Castle - Varkus

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Song: Castle
By: Halsey
Album: Badlands
Ship: Vahl x Farkus
Words: 1,780

Sick of all these people talking,
Sick of all this noise,

I slammed the door open, looking in the main tavern as my follower and husband looked back at me.

"Vahl? What's up?" Farkus asked as the two of them stood up and walked before me.

I slowly looked up at them with a sinister smile, making a slightly afraid look spread across their faces.

  Tired of all these cameras flashing,
Sick of being poised,

"What?! That's insane!" Lydia screeched once I had explained the plan to them as I smirked.

"It's not insane. It's just not something a sane person would prefer to do," I spoke calmly as Farkus had a shocked expression stuck on his face.

We're taking over the city.

  Now my neck is open wide,
Begging for a fist around it,

"High Queen is a pretty big role to force yourself into. Maybe we should--" Farkus started.

"Isn't that what Ulfric did?" I asked as the two fell silent.

Because I'm right.

  Already chocking on my pride,
So there's no use crying about it,

"Okay, so let's say you were to follow through with this. You really just want to go in and challenge him?" Lydia asked as I nodded.

"What if you lose?" Farkus asked as I chuckled.

"Trust me... I won't," I spoke with a wide grin as Lydia sighed, grabbing her iron tankard and taking a sip of the sweet mead that filled the inside.

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They wanna make me their queen,

"When would we do this?" Farkus asked as I looked back out the window, seeing no sunlight entering as I smiled.

It's around three in the morning, so we would have plenty of time.


  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
That I probably shouldn't be so mean,

The three of us lurked around the market, agreeing on being safe than sorry. We snuck around, which Farkus wasn't too great at, to the castle doors.

I took a deep breath before pushing the doors open, having Ulfric and Galmar turn to me with confused expressions.

My intense blue eyes met Ulfric's frosty ones.

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They've got the kingdom locked up,

"Dohvakiin? What honor is mine for your visit?" Ulfric asked as I allowed my eyes to narrow, knowing I looked a lot more menacing.

"I don't think there's much honor about it..." I growled as his eyes narrowed as well.

"Then what do you want, Aradur?" He snapped as I heard Farkus grunt in anger.

  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut,

"Windhelm," I answered as his eyes lost their anger and he let out a laugh.

"Oh, Vahl, you've always been good with jokes," Ulfric spoke as he started taking a step towards me.

"Fus Ro Dah!" I shouted as he slid across the ground, picking himself up from push-up position and glaring up at me with shock.

My eyes still narrow.

  Straight for the castle,

"Oh? So is that how this is gonna be?" He asked as I slowly nodded my head.

"You're damn right..." I snapped as Galmar took a step back; Lydia and Farkus doing the same.

"Be careful, Love..." I heard Farkus whisper under his breath as I slowly nodded.

  Oh all of these minutes passing,
Sick of feeling used,

  I felt my long ponytail dance on my back as Ulfric slowly pushed himself up so he was standing. I narrowed my eyes even more as he glared at me.

"I've already knocked one high power into Oblivion. And I'm not scared to do it again!" He yelled, attempting to throw a dagger at me, but I slid over and made a clean dodge.

"You could, if you weren't cowering behind your army of Stormcloaks..."

  If you wanna break these walls down,
You're gonna get bruised,

"I'm not a coward!" He yelled, getting extremely upset as I smirked.

  I'd upset him pretty good with that one.

"Really? Because if I do recall, Tullius fights with his army. And what do you do? Oh yeah! Sit on your throne and tell people what to do rather than enforcing it yourself!" I yelled as he gritted his teeth, chucking a dagger at Lydia as I threw one of mine, resulting in them clashing together and hitting the floor.

  Now my neck is open wide,
Begging for a fist around it,

"And why Windhelm? Why not Solitude?!" He snapped as I shrugged

"Solitude can take care of itself. Windhelm is having a lot of issues," I pointed out as he shook his head.

"We're doing the best we can..." He replied as I chuckled.

"Yeah? Isn't that why you're losing the war? Because you're doing your best? Yet someone else can always offer better," I hissed.

  Already choking on my pride,
So there's no use crying about it,

"Enough! We've done enough banter! Now let's allow our blades to do the talking!" Ulfric screeched as I chuckled and shook my head.

"You seem rather eager for your demise..." I growled as I turned back to Farkus and Lydia.

"Get to Whiterun. Stay safe," I spoke as they both shook their heads.

  These people I swear...

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They wanna make me their queen,

"We're not leaving you here!" Lydia whisper-yelled as Farkus nodded in agreement.

"Look, I'm gonna be fine. I'm just more worried about you two..." I whispered as I felt Farkus' hand land on my shoulder.

"We're on your side, Love..." Farkus whispered as I looked around as I tilted my head, trying to look around and see where I could keep them safe at.

  Hell, no one is ever safe...

  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
That I probably shouldn't be so mean,

  I sighed as I turned back to my opponent, who had gotten a lot closer.

  I inhaled a deep breath, feeling my lungs flare with life as I prepared them and my vocal cords for the amount of shouting that was about to take place.

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They've got the kingdom locked up,

  I wrapped my fingers around the hilt of my sword, unsheathing the weapon. He stared at me with his cold eyes that were beginning to remind me of a snake.

"You ready, Aradur?" He growled as I slowly nodded.

"Oh yes..."

  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut,

  He swung first, and the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed throughout the main hall that the five of us were gathered in.

  I instantly gained the upper hand.

"Fus!" He shouted as I stumbled back a few steps. My eyes narrowed down again.

  Straight for the castle,

"Fus Ro Dah!" I shouted back, sending him across the room.

"Here's the difference between us. You learned that. And I was born with it!" I snarled as he jumped back up, dusting the debris from the food he had crashed into.

  There's no use crying about it,
There's no use crying about it,

  I watched him throw another dagger in my direction, resulting in me ducking and rolling out of the way. I jumped back to my feet, glaring at him with an angered expression.

  Let's put it this way...

  If looks could kill, he'd be past dead...

  There's no use crying about it,
There's no use crying about it,

  After about half an hour of going back and forth, I had finally gotten to a victory point.

  I swung my sword like a baseball bat, slicing his head clean off as the other three looked at the results of the fight in shock.

"You did it!" Lydia yelled after a few minutes of dead silence between the four of us.

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They wanna make me their queen,

  The next few days were spent cleaning up the remains of the deceased Jarl of the city. The substitute 'High King' of Skyrim was wiped out.

  And that leaves me as the High Queen.

  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
That I probably shouldn't be so mean,

  I sighed as I threw myself back into the large throne, kicking my legs up over the side and messing with the circlet in my grip.

  I sighed as I looked up, seeing Farkus standing there with a large grin on us face.

"Hey," He spoke as I smiled. 

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They've got the kingdom locked up,

"What?" I asked with a laugh as he sat on the arm rest that my knees were hanging off of.

"Nothing," He spoke with a smile as I leaned forward and poked his nose.

And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut,

"So, you're the High Queen now, huh?" He asked as I nodded.

"So it appears so," I answered, opening my arms up and motioning towards the large room that I was sitting in.

"So what does that make me?" He asked as I gave him a sweet smile.

"The High King."

  Straight for the castle,
They wanna make me their queen,

"Vahl!" Lydia screeched as I looked over, smiling as I sat up in the chair normally.

"Yeah?" I asked as she handed me a letter.

  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
That I probably shouldn't be so mean,

"They accepted," She spoke as my eyes widened, a wide smile spreading across everyone's lips.

  I opened the letter, seeing that she was correct.

  Solitude and Windhelm were no longer at a disagreement.

  The civil war has ended.

  I'm headed straight for the castle,
They've got the kingdom locked up,

"So what now?" Lydia asked as I shrugged, jumping off the large chair and recovering my casual clothes with my light armor.

"Wanna go slay a dragon?" I asked as Lydia sighed.

"You are insane," She commented as Farkus chuckled.

  And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying,
I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut,

"But seriously, what do you guys think?" I asked as they both looked at each other, shrugging.

"I'm in," Farkus commented as I smiled.

"Yeah. Let's go," Lydia answered as we headed out.

  These are the kind of people that help give me the inspiration to run a whole country.

  Straight for the castle,

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