Return Of Minerva

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(Metropolis National Park)
(9:30AM EST)

Braedey, now having fully recovered from his deal with the Pacific Air DC-10, was walking in public, but in a blue shirt, jeans and boots, and was taking in all the sites that were around him. It felt good for him to be out and about with people.

'Seems like all that anyone could say about yesterday was that the Justice League saved all those people on the DC-10.' Braedey thought to himself, quietly starting a conversation to himself inside his head. 'So, who was the one who helped to save the plane? Ohh, I don't know. Maybe Superman and Wonder Woman. Maybe, but there was a third member. Who was it? I think it's the secret member of the Justice League they aren't telling us about.'

Suddenly, his thoughts were halted, as a large purple explosion occurred in the middle of a stone pathway, and people began to run away from the dust cloud. Braedey ran forward, but as he does, he stopped on the spot, as he saw who was in the dust cloud. It was none other than...

"Minerva?" He gasped in shock, seeing the woman here on Earth. But, he noticed a dark purple/pink aura around her body, along with her clothes being all new.

"Minerva??" Braedey was beyond bewildered at the sight of the witch of Themyscira. "What in the name of Satan are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get some payback for what you did to me back in Themyscira." Minerva explained, whilst her magic aura didn't let up. "And, I will not be so easy to defeat now."

"Is that so?" Braedey smirked, as unexpectedly, a red aura of energy began to appear around him, much to Minerva's surprise. "Remember what happened when I punched you so hard, your aura left you? Well, it saw me as a worthy being to commandeer it, and it now sees you as a threat." Then, the aura made his normal clothes give way to his Octavius armour. "And in my time recuperating, I mastered all of your magic energy, and I can use your power to my advantage."

"Like that'll stop me." Minerva held out a hand, as a dark aura engulfed it. "Heldo Ragdo!!" She yelled, and sent a beam of dark energy at Braedey.

"Weapon: Shield!" Braedey suddenly chanted, and a shield with his and Wonder Woman's markings then appeared next to him, and he held it up. The beam struck the shield, and the energy was suddenly, and unexpectedly, absorbed into the shield. "Now... try this on for size. Whirlwind!!" He chanted, and as he threw the shield, a tornado suddenly appeared, and it had the force of a category 5 hurricane.

Minerva didn't have time to think of a plan, as she was suddenly picked up by the winds, and was thrown into the ground with the force of over 1,000 container ships falling on her. She groaned in pain, but to anyone's shock that was watching in the nearby buildings and the streets, she got back up, albeit with a bit of shakiness in her step.

"Surprising. Anyone would've been crushed by that, and they wouldn't be able to move at all." Braedey commented. "It seems to me that you've gotten a bit stronger than our last encounter."

"Keep talking." Minerva spat, and surged forward. "Heva Nova Nala Hanto!!" She chanted, and reared back an energised fist. She grew her fist forward, but to her shock, Braedey grabbed her fist with one hand, whilst the explosion from the attack occurred just behind him, leaving a crater, but he was still standing. "What? How did-"

"I'm a lot faster than you." Braedey then threw her away, and into a streetlight, which snapped in two. Minerva fell to the ground, and slowly got to her feet. "And I'm also a lot smarter than you." Braedey then suddenly ran up to her with the speed like The Flash, and he gave her a kick to the face so hard, it sent her flying into a building 30 blocks away.

Then, a sonic boom echoed out from down the street, and Braedey saw Minerva racing towards him with anger written on her face. "I'VE JUST ABOUT HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!!" She thundered, and threw a kick at the brunette, making him double over, and she kicked him in the chin, making him flip about in the air, and fall to the ground.

But, she didn't stop her relentless attack. She then grabbed him by the chest, and threw him down into the ground again. Next, she threw him up into the air, and kicked him in the head, then grabbed his wrist, and threw him into a building. As he was stuck in the wall, Minerva continued to punch him in the face, then dragged him up the side of the building, making rock and bits of metal fall to the ground. Once at the top floor, she grabbed him by the back of his neck, and by one of his thighs, and drove her knee into his back, hearing a satisfying crunch and snap. With a smile big enough to rival The Grinch on her face, she then threw him down to the ground, 200 storeys below, and as he hit the ground, it left a large crater in its wake.

Braedey's body and armour was now broken, cracked in some places, and there were burns in some places around his body. Yet again, the chest piece had a hole in the left breast, where the asymmetric gold cross and the fairy symbol were, whilst one boot had melted down to his ankle, and one of his arms were broken.

'I can't let this witch win.' Braedey thought to himself, as he slowly lifted his head up, and looked up to Minerva, who was descending down at a speedy rate. 'Well, here goes nothing. I've got one last chance...'

"Ih Ragdo!!" She roared, and shot a powerful beam of energy from her hands. The beam struck its target, and Minerva landed on the ground, with a villainous smile on her face. But, it then vanished from sight, as the smoke was suddenly sliced in half, and it revealed Braedey, but he was in a different attire.

He was wearing a bright red shirt that had extremely short sleeves, with a chest piece mirroring that of Wonder Woman's breastplate, a gold belt with a letter 'O', signifying his Amazonian name, star-spangled jeans like his mother's star-spangled bikini bottom, and red knee-high boots, but they weren't high-heel, and were male designed. Finally, the tiara he wears was now dominant in a bright silver and gold.

"What in the name of Hades?" Minerva asked in confusion. 'How could he be able to survive my blast, or let alone stand up from all that I gave him?' She thought, completely bewildered.

" Wonder Child Armour." Braedey said to the witch, then held up a sword with a golden hilt. "It represents everything I love and care about of my mother, Wonder Woman." He explained.

"I wish to put it to the test." Minerva chuckled darkly, but then, she saw the red aura around the boy, and she could sense it was far stronger than anything she had ever witnessed in her life. "Such power..."

"Wonder Child: Photon Slicer!" Braedey yelled, shooting forward at the witch, and striking her at full force, making Minerva hit the ground hard, and she was sent sprawling across the street.

Minerva's body was now broken. She couldn't move from the Photon Slicer attack. 'Why...why can't I move my body?' She thought, looking left and right. Then, she saw Braedey walking towards her, his footsteps sounding menacing with each step.

"The Photon Slicer actually paralyses it's target for a few moments, and leaves me...TO DO THIS!!!" Braedey then spun on his hands, in a breakdance-like fashion, and kicked Minerva in the face, making her fly in the air, then land in the back of a police van. Then, she fell out of the back of the van, and fell on the ground with a thud, and a groan in her throat.

Everyone in the streets, buildings, and all around the battle cheered out for Braedey, either honking car horns, cheering out loudly, or even blowing air horns. Braedey looked up to the people in the buildings, and as he looked, he could see Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, and The Flash on the roof of a building.

Braedey then looked down at Minerva's aching body, and knew just what to do. He walked up to her, then grabbed her by the back of her neck, then her thigh, and held her up above his head for the public to see the fallen combatant. Then, he yelled out loudly...


Almost instantly, everyone in Metropolis cheered out for the young Amazonian, and began to run up to him, whilst the Police took away the injured Minerva.

A reporter, Cat Grant saw this mysterious hero and decided to investigate. She walked over to Braedey. "Who are you, and are you a new superhero in the Justice League?"

Braedey turned around; normally he was used to people interviewing him, but wasn't used to people asking who he was. "Who am I? I'm Octavius. I'm part in the Justice League, and I am the long lost son of Wonder Woman."

Soon enough, Braedey was bombarded with many questions from people about his past, so he decided to tell them about his past, but not reveal anything about the Justice League to them.


A/N: what do you think about this chapter? What about Braedey's Wonder Child Armour? Or Minerva's sudden reappearance? Tell me what you think in the comments.


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