Welcome Home to Themyscira

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(Approaching Themyscira)
(11:30AM EST)

A few days after Braedey was welcomed into the Justice League, Wonder Woman's invisible jet soared the skies across the ocean, heading to the island of the Amazons.

Braedey was sitting up front, amazingly flying the craft of his mother's. Diana told him he could fly if he wishes to, and since he was so new to this, he wasn't too sure, but decided to go for it.

"Preparing for final approach." Braedey then starts the landing procedure. As the jet got closer, he then lowered the landing gear, which locked into place. "Okay. Ease it down." He's fortunate the jet has VTOL capabilities, or he'd have to land the jet like it was a regular airplane. In a moment, the landing gear touch the ground, and he shuts down the engine. "Wow. That was actually enjoyable, flying this." With that, he gets out of his seat, and with Diana, they leave the jet to meet up with the Royals and parents of Diana.

As Diana and Braedey walked across the large arch bridge, the brunette saw there were many people all around him. He was amazed, and couldn't believe that he came from this place. He showed a little smile, and gently waved to some people, who seemed to be amazed by him, not because he was an outsider, but rather the son of Princess Diana.

"Diana." A woman's voice called out ahead, and Braedey looked over to who spoke out. He saw a woman walking up, who had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wearing a white robe with a gold crown in her hair. This woman was known as Hippolyta.

"Mother." Diana nodded to her mother, and gave her a gentle hug. "Mother, I found him, and he's here. He's come home." She told her.

Hippolyta looked over to Braedey, and her eyes seem to shine and have small tears in them. "Young one, come closer." She asked. "Come closer so I can see your eyes."

Braedey walked forward to his mother's mother, as she placed her hands on his shoulders, and looked at his eyes. She can see his eyes matched that of his daughter, and she noticed the black strand of hair. She looked like she was about to fall apart in tears, but she hugged him tightly, making Braedey feel very attached to home once again.

"After all this time..." Hippolyta spoke slowly, then placed a hand against Braedey's left cheek. "Finally. You had come home. You're back in Themyscira."

Braedey showed a little smile to Hippolyta. "You and Mum are so much alike." He said, and showed a white smile to her. "And...thank you, Aunt Hippolyta."

Diana's mother showed a little amusing smile. "Well, aren't you a little smart one." She stood up, and placed a hand on his shoulder, whilst looking to the gathered crowd around them. "People of Themyscira. Octavius, the son of Princess Diana, heir to the Royal throne, has returned to us."

All at once, the crowd cheered out in happiness. Braedey felt honoured and loved by all these people, and was honoured to be called an heir to the throne. He stepped forward, and the crowds cheered out even more, and he waved to them all, smiling happily. Then, he felt Diana's hand on his shoulder, and he looked to her.

"I have something to show you." Diana told him, and he followed her to the palace.

As they entered the palace, he saw the amazing stone work and the statues of soldiers and warriors. Then, as he then followed Diana around, she showed him what looked like a small bed, which was originally made for him when he was little.

"You...you kept it." Braedey realised, and he began to remember the memories of his past. "This..was the same bed I slept in that day you sent me away."

"Yes." Diana then hugged him close to her, and he hugged her back. "But, I'm so happy you're finally home, and with back in my arms." She then held the black strand of black hair in her hand, and looked it at it. "Braedey, just give me one second." Then, she held another strand of hair, and made it the same colour of her hair, and now, he had two strands of black hair, which now framed his face. "There. Now, you look perfect."

Braedey looked over at a mirror, and he agreed that he did look perfect. After getting his hair fixed up, he followed Diana out to a spot which looked like a training ring.

"Tomorrow, we will begin training." Diana told him, and he smiled to her, knowing she'll be his teacher.

He hugged her again, and she patted his head gently.


A/N: sorry if this chapter was short, but I will get to a good point into the story, where Braedey will fight against one of his mother's enemies.

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