Centuries - Tale

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Song: Centuries
By: Fall Out Boy
Album: American Beauty/American Psycho
Ship(s): Cywren x Timebomb
Words: 2523

Some legends are told,
Some turn to dust,
Or to gold,

Vahl felt the whole world shake as she glanced over at the apparitions that were only a smoke cloud of blues and greys that possessed a voice-box and had vague human-like features.

"He should be here any time now!" The female ghost hero shouted, causing all heads turn to the growling noises coming from the thick atmosphere of fog.

Placed there specifically by Alduin himself.

But you will remember me,
Remember me for centuries,

Cywren looked around at the group of people that surrounded her.

"Who ever goes in there isn't coming out," Sentinel Sarah Lyons pointed out as she identified each person by their skills.

Copper was resistant to radiation, but he didn't know how to operate that type of machinery. And then there's Sarah. She can't take that much radiation.

No one can.

And just one mistake,
Is all it will take,

"Mimi! Where's Sari!?" Asylum shouted in fear, now noticing she was gone.

"I don't know!" Mimi shouted back, more focused on their surrounds then their missing partner.

The sky was dark, filled with red and purple colors swirling around above the adventures.

We'll go down in history,
Remember me for centuries,

Vahl narrowed her eyes on the fog, spotting quick movements, then watching them disappear.

"There!" One of the men yelled, all of them pulling their weapons of choice out.

Vahl raked her bangs back, feeling the wind dance around her thin body.

She knocked an arrow to the bowstring. The tip of the arrow had the blood of previous victims stained on it.

Her blue eyes slowly made their way up to the dragon that had landed directly in front of her.

Remember me for centuries,

"I don't see any other choice..." Cywren said with a light sigh as she placed her hand against the bulletproof glass.

"What do you mean, Cy?" Timebomb asked as she felt tears pool inside her eyelids. She blinked them away before looking over at Sarah.

"Let me in..." She mumbled as everyone's eyes widened in fear.

"No! There has to be another way!" Timebomb yelled as Cywren shook her head.

"There's not..." She whispered, refusing to make eye contact with the boy.

Mummified my teenage dreams,
No, it's nothing wrong with me,

The Gate of Oblivion began to let Scamps and other hellish creatures enter the realm.

"Asylum! Pay attention!" Mimi yelled, getting annoyed with the clueless boy who was frantically searching for Sari.

Asylum swung his sword over his head, killing the small enemy with one hit. The body fell to the ground as Asylum turned around, facing Mimi and Jerry.

The kids are all wrong,
The stories are off,

He huffed out smoke, causing her pitch black ponytail to fly backwards as she shielded her flawless ocean blue eyes with her eyelids.

  She peeled her eyes open, drawing back the string and releasing it.

  Causing the arrow to hit Alduin in the nose.

Heavy metal broke my,

"There has to be!" Timebomb yelled again as she shook her head. She approached the boy and wrapped him in a hug.

"Please don't do this..." Timebomb whispered in her ear as she pulled his goggles up.

  His hazel eyes were full of sorrow as a tear stroll down his face. 

Come on, come on and let me in,
The bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints,

"Where's Kajsa?" Asylum asked as Mimi huffed.

"Asylum, thats not exactly my top priority right now. I'm sure both of them are fine," Mimi stated, swinging her sword at another creature.

And this is for tonight,
Thought that was what you felt,

  He thrashed angrily, attempting to wipe her out as she ducked and rolled out of the way.

"Foolish Dovahkiin! You have no idea what I am capable of!" The dragon growled in her face as she snarled.

"You're quite capable of getting on my nerves, if that what you're trying to achieve..." She barked, antagonizing the beast.

  He glared at her angrily with his blood red eyes.

I never meant for you to fix yourself,

"Timebomb... It's okay," She muttered with a weak smile while wiping his tears away.

"No... It's not okay... Nothing about what you want to do is okay..." He said as she placed her lips against his.

"I have to, Timebomb. For you. For them. And for my parents..." She muttered when they separated for air.

Some legends are told,
Some turn to dust,
Or to gold,

Asylum was panicking, not exactly paying attention to the task at hand. He had to find her.

The anxiety of not knowing where she was, was killing him.

"Asylum! Snap out of it!" Mimi shouted, grabbing the boy by his shoulders and shaking him, making him surface to reality.

But you will remember me,
Remember me for centuries,

  She watched the ghost with the large battle-axe slash a hole in Alduin's jet black wing. He flicked his wing as Vahl grabbed another arrow out of her quiver.

  She grabbed her bow off the thick grass and knocked the arrow, quickly drawing back and aiming at his eye.

  A smirk on her face the whole time. 

And just one mistake,
Is all it will take,

He took a deep breath as she took a step back. Sarah nodded over to Copper who then wrapped his arms tightly around Timebomb, holding him in place.

"Cywren! No!" Timebomb screamed as Sarah assisted Cywren into the small glass room.

"You ready?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah..." She whispered, hearing the glass door close her inside as the other door opened.

We'll go down in history,
Remember me for centuries,

"The Gate has opened!" Mimi shouted, confusing Asylum at first. Once he unknotted his thoughts, the boy realized what she had said.

It was time.

Asylum would enter the Great Gate of Oblivion and retrieve the Sigil Stone, before it was too late.

Remember me for centuries,

  She released the string out of her grip, watching the sharp blade bury itself in his red eye.

  He let out an angered growl while blindly breathing fire at her as she ran out of the line of fire. She hightailed it up a tree and sat there, perched like a sniper.

  She grabbed another arrow, watching the other hero's attack the dragon with melee weapons. 

And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my name,

She held her breath as she walked through the room, searching for the number pad.

She had eventually ran out of oxygen as she took a breath, feeling the poisonous air run down her throat and into her lungs.

She started coughing as she finally found the numbers.

'Cause I was only born inside my dreams,

Asylum took a gulped as his hands got sweaty, nervous for what he was about to do.

This would be a dangerous journey, no doubt about that.

"Come on guys! Lets head in!" Asylum called, gesturing for Mimi and Jerry to follow.

Until you die for me,
As long as there's a light,

  She had an evil grin on her face as she knocked another arrow.

"C'mon, Vahl... Do it for her..." She muttered under her breath, messing with the feathers on the end of the arrow.

My shadow's over you,
Cause I-I am the opposite of amnesia,

She was now hacking up her lungs, feeling her life force being taken from her.

Her fingers started shaking as she started thinking.

What would the code be?

And you're a cherry blossom,
You're about to bloom,

Entering the gate, Asylum's breathe was taking away. By how amazing and terrifying the scenery was.

He could see the Daedric Siege Engine making its way to the portal. He knew if he didn't get the Sigil Stone before it hit the portal, all would be lost.

Hell would run over the land.

You look so pretty,
But you're gone so soon,

  Her black ponytail was flapping in the breeze as beads of sweat ran down her grey face. Her blue eyes looked around, eagerly, searching for a way to slay the beast.

"Don't hide from me, Dovahkiin! I will be your end!" He roared, letting out a Thu'um, making asteroids rain from the sky.

"Dammit..." Vahl whispered to herself, dodging a large flaming rock that fell from the sky.

Some legends are told,
Some turn to dust,
Or to gold,

101? No... Too obvious.

112? No... Can't be.

What could it be?

Revelations 21:6!

But you will remember me,
Remember me for centuries,

Taking one last look back at the portal, he noticed another figure making its way through.

A smile appeared on his face when his  warrior companion, Sari, made her way through the Great Gate.

"Sari! You're here!" Asylum cheered, making her smile. There was no time to ask questions, though he did wonder where she was.

He looked back up at the tall hellish towers where the Sigil Stone was supposed to be placed, as determination glinted in his eyes.

And just one mistake,
Is all it will take,

  She jumped out of the burning tree, falling into a summersault and rolling back to her feet.

  She pulled out another arrow, lighting it on fire and knocking it. She released and watched it soar into the dragons heart.

  She pulled out a sword, the look of determination stuck on her face.

We'll go down in history,
Remember me for centuries,

She immediately pressed the buttons in order.

2 - 1 - 6

The whole room began violently shaking as she was pushed to the ground. Her back was pressed against the grating as she stared up at the ceiling, inhaling large breaths of radiation, probably to end up dead in a few minutes.

Remember me for centuries,

The group entered a building, seeing an seemingly endless stair case. They made their was up, as fast as possible as time was limited.

Sari took on some Dremora Elite Guards, swinging her hammer to hit the enemy, while Asylum climbed his way to the top.

Entering a door at the top of the stair case, a long escalated bridge, towering over pits of lava.

"Oh... okay... no one trip..." Asylum warned, making Sari roll her eyes.

"Thanks Captain Obvious..." Sari commented as Asylum ignored it, taking time into consideration.

We've been here forever,

  Anger ran through her veins as she jumped up on the snout of the beast with her sword. She balanced herself on his back as she dug the sword into his skull.

  She was covered in thick red dragon blood as she pulled her sword back out.

  She gritted her teeth, flicking her bangs out of her eyes.

And here's the frozen proof,

She could hear screaming and pounding from the door, yet she didn't have enough energy to actually look around. She just let her eyelids fall shut, maybe to never see the Wasteland ever again. Maybe to never see her followers ever again. Maybe to never see Timebomb again.

I could scream forever,

Walking carefully across the bridge, they entered the next tower, which now lead then down?

Asylum was confused, and doubted they were going the right way. But they had no time to think about it.

They were going to get the Sigil Stone or they were going to die trying.

After making it to the bottom of the second tower, they exited, now being back outside.

We are the poisoned youth,

  The dragon threw her off his back, causing her to land on the ground with a thud. She looked up as his head was looking down at her.

  She rubbed her nose with the palm of her hand, seeing the red liquid all over her hand from her face.

"I'm gonna end you..." She snarled lowly, grabbing the handle of her  sword, staring the dragon in the eyes.

Some legends are told,
Some turn to dust,
Or to gold,

Two weeks had gone by. Two weeks since she's been able to tell what was happening to her. Two weeks since she last had feeling of life. Two weeks since she believed she was living. And slowly, her blue eyes flashed open.

She stood up, having a small conversation with Elder Lyons before she began on a new expedition to search for her companions.

But you will remember me,
Remember me for centuries,

The bridge of which they were put on, had a hole as the group came to a halt.

Asylum panicked, looking for a way around, but they had no time to go back.

"We have to jump!" Asylum shouted back at the group, who all had different reactions.

Mimi's eyes widened with fear, Jerry looked concerned, as Sari gave Asylum a nod with full determination expressed on her face.

He smiled and nodded back before running and making the jump.

And just one mistake,
Is all it will take,

  She threw the sword into his mouth as he was about to cook her. She watched the metal go out the back of his throat as she rolled out of the way and watched the dragon fall limp.

  She took a deep breath as she slowly stood up, wobbling slightly while feeling the blood run down her face.

  She watched the dragon's body completely disintegrate as she was grabbed from behind.

"Thank you!" She heard all the praise of the crowd of the dead. She slowly nodded, looking at her sword.

  She'd won.

We'll go down in history,
Remember me for centuries,

She turned the corner, spotting Timebomb standing there, making her grin wildly. They said nothing other than wrapping each other into a tight hug. He hadn't been able to see her for two weeks, and now? He was probably the happiest man on the face of this apocalyptic wasteland.

"You did it, Cy," He whispered as she smiled.

"Did what?" She asked, slightly confused.

"You won."

We'll go down in history,
Remember me for centuries,

"We've made it to the main tower..." Sari  whispered to Asylum as they entered the last building. Asylum nodded, knowing that once they got to the top of this building he would have the Sigil Stone.

They only had about ten minutes left...

Quick to get on the move Asylum took a door to the left. Hallways lead them through traps and new doors.

Making there way to the top, they reached the Sigil Stone.

Asylum stood in front of the great orb, carefully reaching out and taking it off its pedestal.

The ground shook as fire blazed from the middle of the tower.

Everything flashed white as Asylum closed his eyes. When he reopened them, he was staring at his four companions, who all had smiles on there faces.

They were back in Bruma.

Cheers filled the air as Asylum looked over at Sari. She made eye contact with the boy and she tangled there hands, hold their hands in the air.

They had won they're battle.

And they did it together.

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