Beware Of Minerva

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(9:30AM EST)

On the island of the Amazons, Braedey was with Diana, taking a nice and calming stroll in the morning. They liked doing this, since they get to catch up and be happy together.

"Today is so calm and peaceful." Braedey smiled, then waved to a few people nearby, and they waved back.

"Seems like you've gotten on people's good side." Diana told him, and he smiled to her.

"Diana. Octavius." Hippolyta walked up to the two, and she greeted them with a gentle hug. "Today was predicted to be a nice day for many." She said to them.

"Of course." Braedey nodded, but then, he noticed someone walking over to them. "Hey. Who's that?"

Hippolyta and Diana looked over, and they both were in shock of who it was.

It was a slim young woman of average height distinguished by her Eastern look: her long, straight glossy black hair, reaching to her lower back, mostly left loose, parted in the middle of her forehead and sporting two bangs framing her face going down below her shoulders. Her hair is also tied into a pair of bun-shaped Dango loops at both sides of her head, and a braid is present some inches below each of such loops. Her make up is reminiscent of that by a Japanese "Geisha", her lips covered in glossy dark lipstick, her slanted dark eyes, with long eyelashes, topped by a pair of elongated, diagonal dark spots, seemingly covering her eyebrows. Her pale figure is considerably curvaceous. Her outfit was a revealing dress, exposing a fair share of her cleavage, the sides of her torso and left leg; dark in blue colour, sporting thin light edges, laces securing the dress in correspondence to the woman's hips, thick fur lining her cleavage and several light motifs adorning her torso's front, those being a large "V" and a "U" with a dot in its concave part. She also sports several accessories composed of fur: aside from her dress, fur is also present in the form of a collar adorning her neck and of a "Feather boa", passing above her shoulders and ending in bifurcated edges.

(A/N: the design of the character is based entirely on the character Minerva Orlando from 'Fairy Tail', so the design belongs to it's respected owners)

"Minerva." Diana growled silently, and had her hands on Braedey's shoulders. She did not like this woman one bit.

"Diana. Word on the street is that you came back." The woman, now identified as Minerva, said in a calm yet menacing tone of voice. Then, she caught eye of Braedey. "And what's this? A man from the human world? Why is he here, Diana?"

"He is my son, Octavius." Diana interjected, and held Braedey closer to her.

"Octavius?" Minerva asked in amusement. "I've not been informed that you had a son."

Braedey narrowed his eyes. "Of course you haven't heard of me, because I've been on Earth for almost most of my life, and only arrived home a few weeks ago." He told her, while Hippolyta and Diana looked at Braedey with worried eyes.

Minerva then narrowed her eyes. "Is that so? Well, it seems the two of us hadn't been introduced." She held out her right hand, and some kind of aura slowly appeared in her hand. Suddenly, Braedey was lifted into the air, and was stuck inside of an aura bubble.

"Hey! What is this?" Braedey asked in shock, and started to punch against the bubble wall. "Let me out!" He demanded.

"Gladly." Minerva snapped her fingers, and Braedey was suddenly flung back, crashing into a stone wall. She laughed mockingly, as Hippolyta and Diana ran up to him to check on him. "That was just a taste of what I have in store for you."

Diana looked from her son to the wicked witch. "What was the reasoning behind that?" She demanded.

"He aggravated me first. I'm simply just letting him remember his place, under my heel-" Minerva didn't get to finish, as an armoured fist collided with the side of her face, and it sent her sprawling down the path. She looked up, and saw Braedey, who was the one to punch her in the face. "You..."

"Lighten up, you jerkface witch!" Braedey snapped to her, making the other two stop and look at the young Amazon.

Minerva slowly got to her feet. "Mighty strong words, you little brat." She spat out venomously. "You think you can back up your words?"

"I can back it up with a gigantic tanker. Or better yet, I can back it up with an entire planet!!" Braedey told her immediately.

'Braedey, you have no idea of how powerful Minerva truly is.' Diana thought to herself in concern for her son, as Hippolyta too was concerned about him.

"If you think you could best me at all, why don't we have a duel? You and me, in the colosseum. At noon." Minerva told him, and pointed at his chest. "Unless you're too scared to fight."

"I fought against monsters far uglier than you, lady." Braedey spat at her, and she scowled in anger. "But, the question is, are you gonna be there?" He asked, and Diana had to admit, he was pretty good at mind tricks.

"I'll be there." With that, Minerva stalked away, whilst having a rather villainous smile on her face.

"Braedey, you don't have to do this." Diana told him, but then, she saw her son having the same stare she would give to someone when they've committed a crime.

"That witch mocked me...attacked me...and then, she threatened to do something to me if I don't turn up." Braedey told her, as he clenched his knuckles. Unbeknown to the two women, his knuckles were white. "I'll show her why I am Wonder Woman's son."


At a large arena outside of the main city, hundreds of people had flocked to the location to see the gift against the son of Wonder Woman against the wicked witch of Themyscira. The winner stays, whilst the loser must leave Themyscira, and never come back.

Braedey walked into the middle of the arena, armed with his armour and his sword, along with a helmet. His helmet was Greek/Roman in design, with a top piece made of red horse hair, whilst the rest of the helmet was in silver armour plating. Only his eyes and his mouth were visible from the helmet.

Braedey breathed in, and breathed out slowly. "Okay. I'm ready when you are, Minerva. Come on out and fight, wherever you are." He called to his opponent, which appeared in a flash a few feet away from the brunette. "Now, we know the rules: it's whoever doesn't make it out without being mortally wounded. Also, the winner stays here at home, whilst the loser leaves Themyscira, and never comes back."

"Fine by me." Minerva replied, and her hands charged with dark energy. "Try this on for size!" She then created a spear of energy, and struck Braedey in the armoured chest.

Braedey slid back a few metres, but stayed up on his feet. He rolled his shoulders, then shot forward like a rocket, using his flying capabilities, with his feet barely touching the ground, whilst leaving a trail of dust behind him. He reared back his left fist, then punched Minerva in the stomach, knocking the air out of her, and sent her flying back.

Minerva got up, and began to charge up power in her hands, as an aura of a dark inverted rainbow appeared around her. She roared like a beast, and raced at the brunette. "Helto Torre Monar Siplo!!" She chanted, and shot a beam of unholy light shot out of her right hand.

Braedey was struck hard in the abdomen, then again in the chest by the two blasts. He was sent flying back a few hundred metres, but he didn't fall over. He then looked down, and saw the burn marks, along with some cracks in his armour from the attack. He then curled his fists, and flew at supersonic speeds at Minerva. "Try eating this!!" He then yelled.

Minerva held up a fist to block the punch, but didn't count for Braedey's right leg to swing around and hit her in the face, and it sent her flying back. She then recovered, and threw a pinch at the brunette, but Braedey blocked it, and punched Minerva hard in the chest, then a forceful kick to the abdomen. The blows made the witch groan, but she recovered, and began to throw energy punch after energy punch at Braedey, who dodged each attack, and returned it in full.

Finally, Minerva had enough, and shot a beam of dark energy from both her hands and her chest, and it struck Braedey in full, sending him into the wall of the arena far from her. "FEAST ON THIS!!!" She roared in pure fury and anger. A few seconds later, the beams stopped shooting, and Minerva looked at the brunette.

Braedey groaned in pain, then saw the damage done to his armour. Also, part of his helmet was damaged, and if had broken off. He groaned, then to the crowd's surprise, he tore off the breastplate, revealing his now toned chest, whilst he still had his skirt and boots on, and he tore off his helmet.

"You remove the only thing to protect you from my energy attacks? You are just as stupid-" Minerva was then cut off, as Braedey launched forward, and gave her a powerful punch so hard, the aura around her suddenly snapped off her body. His eyes were similar to that of what he gave Giganta awhile ago.

Minerva fell to the ground with a crunch, and rolled about on the ground. Her clothes were torn around, whilst her body had many cuts and bruises all around. She slowly got to her feet, but sensed her power was all gone. She then saw her magic suddenly fade away from existence, and she now felt powerless against Braedey, who was slowly walking towards her, but armed with a shotgun, and it was aimed at her.

"You looking for a street fight?" Braedey asked her. She looked at him with anger in her eyes, then to her surprise, he threw away the shotgun, and lifted her fists up. "You've got one."

Minerva snarled, then got to her injured feet, albeit a bit shaky, and curled her fists up. She then began to throw punches, kicks, along with martial art tricks, but Braedey, after being taught by Diana, dodged left, right, up and down, and even for a jump and a twirl in the mix of it. To some people's shock, Braedey's moves and tricks seemed to mirror that of all the Amazon warriors, and he isn't using a sword or a bladed weapon to fight against the witch Minerva.

Finally, Braedey grabbed Minerva by the throat, and lifted her off her feet easily. He brought her closer to his face, and his eyes made her freeze. "Remember me?" He taunted. "I'm the little brat." He then lifted her up a bit, grabbed the woman's shoulder tightly, making a loud crunch of bone, and threw her straight at a wall with such force to break through the wall itself, and send the woman sprawling across the floor.

Diana and Hippolyta walked down to the arena, and the woman in white held Braedey's right hand up above his head. "People of Themyscira. We give you all...our youngest champion!!" She announced, as everyone around the colosseum cheered out loudly for Princess Diana's son.

Among the wreckage of the rocks, a barely clothed and freakishly badly wounded Minerva lay on the ground, unable to move because of her injures, but her eyes were filled with tears. A shocking sight then revealed itself, as Minerva, in all her villainous years, cried out. She had lost to a young Amazonian child.

'How? How could I lose?' She thought, as she sniffled in sadness. 'How could I lose to such a weakling like that boy? I was the strongest known Amazon to use magic, and yet, he managed to beat me with a few punches, and without his armour!! This can't happen!'

Braedey then walked up to the large hole, along with Diana and her mother. "Minerva. By the rules of this duel, you are to leave Themyscira before the dawn of tomorrow." He told her. "If you are seen anywhere in Themyscira from that day forward, you will endure a punishment far worse than death itself."

Minerva simply cried for an answer. With satisfied smiles, Braedey, Diana, and Hippolyta walked away to the palace, leaving a saddened broken Minerva.


A/N: what do you think of the fight sequences, and what do you think about the idea for Minerva? Tell me what you think.

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