The four Musketeers part 3

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Hello my little pom poms! I am going to try to update fasted but longer, you get what I mean? Right? Okay I'm just going to go back to the corner again. On to the story! 😺 (I'm going to start to put animals)


Fluttershy's POV

Oh my. I never knew that Sonic and Tails would be this sad when their friend moved. "I'm sorry to ask you this but why did she have to move?" I ask "Well. Sonic pats the couch. I think we might want to sit, this might take awhile.

(This will be a flashback I repeat a flashback)


It was a nice sunny day, no clouds and the best of all no school!

I so happy that the teachers has to do work, I mean at least we can be free! Tails said raising his hands in the air. "Same, what do you think ****? Sonic asked

(sorry I really want you guys to guess who this person is)

"*sigh* Sonic, Tails, there's something I need to tell the both of you something important." **** said looking at the ground. Tears were starting to for in her eyes.

"What's wrong? You can tell us. We've been friends since like forever. Sonic putted his hand on her shoulder. You can tell us anything." "Sonic's right, you can tell us anything." Tails putted his hand on the other shoulder.

"You guys are really the best friends anyone can ask for." **** (I almost putted her real name) hugged Tails and Sonic while crying. She didn't want to lose them. The boys right away hugged back. The boys wanted to know why she was crying. "Tell us." Tails said calm and slowly.

"I...... I have..... To move to another.... *sniff* school. My dad said that we had to move. He told me all this yesterday. I didn't tell you guys this cause we would all be sad. **** fell to her knees and started to cry hard. I don't want to loose you guys. You guys are like brothers to me."

Tails and Sonic were close of of crying, trying hold their tears. They failed. The three were crying and hugging, a moment you want to last forever when you hear that your best friend will move somewhere. Without friends.

"When do you have to move?" Tails asked all teary. "Tomorrow. My dad told me that we have to move. I told him I didn't want to. He said that I had no choice. I wish we would stay together forever. I don't want to leave you guys.


After that we never saw her again. We all promised eachother that one day us three would see each other again. I guess we never will never see her again." Sonic leans on the wall sadly. "She was always like a sister to us.

Sweetie Belle was the emotional one out of the three. She had tears tears in her eyes. "Why?! Why couldn't you three *sniff* stick together?! Sweetie belle said, she was so emotional with this kind of stuff. Just like her older sister Rarity. You guys were best friends!"

"So how did you guys become best friends?" Scootaloo asked. "Ya! We want to here everything! Don't leave not one detail!" "Well this will also take awhile.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° It was Wednesday **** was getting bullied like any other day. "C'mon why won't you do anything? Your useless! It was Blaze. She always bullied **** when she had a chance. "Blaze! A whiny voice said. Save some for me. You know that I want to have fun to.

Amy Rose started to kick **** in the gut. Every day when she had the chance she punched or kicked her. "Amy! Stop it! I can't take it anymore! You already twisted my ankle last month! I don't need to brake my arm this time!" **** said while getting pinned by Amy on the ground.

"Really? You call yourself the tough one! What a sick joke! Just like you!" "Amy I think your the sick joke out of all of us." It was Sonic he looked really ticked. (Sorry I don't want to add bad words. 😅)  "S-Sonic? Why are you on her side?

"Cause she's not a snob like you!" "B-but Soniku you love me." Amy said she looked like she was going to cry. "I don't, how many times do have to tell you? I don't love you!

You okay?" Sonic put his hand down, lifting ****. "Ya I'm fine." **** said with a blush on her face. "Soooo do you want to be friends?" Sonic asked hopefully. "Yes, I would love to be your friend. **** said with a big grin on her face.

(My thumbs are so crampy cause I'm typing this on my phone. I'm starting to think people think that I'm texting to much.)

"Do you want to have another friend? Sonic asked. "I would love to. What's your name by the way? **** asked. "Ny name is Sonic, Sonic Maurice." Sonic said.

The two 5 year old ran up to Sonic's best friend Tails. "Hi there, my name is Tails." Tails said nicely. "I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude but why do they call you Tails?" **** asked, her head waa looking down ashamed at herself.

"That's fine, people ask me that all the time. People call me Tails cause I few months ago I drew a fox with two tails and then people started calling me that. My real name is Miles Prower. "Well nice to meet you Tails." **** said.......


........ And that's how we became best friends." Sonic said. "Wow that was beautiful- wait Amy was in this also?" Scootaloo asked concerned. "Amy, ya definitely bullied her hardcore.......


In Equestria (ya didn't see that coming did ya.)

Le Cliffhanger😂😊

I'm so sorry I had no idea on what to do, and cause I have crampy hands. I need a brake.




And comment!!!!!!

See ya later my pom poms!!! ✌ peace!!!

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