.

Just then, Braedey walked around from the back of the tender of the train. "Mum. Clark. I need to tell you something." He told them.

"What's wrong, Braedey?" Diana asked.

"I've made a decision. I can't go home with you two and Bruce tomorrow." Braedey explained.

"What? What do you mean, Braedey?" Clark asked.

"I cannot deny it any further. I am truly in love with Clarabel." Braedey told them.

"Braedey. We don't belong here. Not one of us!!" Diana nearly screamed at him. "You know, I could very well be you that gets shot tomorrow." She then pulled out the photograph. "This tombstone could still be in your future."

"Mum. The future isn't written." Braedey took the photo. "It can be changed. Anyone can make their future whatever they want it to be. I can't let this little insignificant photograph determine my entire destiny and existence. I need to live my life to what I believe, in here." He pointed to his chest.

"Braedey. Listen to reason." Diana told him, and then placed the palm of her hand on his forehead. "You're part of the Justice League. So, you tell me; what's the right thing to do, up here, not in there?" She was referring to his brain and not his heart. She then took her hand off.

Braedey thought for a moment, then looked from his mother to the photo. He thought for another moment, then comes to a final conclusion. "You know what, Mum? You're right."

Diana sighed, and hugged her son. "Finally. You now listen to reason." She said.

"But, I'd better go and say 'goodbye' to her." Braedey then said.

"Braedey, hold on a second." Clark stopped him. "Think about it. What are you gonna tell her? 'I've got to go back to the future?' She's not gonna understand that. Heck, we're in this whole thing, and we know it."

"Why...why don't we take Clarabel with us?" Diana suggested.

"To the future?" Braedey looked to his mother. "As you already know Mum, I had already disrupted the space-time continuum when I rescued Clarabel from falling into the canyon, and thus, she can live." He walked to her. "I'll go to her house, and I'll tell her to get her things packed. Once done that, we'll meet up back here. But, if we don't get back here by dawn, either you or Clark can head into town to see what's going on."

"Okay. Just, be careful." Diana hugged him again, and he headed off to Clarabel's house.


Clarabel, who was getting ready for bed, was looking at herself in the mirror inside her home. She was now wearing a dark pink nightgown, whilst her hair was in a French braid. She then heard someone knocking on her door. She stood up, wiped the front of her gown to get rid of the wrinkles, and walked over to the front door. As she opened it, she saw Braedey standing on her front porch.

"Braedey. This is a bit of a surprise." Clarabel said in surprise. "What brings you over?" She asked.

"I'm here to tell you...that I'm gonna say goodbye." Braedey told her first, and Clarabel looked confused.

"Goodbye? Why?" She asked. "Why do you have to leave?" She seemed distressed.

"Clarabel, listen." Braedey held her arms gently, as she looked into his bright blue eyes. "Me, along with three other folks are leaving tomorrow morning, right after Clint Eastwood deals with Scarlet. Once that's done, we'll be going somewhere far away from here." He then lets go of her arms, and fixed up his jacket. "Sorry, Clarabel. I'd better get going."

"Wait." Clarabel reached her hands out, and grabbed Braedey's left arm, making him turn to her. "If you are going anywhere, I'm going with you." She told him.

"But, I'm not sure of how you'll be able to go through the changes." Braedey interjected.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that. I'm going with you." Clarabel insisted, and Braedey knew she wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer. "Can I go with you?"

"I...okay. You can come along with me." Braedey told her, and she lets go of his arm. Then, she headed back inside, changed clothes, and began to pack her bags. In only a few short minutes, she walked out onto the front porch, with her bags all packed. "Okay. Let's get going."

"Allow me." Braedey picked up her bags, and soon strapped them to one of Clarabel's horses. "Okay. We'll go into town, and what do you say we get some drinks?" He asked.

"I guess so." Clarabel replied, and Braedey picked her up, and placed her on the horse's back. Then, he climbed up, and sat behind her.

With that, the two rode off into town at a gentle pace, unaware of what will happen tomorrow morning.


The next morning, Diana woke up inside the cab of the locomotive, whilst Clark and Bruce were sleeping around a small campfire outside. As she looked around, she saw no sign of Braedey.

"Where is he?" Diana looked around. She got out of the train, then ran over to Clark. "Clark. Wake up. Braedey hasn't come back."

Clark then woke up, and saw what she meant. Then, he pulled out the photo of the tombstone, and saw something slowly starting to appear on it. "Come on."

He then jumped onto one of the horses, as Diana does so also, and they ride off into town, whilst Bruce stayed behind to deal with the train.

As they rode into town, they ran to the saloon, and they saw Braedey, who was knocked unconscious, and Clarabel was trying to wake him up.

Diana forced her son to sit up, and looked at him. "Braedey? Braedey, can you hear me?" He then turned to the bartender. "What happened?"

"He had a cup of a mixture Scarlet usually had, but he didn't know what it was, and he fell unconscious." The bartender explained, as Clarabel tapped the sides of Braedey's face, trying to wake him up.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Clarabel said. And she was right.

"Are you in there, Eastwood?" Scarlet's voice echoed out from outside, and Clark looked over to the large clock outside from the window, seeing it wasn't even 8:00 in the morning.. "It's eight o'clock, and I'm calling you out."

Clark stepped into view in the windows. "It's not even 8:00 yet!"

"It is by my watch! Let's settle this once and for all, runt." Scarlet yelled out back. "Or ain't you got the gumption?"

Clark looked at the photo, of the tombstone from his pocket and saw the photograph now read "Here Lies Clint Eastwood" on the tombstone. He was shocked. Slowly, he gulps. "Listen. I'm not really feeling up to this today. So I'm gonna have to forfeit!" He called to Scarlet.

"Forfeit? Forfeit!" Scarlet then turned to one of her gang members. What does that mean?" She asked.

" means that you win without a fight." The first blonde replied to her.

"Without shootin'?" Scarlet asked in surprise, and the first blonde nodded. "Hey, he cant do that." She then yelled to Clark. "You can't do that! You know what I think? I think you're a gutless yella turd."

Clark stopped for a moment, then sighed. "She's an idiot and a freak show!" He said, making everyone look in surprise to the Kryptonian in surprise. "I don't care what Scarlet says! And I don't care what anybody else says either."

At that moment, Braedey shot up waking up, and he clutched his head. "Whoa!" He groaned.

"Braedey, are you okay??!!" Diana and Clarabel asked him, and he nodded in pain.

"I think so..." Braedey groaned. "Whoa, what a headache."

"Have you got a back door to this place?" Clark asked the bartender, who's name was now identified as Chester.

"Yeah, it's in the back." Chester replied.

"C'mon, Braedey. Let's go." Diana and Clarabel help Braedey get his bearings, then lead him out to the back.

"Are you comin' out here, or do I have to go in there after ya?" Scarlet asked Clark, who was nowhere to be seen.

Behind the saloon, Braedey, Diana, Clarabel, and Clark escape out the back door of the saloon, and they start climbing down some stairs in an alleyway.

"The thing I'm gonna miss here is the fresh breeze." Braedey said, as they got down to some barrels next to the stairs.

But, as they do, the black-haired gang member turned to look down the alley, and spotted them. "Hey!" She called out, and whipped out her gun, along with the second blonde, and they fired bullets. Diana, along with Clarabel and Clark, ducked for cover in the adjacent building, whilst Braedey ducked behind some barrels, which the bullets hit. "Reach, blacksmith!" The black-haired gang member ordered, and Braedey held his hands up.

Inside the building opposite the saloon, Diana, Clark, and Clarabel watched out of one of the windows, as Scarlet and her gang members held Doc by gunpoint, holding him hostage.

"Listen up, Eastwood!" Scarlet yelled out to Clark. "I intend to shoot somebody today and I'd prefer it to be you. But if you're just too damn yella, I guess it'll just have to be you're blacksmith friend." She looked to Braedey.

"Forget about me, guys, and save yourself!" Braedey called out to them, as Scarlet pulled out a small pocket watch.

"You got one minute to decide. You hear me runt? One minute!" Scarlet called out to them.

Clark, Diana, and Clarabel moved away from the window. They weren't sure of what to do, and both Clarabel and Diana were scared and worried for Braedey. But, Clark had an idea, and it involved with a piece of metal attached to his chest.


A minute later, Clark didn't step out, and Scarlet was getting annoyed. "Time is up." She called out, then pulled out her gun, cocked back the hammer, and aimed it at Braedey's head, who froze. "Prepare to meet your maker, blacksmith. Say goodnight." She told him, and grinned evilly.

"I'm right here, Scarlet." Clark called out, making Scarlet turn around, and notice him. Her lackeys then pulled Braedey away, as the Kryptonian in disguise and the scarlet haired woman prepared to duel.

They assumed positions seen in normal shooting scenes in the Western movies. A crowd gathered around them - everyone who was in the saloon comes out and so do all the townspeople nearby, and they all watched.

"Draw!" Scarlet called.

"You first." Clark called back, and Scarlet smiled evilly.

"Gladly." The redhead whipped out her gun, fired once, hitting Clark in the chest, and he hits the ground with a thud.

Braedey froze almost instantly, as he looked at Clark with wide eyes. He couldn't believe it. The Son of Krypton, the Man Of Steel, Superman, was shot dead before his very eyes.

'No!! This can't be!! He can't die! It's impossible!' Braedey thought to himself in disbelief. 'This cannot be! How could he die from one little bullet! He can shake off a nuclear explosion, for Hera's sake!'

Scarlet walked over to Clark's lifeless body, feeling rather cocky with her work, but she wasn't sure she had finished him off. She cocked back the hammer on her gun, but then, to everyone's shock, Clark kicked the gun out of her hand, and he stood back up!!

Scarlet, getting over her shock, curled up her right fist, and punched the Kryptonian in the chest, but as her fist made contact, it felt like she just punched into solid steel, and she screamed out in pain, making everyone around her and Clark look over to her. As she held her injured hand, Clark, who was smiling smugly, pulled up his shirt, revealing the front flap of an oven stove on the front of his chest, held up by some string. He took it off, and held it at the ready.

(A/N: cue the music from 'Back To The Future' when Marty beats up Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen during this scene)

Scarlet screamed out, preparing to beat the man up, but he swung the stove cover at her face, making her stumble back and fall over. Clark threw away the stove cover, and prepares to fight. Throughout the street, people began to watch what was going on. Then, to everyone's surprise, Clark l started to throw the punches. He threw a left hook to Scarlet's face, making her stumble back, and as she tried to throw another, the Man Of Steel in disguise punched her again, making her stumble away and bash her head into the tombstone, breaking it in two. As Scarlet mumbled to herself, and slowly got back up, Clark winds back his fist, then punched her square in the face, making her spin on her heel, then lean forward, and fall to the floor with a thud.

The crowd around Clark cheered out, and 'Eastwood' held his hands up in a 'power-up' fashion. Braedey smiled, then had a cheeky thought and idea, and it was something he wanted to do to Scarlet ever since he had met her when he spent his 8 months in 1885. He pushed through the crowds, then walked up to Scarlet. He knelt down to her, and snickered.

"Time to get myself a souvenir." He said to the crowds around him, who were confused, as Diana, Clark, and Clarabel watched with confusion as well. Then, to everyone's pleasure of laughter, and to Diana and Clarabel's unexpectedness, he miraculously pulled off both Scarlet's bra and bikini brief off in a flash, and held them up. "Payback's a bastard, isn't it!!" He said, as the crowds laughed at Scarlet's embarrassment.

"Wait! Look." Diana saw the tombstone head, and Clark pulled out the photo. Then, to his and Diana's shock and amazement, the tombstone in the photo vanished pole it never existed at all. "Yes!" They said.

Braedey walked over to the three, as Clarabel came over to him. He smiled, and held out Scarlet's bright red underwear. "Check it: a little souvenir for the road." He said to them.

"Okay. Let's get going." Diana then climbed onto her horse, as Clarabel and Braedey climbed onto their horse, whilst Clark did so as well with his horse.

"Hi-Ho, Silver!" Braedey called, and the horse raced away with its two passengers, as Diana and Clark followed behind them, leaving the Old West behind, and heading off to meet Bruce at the silver mine and the train.

As they rode along through the Western desert, they soon see the locomotive that had left the town a few minutes prior to the fight, and it was pulling some coaches, two flatbeds of wood, and a caboose.

They rode up to the front of the train, and the train engineer blew the whistle to them, and they waved back. Then, they rode off ahead of the train, cross the tracks before the train reached them, and headed off down to the switch track.


Meanwhile, Bruce was finally finished with prepping the engine to go. He had soot, dirt, and oil on his face, and he was tired. All he needed was a good long rest, and he was fortunate to have one now. He also had put in the destination time, and had made sure there was enough coal and water for the return trip.

Just then, he heard the sound of horse galloping in the distance, and he knew the others were coming. He got up, and saw Braedey, Clarabel, Diana and Clark riding up on horses, and were ready to leave. They all got off the horses, and they rode off back to town, as if by instinct, but not before Braedey got Clarabel's belongings.

As the group began to load up and get ready, Diana noticed three coloured logs sitting on a small pedestal behind the driver's seat. "Braedey? What are these things, anyway?" She asked, as she pointed to the logs.

"They are Presto Logs." Braedey explained, and held up a green one. "Compressed wood with anthracite dust, each one chemically treated to make the fire burn hotter and longer than the last one. These three logs will light in he furnace sequentially, which will make the fire burn hotter, thus kick up the boiler pressure, and thus, make the train go faster."

"We're ready." Clark called, then blew the train's whistle.

"Right away!" Diana released the brakes, and she opened the regulator. The train released steam from its pistons and funnel, and it began to move slowly. Then, she opened it a bit further, and the train began to pick up speed. With each turn of the wheels, the sound of chugging from the pistons got stronger with each puff, and the train accelerated down the line.

Clarabel looked at the scenery going by, amazed by the sight. This was her very first trip ever by train, and she was going to be amazed by where it'll lead her.

Braedey looked at the speed, and saw where they were. "Okay. We're at 35 to 37 miles an hour." He said. "I'm throwing in the Presto Logs." He grabbed the three, then opened the two-door firebox. He then threw the colour coded logs in. One, Two, Three. Once they were in, he closed the firebox doors, and looked over to a colour coded boiler temperature gauge. "This will indicate when each log will fire. In green, yellow, and finally red. With each detonation of the log, there will be a burst of acceleration, and we'll reach 88mph just as the needle get to 2,000psi."

"What happens after it hits 2,000psi?" Clarabel asked.

"The train's boiler will be so hot, you could cook hard-boiled eggs on it, along with some pancakes and bacon." Braedey joked, and Diana laughed.

Soon enough, the train was racing at over 50 miles an hour, with the green log already blown, and now, the train was in the yellow zone. Diana saw they were making good progress, and they had already passed the windmill, the 'Point Of No Return'.

"We've passed the 'Point Of No Return'." Diana then informed the others, and they began to prep the train for the jump.

Another five minutes passed, and Braedey leaned out of the train's cab to take a look down the line. As he does so, he could make out the wooden sign at the end of the track before the canyon.

'We are almost home.' Braedey thought to himself, as Clarabel then held his shoulder and hand. 'At least Clarabel will be able to live somewhere with me, and somewhere amazing.'

Soon, the train was reaching it's full speed. As the GWR engine was reaching to the sign, Diana then pulled down on a handle, and this activated the final part for the time jump. The train suddenly vanished in the bright blue flash, and as it disappears in said flash, the fiery aura of the train raced off the start of the bridge and out across the canyons for a few more seconds, then vanished from sight.

(3.2 Miles Outside Metropolis)
(Present Day)
(1 Minute After The Time Train Left)

Back where the GWR engine had left, The Flash, Hawkgirl, along with Kara Zor-El, or known as Supergirl, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, female version of Superman, who was his cousin, was waiting for the others to return from 1885. They had waited for a good minute, but for The Flash, thanks to his speedy attitude, it felt like an eternity.

Then, two minutes later, a blue flash occurred, and out of the flash came the scarlet red GWR 4900 Class 4-6-0, and it raced off from the viaduct, heading down the line, and slowly pulled up next to the three heroes.

"Flash!" Braedey jumped down from the cab, and shook hands with the speedy man. "Hawk!" He then hugged Hawkgirl, and she hugged him back gently. "I missed you guys so much."

"We did, too. Even though you were gone for only three days." The Flash said, and Braedey laughed.

"Oh! You guys have to meet someone I met." Braedey ran back to the train, and helped down Clarabel. "This is Clarabel Benson. I met her back in 1885, and now, we're boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Wow." Clarabel looked around at the now modern world she had just been introduced to, and couldn't believe what she was seeing. "This is so strange to me. I've only heard or read about places like these in Jules Verne."

Braedey stopped for a moment. "You've read Jules Verne's books?" He asked.

"I adore Jules Verne." Clarabel replied.

"So do I. '20,000 Leagues Under The Sea', my all-time favourite book. When I was little, I wanted to meet Captain Nemo." Braedey told her, and she then laughed.

"Well, since I'm somewhere new, I guess I'll have to be educated about this place." Clarabel laughed a little, and Braedey took her hands.

"It's okay. I will teach you everything and anything about this place, and help you adapt to this new life." Braedey told her, and he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. When he looked back at her, he saw small tears appearing in her eyes. "Hey. Don't cry. It's okay."

"No. I'm crying because..." Clarabel then hugged Braedey tightly, and he gently placed his hands behind her back. "I've found the man to be with."

"It's okay, Clarabel. Cry it all out..." Braedey spoke in a soothing tone to her, as the other heroes watched with smiles on their faces, whilst Hawkgirl, Diana, and Kara felt tears are gonna come out of their eyes.


A/N: Voila!! Finally!! The 'Back In Time' arc has been completed!

So, what do you think? What do you think was the best part out of this chapter, or out of the entire arc? Please tell me in the comments.

Where will Braedey and Clarabel's relationship go to? Will something happen between them? Or will they confess their love even further than ever before?

Find out later in the story...

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