It's Bug Killing Season

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"So, what are we going to target?" Braedey asked.

"We need to find the source of all this destruction, and also find a way to shut it down from the inside." Batman explained, just as the group of heroes hear what might be a buzzing sound.

They all looked up, and they saw what might be a cross of a dragonfly and a crab, since the body of the creature is heavily armoured, with mandibles on the mouth fitted with humungous teeth twice the size of mammoth tusks, along with humungous dragonfly-like wings on the back, and also has a humungous railway howitzer cannon sized stinger on the end of an Airbus A380-ft long tail, while the main body was twice the size of its tail.

"How about we deal with that before anything else?" Braedey suggested, as The Flash cracked a smile. Seems this kid has a sense of humour. Diana simply rolled her eyes, but patted Braedey gently on the back of his head.


The giant dragonfly mutant creature landed on the ground, and snarled at a family stuck in their SUV. Then, without a word, Braedey charged forward, as Superman heads to the car. The brunette grabbed a garbage can lid, then tossed it over like a frisbee, smacking it into the face of the creature, wth in distracted it from the SUV. It then started to move towards Braedey, who began to look for something to squash the bug with.

Superman, now clear to advance, flew over to the car, and ripped off the sliding door on the side. "It's not gonna get any safer anywhere here. Go now." He ordered, and the family ran off to somewhere safe.

Braedey, with the dragonfly mutant only a few feet away, then found a large telephone pole, with still live cables attached to it. He grabbed it, then hoisted it up, almost like a baseball. For the pole being only 35ft tall, it looked like something insane for someone to hold up, but he seemed to hold it up with ease. "Batter Up, BUG!!" He charged forward, then swung the pole at the mutant, which struck the head, and sent over 2.42 gigawatts of electricity through the creature, matching it 'dance', then die at his feet. "Shock and Drop, ugly." Braedey laughed, and kicked it in the face.

"Nice idea with the telephone pole, kid." The Flash told Braedey. "That's one way to give him the 'buzz'." He laughs at his joke, along with Braedey.

Just then, they heard another buzzing sound. The two looked over to a large building, and saw a large green mantis-like creature. The creature stood 45 metres tall, weighing up to 10,000 tonnes, armed with sharp slashing frontal mandibles, and evil yellow eyes.

"Okay. Another bug to squash today." Braedey rolled his shoulders, then began to sprint off down the street, and The Flash suddenly shot by him. "Damn."

"What's the matter, kid? Can't you fly like your mother?" The Flash asked, just as Wonder Woman flew overhead, she also wondering why Braedey can't fly.

"Well, I only known how to lift things larger than myself, so therefore I can't." Braedey admitted, as he tries to run faster than before. But then, he felt someone picking him up, and he began to fly upwards. He looked, and saw Diana holding him up. "Mum?"

"It'll take time for you to gain your flying abilities." Diana explained. "You know your strength and durability, but it'll take time for flight to kick in. For now, me or maybe Superman will help you fly."

Wonder Woman and Braedey flew over to the giant mantis mutant, and they had an idea. She lets him go, and he falls towards the ground. But, before he got close to his target, he was suddenly stopped in mid-air. He then saw he was caught in a spider's web. He began to try and pull himself off of the web, but it was too sticky for him to get off.

"Great. Trapped like a bug in a spider's web." Braedey grunted, then felt the webs move. Sweat began to appear on his face and forehead, since he knew those signs. 'Please don't it be what I think it is. Please don't it be what I think it is. Please don't it be what I think it is.' He repeated inside his head, while he began to shake.

A moment prior, Wonder Woman turned to where she dropped Braedey, and saw he was stuck in a spider's web just like she did. She flew over to him, and pulled out a sword to cut through the webbing. As she floats over to her son, she suddenly stopped, since she saw something above, and Braedey followed her direction, and froze.

Above the two, stalking them, was a humungous 100ft tall huntsman spider. However, it had even more eyes than the any more spider, a total of 16, with four fangs with dripping venom on them.

Braedey's anxiety began to kick in, as he starts to now struggle against the bindings, while Wonder Woman also began to cut the webbing around him. The spider gets closer to them, but with a last-minute moment, the break out of the web, and get away before the spider got them.

Braedey ran off into an alleyway, as Diana landed next to him. "Are you okay?" She asked him, but she can clearly see that he was shaking with fear.

"I...I've never felt...s-s-so scared..." Braedey started to shake like a leaf, then looked up to Diana, who seemed to have a small smile on her face. "Wh-what is it?"

"The way you're acting..." Diana kneeled down to him, and placed a hand on his head. "You act just like the way you do around spiders. You never really did like them."

Braedey sighed, but smiled back to her. "Thanks." He got to his feet, then looked to the spider that was on the web slowly approaching, but Braedey seemed more than ever to beat that thing. "It's time to squash some bugs!" He yelled out, as he charged forward, then grabbed a large concrete pole that was lying on a flatbed nearby, and tossed it at the spider.

The pole struck the spider head-on, making the concrete pole shatter to pieces, and making the spider stumble backwards. But, as its 16 eyes look ahead again, it saw Wonder Woman, carrying Braedey by his shoulders, and he was carrying some kind of giant bladed piece of metal in his hand. The spider can't react in time, as the metal slices through its head. Braedey yelled out loudly, as he pulled the metal out of the spider's head, then sliced off the thorax of the mutant insect. The creature, without any of its vital parts, falls into a gory pile of spider-guts.

Braedey lets go of the metal piece, and it stabbed into the thorax that had fallen off. Once discarded the metal, he saw he and Diana were heading over to Batman, who had just finished off a large mutant maggot creature.

"Guess things are getting too buggy for you, right?" Braedey asked, as Wonder Woman landed next to him. Only a glare from Batman made Braedey stop.

"They seem to be attacking any and all organic material that is around them, more specifically the humans." Batman deduced, but he and the two stop, as they felt the ground tremble under their feet. "Do you feel that?"

Braedey stood still, and felt the ground tremble under him. "Yeah." He whispered. "I can feel it. It's fast. It might be burrowing underneath us..." He gently placed a hand down on the ground. "And it might be something big."

Suddenly, the ground cracked right underneath Braedey, and a rage hole under him made him fall through it, heading down into what might be the sewer system or something else. Diana, seeing her son was in danger, immediately jumped into the hole, as Batman followed suite.

As Diana landed on the ground, she looked around, only to see an empty tunnel on both sides of her. She didn't know which way her son might've gone. Batman then appeared next to her, and he seemed just as concerned as Diana was.

But then, Diana heard something coming from the tunnel on her left. As she listened closely, she heard the sound of snarling and growling, then heard a boy screaming. Instantaneously, Diana stormed forward into the left tunnel, as Batman followed behind her.

As the two arrived at the end of the tunnel, they saw they were inside some kind of cavern. It was 70ft tall, while it had stalactites hanging from the roof, while pipes were around them. However, Diana's concern was on her son. As she and Batman looked, they soon saw him, but he had his back against one of the pipes, and the skin on his face was now a deathly pale, almost like he had been scared soulless.

"Braedey, are you okay?" Diana asked, then saw him looking at something in the shadows. He followed his gaze, and she saw something in the darkness. Batman also saw it, and he didn't know what to make of it. But, it moved forward, and revealed what looked like vicious teeth inside of a drooling mouth.

"GET DOWN!" Braedey yelled out in fear, as whatever had the mouth jumped away into the darkness, then just appeared under a beam of light.

The creature turned out to be something that could only be described as a monster mashup. It has a gorilla-like stance, walking on its 'knuckles', with 4-inch long front claws, and eyeless head, a small tail, dark grey skin, a nose similar to that of a bat's, and with toned muscles across its arms and legs.

The creature snarled and sniffed the air, as if tracking them. The creature, despite its lack of eyes, has a sense similar to radar, but it tracks heartbeats from creatures, people or anything else that has a heartbeat.

"What is that thing?" Diana asked, though on the outside, she looked stoic and tough, but inside, she was rather frightened.

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out." Braedey got back to his feet, then sprinted off back to the tunnel. But as he does, the creature somehow appeared in front of him, and sliced a part of his shirt off, but leaving a nasty cut across his chest. He yelled in pain, and fell to the ground, but froze as the creature stalked him closer.

But then, it sensed something coming it's way, and it looked away from Braedey. As it does, it saw a heartbeat of someone in front of it, but it sensed like anger. In its vision, it can't make out visual images, but if it had eyes, it would see Wonder Woman standing in front of it, with eyes that would belong to an angered mother.

Wonder Woman drew back a closed fist, and struck the neck of the creature, making it fly across the room, then crash into a wall. The creature snarled in anger, but it's anger couldn't match that of Diana's, as she charged at the monster at supersonic speeds, then drew her sword, and stabbed it in the head of the creature, killing it within an instant. The creature fell limp, and Diana drew her sword out of the monster's head, then puts it back, and walked over to Braedey, helping him to his feet.

"Are you okay, Braedey?" Diana asked, and her answer was a tight hug from her son, and she hugged him back. "It's okay. I won't leave you."

"What a zzzurprise." A buggy voice buzzed out, and the four looked over to the tunnel they took to get to where they are. They saw what might be a bumblebee mixed with what might be a hornet and robotic components. The wings were clear, but have red veins and markings inside them. The head had two evil green eyes, while the main body was mechanical in design, while there was a bumblebee-hornet combined thorax behind it, but has some technical components on the stinger.

"What in the heck are you?" Braedey asked, but was rather spooked by the creature.

"I am Buzzzzzard." The bug creature replied. "Azzz you can zzzee, I had merged myzzzelf with the latezzzt of nano-biology and technology. A hornet, a bumblebee, and a human mind all merged into one."

"If you're like this, what's with the mutant insects around the world?" Diana asked, holding her sword at the ready.

"I am glad that you had azzzked me that quezzztion, Prinzzzess of Themyzzzcira." Buzzard replied, then began to stand up on its four bug legs, almost like a human or a centaur. "You zzze, I had a nazzzty knack for looking and zzztudying bugzzz, and therefore, I dezzided to create my own concoctionzzz of mutant inzzzectzzz, and I figured, why not reform the world with my own fazzze?"

"Man, you are crazy, especially for a bug-man like you." Braedey remarked, and Buzzard's wings began to buzz. Suddenly, the bug-like creature charged forward, and he grabbed Wonder Woman with his legs and arms, and he flew down the tunnel. "MUM!" Braedey began to sprint down the tunnel after them, as Batman followed after.

Buzzard soared out of the hole into the air, as Diana struggled to get free from his grasp. She then saw him look at her with a deadly look in his insect eyes, and he armed his stinger, which had a concoction of the world's deadliest venoms from the deadliest animals: the black widow and funnel-web spiders, the Inland Taipan, King Cobra, and Indian Cobra snakes, Death Stalker Scorpion, and the Box Jellyfish.

Suddenly, he felt something tug against his wings, along with something being tied around them, along with his stinger. He looked behind him, and saw Braedey, but he was angry.

"Why you..." Buzzard growled.

"This flight is grounded!" Braedey thundered, then grabbed his mother from the bug's grasp, and fell to the ground. However, Braedey couldn't grab onto Diana in time to cushion her fall.

They dived for the ground, but Braedey orientated himself so his back's to the ground. The two landed down on the ground with a crash. Even though the two are Amazons, the impact was still painful.

Braedey soon got to his feet, but he saw his mother 50ft away from him. He sprinted over to her, ignoring the pain coming from his back, and ran over to a crater. He saw his mother was on her back, but she didn't seem to move.

Braedey looked at his mother with fear written on his face, but then, it contorted into anger and rage. He then saw Buzzard getting out of his crater, and was preparing to take off.

"YOU'D WISH YOU WERE NOW SQUASHED WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU!!" Braedey roared, then grabbed a fallen telephone pole, and rammed it into Buzzard. Then, he raced at the bug, grabbed him by his wings, and with an amazing amount of force, ripped them out of their sockets, then tore off the thorax. "YOU'RE THROUGH!!"

A minute prior, Wonder Woman woke up from her fall, and heard the sound of yelling and crashing. She rolled on her front, then saw Braedey tearing apart Buzzard. To her horror, she saw him tear off the wings. She slowly got to her feet, and sprinted towards Braedey.

"Braedey, STOP!" She yelled out, stopping Braedey from attempting to crush Buzzard's head. Braedey stopped, and was shocked to see she was okay. Then, he realised what he was doing, and he lets go of Buzzard, who then stumbled away.

Just then, Batman, Superman, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, and one other person with them. The person is a woman; her most distinguishing features were the giant wings on her back. She wore a costume matching colours with Hawkman's, but lacking most armour. She also donned a golden breastplate, leaving the top of her torso bare, and a black skirt with dark red plating. Her arms were wrapped in black and dark red cloth, with extra padding around the shoulders. She also wore knee-high greaves. Her helmet resembled two brown hawk-wings facing outward. It allowed her red hair to flow out the back. This was Shayera Thal; a Thanagarian warrior from the planet Thanagar. Most of her allies address her as Hawkwoman.

Braedey slowly walked up to Diana, and looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry, Mum. It's just..." He spoke to her in a quiet voice, which seemed to whistle in the now quiet and empty city. "I let my anger get the best of me...and it was because I was worried for you." A small tear fell down his cheek. But, he felt his mother's hand gently pat his head, and he looked up to her.

"I was worried for you, too." She said to him, then gently wrapped him in a hug. "I guess you got it from me." Diana hugged him a little more, and he hugged her back.

After a few more hours, the mutant insects and Buzzard had been rounded up and locked away. However, the oversized mutant insects were all destroyed and killed, while Buzzard was sent off to be decontaminated from the mutation. But, Braedey didn't feel well after what he had done to the mutated scientist. He felt like he was like a killer, and he had gone off to hide somewhere for the time being.

With Diana, she stood on top of one of the skyscrapers, and was looking at the city below. However, she wasn't smiling. She was looking worried, and she had a reason. Her son had gone missing, and she didn't know exactly where he's gone to.

"I know you're missing him." Diana turned around, and saw Batman walking up to her. "He disappeared a few hours ago after the scenario had occurred."

Diana sighed, and looked to the horizon. "I managed to find him after all this time, Bruce." She said sadly to him. "I can't afford to lose him again."

Batman then held out a device, made to pick up tracking devices and beacons. "You're lucky I had placed a tracker on him before we headed off to go here. The scanner shows he's somewhere hidden in the cliffs and hills. I think it be best we leave him be for a bit. He needs to recover from what had transpired."

Wonder Woman didn't want her son to be alone for the night, but she had no other choice but to listen to the Dark Knight. She only hoped he was somewhere safe.

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