The four Musketeers part 2

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Why hello, I didn't expect you to come again. I couldn't update yesterday or the day before cause I update slow cause I'm to lazy😜. I'm random. I ship Tails and Fluttershy! Don't get mad at me if you like fluttercord or other ones.  Well onto the story! 😸

Nobody's POV

Tails was going back to the kitchen to ask flutters if they could feed Angel until....... "Ahhhhhh!!!" "Fluttershy!" Tails ran to the kitchen and saw fire coming out if the pot. "Fluttershy what's going on? Why is there fire!? Tails asked looking at the fire.

"I don't know. I was just cooking and then fire came out." Fluttershy said, she looked like she was going to cry.

Tails replied, "That's fine, but we gotta stop that fire from spreading." "We need Sonic and Dash!" Fluttershy replies loudly.

Scootaloo's POV

I heard Fluttershy and Tails yell. I don't know why but I'm going to check. I went downstairs with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. "HOLY MOLY!!!!! What happening?!?!" Sweetie Belle yells. "FIRE!!!" Apple Bloom yells and starts to panic and running in circles. "Apple Bloom there is no time to just run in circles! We need to stop the fire before it spreads!" Sweetie Belle yells.

"I never thought you were so mature in these types of situations. I thought you would be the one panicking and running in circles. No offense." I said rubbing my head.

"Wow." That was the only thing that she could say? I saw Apple Bloom starting to blow the fire. "Don't blow! It will make it worse. The more oxygen the fire has, the bigger the fire. (True fact now you know so don't blow on the fire unless you want a bigger fire!)

"What's going on here!?! It was Sonic and Rainbow Dash!! Speaking of Dash, I need to put a password on my phone cause she might look into my texts. Let me think about that later. For now we need to stop a fire from spreading

(Honestly I don't know what name I should use for Scootaloo's password. Can you guys give me an idea in 2 days or I'm going to think about one and fast!)

'we can use whip cream!' I am so smart. "Dash! Do we have whip cream?!" She replied, "Ya we do in the fridge!" I grab the whip cream and shake it fast. I spray the whip cream which I was delicious and I regret using it cause it was that good.

(Idk if you can stop the fire by using whip cream but hey, by the power of fanfiction anything is possible!)

"AHHH- Hey you stopped the fire." Apple Bloom yelled then stopped yelling cause the fire was out. "Thank you so very much Scootaloo!" Flutters said while hugging me tight. Who ever thought that Fluttershy was that strong?! "Uh Fluttershy can I ask you something?" "Oh what is it?" She asked. I replied, "Try not to brake my spine."

We a

ll started laughing and Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment. "Can we eat chili dogs?" Said sonic with a big grin one his face. "Sonic, no. You know what happened last time when we were 6.


Le Flashback start


Young Sonic: Who wants to eat chili dogs?!

Young Tails: Ya! I want some!

Young Sonic: How about you **** want some?

Young ****: heck ya!

(Do any of you guys know who this person is? No anybody? Ok I'm just going to go here in this corner and cry until I have an idea for the next chap.)

30 mins later.

Young Tails: *groans* my stomach, it hurts so bad. *starts to roll on the ground* Sonic, what were in the hotdogs?

Young Sonic: Chili! Duh. That's why it's called chili hotdogs.

Young ****: I thought you were the smart one out of the three if us.



Le Flashback over


Oh yaaaa, that's why you haven't eaten one in like 9 years. Well it's not my fault that you have a weak stomach, and I told you that I was sorry. Hey, who was that girl who was with us. We were best friends until she had to move." "Ya, also don't get mad at me but, I forgot how she looked like." Tails said.

Sonic's POV:

Same here buddy. I said, I really wish that she didn't move to another school cause we were so close. "Ya."Tails nodded sadly..........


Well that wraps it all up. Thank you once again for reading my story, it really makes my day when I see people enjoying my story. This story is short cause I had a tiny writers block. I know what will happen in the future but I don't know how it will happen. Well I have nothing more to say.

Bye my little pom poms (That's the nickname I putted you guys.

See ya next in the next chap!




Thank you APieceOfGayTrash2 for being my fourth follower! (I know I have like 22 followers and I know I'm late)

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