A Distressed DC-10 In Need

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(35,000ft above sea level)
(20 miles off the coast of Metropolis)
(8:30AM EST)

On a calm Autumn day, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 was soaring across the clear and calm skies, heading to Metropolis International Airport. This DC-10 was designated as Pacific Air Flight 121. Onboard the plane were 200 people heading home either after a holiday or getting back to work.

Steve Weston, the captain of the DC-10, sighed to himself, and leaned back as the realisation finally hit him: this was his last flight for the airline. He'd been flying planes for thirteen years, but now his wife wanted him to stop all the traveling in order to spend more time at home, especially since he was expecting a son in a few weeks.

Steve's copilot, a relatively new guy named Ricky, was currently in the bathroom. This wasn't exactly surprising, considering that Ricky had drank approximately a whole twelve-pack of Coke. Steve simply shrugged it off, steering the plane as if it were a manifestation of his own body.

"Pacific Air Flight 121 to Metropolis Control." Steve contacted the control tower at the airport. "Requesting landing on Runway 55L."

"Pacific Air Flight 121 from Metropolis Control. You are clear for landing on Runway 55L. You are first in line for the runway." The control tower replied to the DC-10, and Steve began to configure the plane for landing.

But then, the unthinkable happened. As the plane slowly got in line to land on the runway, the engine built into the tail blew up, sending shrapnel into the rear tailplanes, cutting off hydraulic lines and controls, severing all methods to make the plane turn, roll, and pitch. And when copilot Ricky walked into the cockpit to attempt an emergency landing, he proceeded to turn a dead pale as he realised that the plane now had no controls.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Pacific Air 121!" Steve contacted the tower almost immediately after the engine had exploded. "We have lost our number two engine, and we lost all flight controls! Repeat: we are going down!!"

And as the passengers of Flight 121 began preparing their immortal souls for death, they felt their rapid descent begin to start accelerating, then felt the plane pitch up and slow down, then tip downwards and start accelerating. This phugoid cycle repeats itself over and over again.


(Seven Minutes Behind Pacific Air Flight 121)

Braedey, in his newly repaired Octavius armour, raced across the skies, leaving a smokey trail behind him, since he raced out of the Watchtower without any second thought when the call came in about a DC-10 out of control.

As he raced at supersonic speeds, he soon caught sight of the stricken DC-10. He then contacted J'onn in the Watchtower. "J'onn, I'm at the tail of the plane. The damage is severe. The shrapnel from the engine explosion had cut through all the hydraulic systems, thus cutting off all systems in order to control the plane."

"Understood, Braedey." J'onn replied over on his communicator. "I'm about to patch you through to the pilots. Tell them what you're about to do, and they'll do what they can on their end."

"Clear." Braedey flew by the windows of the fuselage, and some of the children onboard the plane waved to the Amazon son. "Captain of Pacific Air DC-10, this is Octavius, a member of the Justice League. If you can hear me on this frequency on your communication systems, please respond." He called to the cockpit.

"Yes. We...we hear you." Captain Steve Weston replied, and he sounded very relieved. "Do you know about the situation, Octavius?"

"Affirmative, Captain." Braedey then began to tell him the plan. "Listen. I'm going to attempt to bring your plane down to the ground safely, but you must also help me land your craft. I'll handle making the plane turn and such, while you do the technical part."

"Okay. You do your part, and we'll do ours. Let's do it." Steve replied, and he and Ricky began to start emergency landing procedures.

Braedey flew under the belly of the plane, and flew to where the wings attach to the plane. The Amazon son had never attempted anything like this before. A passenger plane was an incredibly large and heavy object, which meant it would cause maximum destruction and death if it hit Metropolis. He braced himself for what might happen.

He placed his hands onto the belly of the plane, and began to push against the heavy weight aircraft. He felt the plane start to slowly start to pull out of the roller-coaster motion it was stuck in for the past few minutes. In a few rather long moments, Braedey had wrestled the DC-10 level and straight. Now, he had to deal with steering it. He began to push a bit to the right, then left, making the plane start to slowly turn in those motions.

"J'onn..." Braedey grunted into the communicator. "I... I don't know if I'll make it through this one." He felt sweat slowly start to form on his forehead. "Listen. If you can...tell either Wonder Woman or Superman to come and help if they can. I'm desperate for help right now."

"Braedey, we're on our way." Wonder Woman called on the communicator, as the plane passed through 2,000ft above sea level.

Braedey felt the weight of the DC-10 bearing down on his arms and his back. He felt his muscles burning as he tried to simultaneously stop the plane's movement and keep it far from the ground, at least until he could find a large empty space to place the massive aircraft. The Amazon then redoubled all his efforts, feeling his muscles erupt in pure unrivalled agony as he pushed them relentlessly.

Then, he yelled out with all his might, and forced the plane to pull up out of the dive, as the landing gear dropped down and locked into place. He knew they were getting closer to the runway and fast.

'These passengers are gonna make it. I'm gonna get them down safely.' Braedey thought, and slowly began to lift the nose slightly to slow the plane down, as the two remaining engines on the wings began to decrease thrust, making slow winding down noises. 'We are gonna make it.' He thought, as he noticed two blurs of coloured light race by him and the DC-10.

"All passengers, brace for impact." Steve told the passengers, and all the passengers braced for the crash landing.

"Come on. Come on." Braedey grunted, then with all the strength he was given, he forced the nose of the DC-10 to lift up before the runway, making the main landing gear touch the ground first. "Brakes!" He then yelled out to the pilots, who did just that.

The brakes on the DC-10 slammed on hard, as Braedey turned himself around, and began to push in the opposite direction. Then, he felt the plane start to slow down now, and looked to his left and right. To his surprise, Wonder Woman and Superman were pushing against the engines on the wings, and it was causing the plane to slow down also.

"Don't stop now!!" Braedey then pushed even harder, and the plane started to slow down. Within a few moments, the plane had finally come to a stop, and all the passengers were okay.

Inside the aircraft, Steve Weston began crying tears of joy, as he finally realised that he was actually going to be able to see his son.

As emergency crews arrived to the landed DC-10, underneath the plane, Braedey was on his back, and was completely worn out from his exhausted ordeal. Wonder Woman and Superman then walked over to him. "We...we made it?" He asked in long breaths.

"Yes, we did." Superman replied, as Wonder Woman helped him to his feet. "Though, I think you should take some time off to regain your strength."

"To be honest, I think that's a good idea." Wonder Woman agreed, and held her son. "But, other than that, great job today."

"Thanks." Braedey smiled, as he noticed the news reporters taking pictures of the plane and them. "Let's get back to the Watchtower before we get asked any questions."

"Agreed." In the now-familiar blue flash, the three heroes vanished from sight, as the passengers and crew got off of the plane, and were greeted by their relatives and family, while Captain Steve Weston looked to the sky.

'Thank you, Justice League.' He thought to himself, and walked over to the film crews to answer some questions about what happened.

(Justice League Watchtower)
(12:30PM EST)

Back at the Watchtower, Braedey was resting his body on his bed, after the rescue of the DC-10. His body was shaking a bit, while his mind was still racing over today's event. Sure, doing something that might be impossible could put someone under the stress, but he had to land a DC-10...with his bare hands!!

Braedey's train of thought was then interrupted, as he heard the door to his room being opened. He looked over to the doorway, and saw Superman in the door.

"I came along to say 'well done' for today." Superman told him, as he walked up to the Amazon boy. Then, he placed a hand on Braedey's chest. "You had done so well today."

"Thanks, Supes." Braedey smiled.

"Also, Diana told me about your fight against the witch Minerva." Superman added. "I'm actually surprised that you would abandon your armour like that, and yet, you managed to beat down that witch. Nice work out there."

"Let's just hope she's the last evil woman, besides Giganta, that I would have to punch through a wall." Braedey sighed. Then, he rolled over to his side. "Thanks for the talk, Superman. Now...I just need some rest."

Superman slightly smiled, then brushed one of his hands through Braedey's hair. He was surprised and glad he was part of the Justice League, and he was a key member to assist in some situations that the rest of the League can't do.

With that, the Man Of Steel left the room, leaving a now exhausted and now sleeping Amazon child in the room by himself.


A/N: what do you think about this chapter? Tell me what you think, and tell me what your favourite part of this chapter was.

Also, if you have any ideas for shipping in this story, tell me in the comments. Thank you :)

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