Welcome to The League

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(Outskirts of Metropolis)
(EST 8:30AM)

Sitting at the mouth of the cave he had been staying in for the evening, Braedey looked up to the blue sky above. Yesterday, he couldn't believe he almost killed a villain, all because he had lost control when he thought Diana was dead.

'I don't think I am worthy to being a true member of the Justice League.' Braedey thought to himself, then walked into the cavern. He didn't wish to see the light of day.


At the Justice League Watchtower, Wonder Woman was still wondering about her son Braedey, and hoped he was okay. After what had happened yesterday during the bug invasion, she hadn't seen much of her son, and this has gotten her concerned.

"You know wondering about wont do much?" Diana looked over to her left, and saw Batman sitting there.

"You know I do worry about him." Diana replied. "I'm just concerned that he had run off. I've already lost him once, Bruce. I can't lose him again."


A few minutes later Braedey had walked into the cave, with a blue flash from a teleporter, Batman and Wonder Woman appeared. Diana had a pink and purple wrapped gift in her hands, topped with s pink bow. Diana wanted to give Braedey something after what happened during the giant mutant insect incident.

"You certain he's down here?" Batman asked.

"Your scanner said so." Diana replied, as the two walked on into the cavern. As they walked in, Diana sees Braedey not far away. "Braedey?" She calls.

Braedey turned around, and saw Diana with Batman. "Hey, Mum." He sighed, as Diana sat next to him, whilst placing the present next to her. "I guess you're angry at me for what I did yesterday, right?"

Diana was surprised. "No. I'm actually surprised by what I saw yesterday." She explained to him. "Yesterday, I had watched you fight, and there has never been an Amazon that fought like the way you did. You are unique in your own ways."

Braedey smiled sheepishly. "I...guess I've learnt that from you." He admitted, then saw the gift next to Diana. "What is with the gift?"

Diana turned to the wrapped present, then handed it to Braedey. "This is something I had created for you to wear when the time is right." She told him, and with a curious expression, walked to his walk-in wardrobe to change.

In a few minutes, he walked out, but wearing an outfit that was almost completely made of armour. He had a breastplate over his torso, which had a red fairy emblem over the left breast, and a gold, asymmetrical cross that intersected over top of that. His shoulders had three-layered shoulder plates, and he wore greaves on his forearms that end in a wing-like structure at his elbows. He also wore a blue skirt, which was covered slightly by plates of armour attached to brown, leather straps that connected to his equally brown belt. In addition, he also wore black, knee-length boots.

(A/N: the design and make of the armour belongs to Erza Scarlet of 'Fairy Tail', so it belongs to its respected owner)

Braedey looked at his new armour, then at the sword in his hand. "Okay. This looks pretty interesting."

Diana walked to him. "I was thinking of what kind of design you would be best suited with, so I created this. I hope you don't mind it."

"I really don't mind." Braedey smiled. "Albeit with the skirt, it's not too bad. I like it." Then, he saw Batman walking up. "So, where are we going?"

Instead of an answer, the two heroes and little Amazon were engulfed by a blur flash of light, and left the cave in silence.

(Justice League Watchtower)

The light of the teleporter faded, and Wonder Woman, Batman, and Braedey stepped out to see a massive room. It was rather humongous, even larger than what Braedey had seen before!

"Glad to have you with us." Green Lantern looked to Braedey, as he gave him a slight nod.

The Flash then ran up, and saw Braedey in armour. "Look who's here. The little Amazon warrior."

"Good to see you too, hotshot." Braedey smirked, and The Flash laughed.

"A sense of humour. I like that." The Flash smiled.

Braedey then looked to the windows, and saw the Earth below. He was entranced by it. "Wow. When I was a kid, I always wanted to know the thrill of being in space, seeing the stars, travelling to the moon, and even see the Earth. It is astonishing." He smiled.

Superman then floated over to Braedey. "Since you are the son of Wonder Woman, it be best you know who we really are."

Batman removed his cowl, revealing black hair and piercing eyes. Ben paused, seeing the look in those eyes. They reflected pain. The pain of losing your whole life in an instant.

"Bruce Wayne. Flash is Wally West. Superman is Clark Kent. Green Lantern is John Stewart. And you know Diana and J'onn." the billionaire explained.

Braedey glanced over at Flash and smirked. "Wally? Really?"

Flash sighed, and looked away. "Shut up."

Braedey then thought for a moment. He remembered that Martian Manhunter, and came to the conclusion he was J'onn.

Diana then had an idea for later in the future. "Maybe tomorrow, why don't I take you to Themyscira?" She asked.

Braedey thought for a moment, and knew Themyscira was the home he was born from. He nodded to her, and she smiled back to him.

"Welcome to the Justice League, Octavius." Diana hugged Braedey, as he hugged her back.

The future was beginning to feel bright for Braedey. Or rather, Octavius, the son of Princess Diana...

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