Chasing Cars - IRL

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Song: Chasing Cars
By: Snow Patrol
Album: Eyes Open
Ship: None
Words: 1564

Well do it all,

Haley hung her head low, walking down her gravel driveway, kicking a large rock. She felt... Empty and alone.

Useless is the word she preferred.

Her friends, though, would kill her if she even though that. Heck, if they knew half the stuff cycling through her head, then they might understand a bit better.

A brisk breeze picked up her strawberry blonde hair, making her grey-tinted eyes follow up the trail to her house.

Welcome to Indiana.

On our own,

Katie sighed, watching the dead leaves on the street dance in the calm wind, which was rare for where she's from.

She thought of the ginger, wondering what she was up to.

Katie had just gotten out of school and was on her way home, excited to talk to Haley.

Welcome to California.

We don't need,

Haley felt her phone vibrate in the pocket of her Venturiantale jacket.

The grey one with the emblem on it.

FaceTime : Katie

She showed a small smile before pressing the green button.

"Hey!" She piped, seeing the brunette's face appear on the screen.

Or anyone,

"Hi!" Katie exclaimed, hearing the harsh winds of Indiana.

"What's up?!" She could barely hear her friend shout over the roaring wind.

"What do you think?" She asked with a laugh, making the ginger with pink stained hair giggle.

If I lay here,
If I just lay here,

Haley stopped laughing once she heard herself.

"Sorry... My laugh is literally the ugliest thing..." Haley huffed with a smile as Katie rolled her eyes at the redhead who had a drop of water land on the end of her nose, startling her.

"Woah!" She yelped, making the brunette giggle at her reaction.

Would you lie with me,
And just forget the world?

"Jeez... It just rains here constantly... It would be nice to have some sun once in a while," Haley complained as Katie gave her an annoyed look.

"Come to California! It never rains! Sunshine all day long!" Katie sarcastically stated, wanting to be in Haley's shoes.

At least, weather wise...

I don't quite know,
How to say,

Haley began walking around the lake in her backyard that had a thin sheet of ice covering it.

"Look at this! It's ridiculous!" Haley screeched, showing Katie the ice.

"It's December! That's normal! It's not supposed to be 60 degrees!" The Californian yelled, really upset with the warmer weather.

How I feel,

"So! Are you going to the dance, Jo?" Katie asked, making Haley roll her eyes.

She hates dances and that name.

"No, Katie... I'm not going to the dance," Haley replied, watching the brunette pull her thick and tangled hair up in a messy bun.

Those three words,
Are said too much,

"Why not?! You're so pretty!" Katie yelled, about ready to strangle the laughing redhead through the screen.

"I've told you, Katie! I hate dresses!" Haley yelled in defense, looking up at the muggy grey sky.

"But you look pretty in them..." Katie muttered as Haley rolled her eyes.

They're not enough,

"Is Emily going?" Katie asked again, bringing up the stupid dance again as Haley scoffed.

"Maybe... Why does it matter?" Haley asked stubbornly, knowing what she was trying to get to.

"So why don't you go?" She asked as the strawberry blonde rolled her eyes.

"Emily has a date, and I'm not in the mood for third-wheeling," Haley groaned as Katie went silent for a second.

If I lay here,
If I just lay here,

Haley and Katie continued to talk and laugh until it got dark for Haley, who was two hours ahead of Katie.

"Okay! To my room we go!" Haley yelled, taking off her rain boots and sprinting through her house and up into her bedroom.

Warmth surrounded her numb body, causing a few more sharp pains, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle.

Would you lie with me,
And just forget the world?

"I really want to give you a hug..." Haley mumbled, looking at the brunette who nodded.

"But being separated by well over 2,000 miles doesn't help..." Katie whispered as Haley nodded, hearing the rain pound against her window.

Forget what we're told,
Before we get too old?

Katie took a deep breath, looking out her window and seeing the cloudless blue sky. Her cat, Oscar, came up from the foot of her bed and curled up in her lap, making the girl slightly smile.

"Do you ever just... Wonder what it would be like if we could meet up?" Haley whispered, staring at her Doctor Who poster blankly.

"Too often..." Katie said, staring at the cat that was purring in her lap then back at the troubled teenager that lived hundreds upon hundreds of miles away.

Show me a garden,
That's bursting into life,

The ginger closed her eyes, listening to the rain.

It always calmed her.

That and Katie.

That was usually it.

Let's waste time,
Chasing cars,

"So... Why do you want me to go to this dance so badly?" Haley asked, looking back at her phone, watching Katie shrug.

"You look gorgeous in a dress and I don't understand why you hate them!" Katie spoke as Haley smiled, shaking her head.

"Yes! I'm so hyped to dress in a super itchy outfit in a hot room with people! Because, you know, people with social anxiety totally enjoy that type of thing!" Haley spoke sarcastically, showing how much she despises dances.

Around our heads,

"Fine..." Katie grumbled, looking at the ginger in annoyance.

"Haley Jo!" Both the girls heard Haley's mom scream from downstairs.

"What?!" Haley yelled back, waiting for a response.

"Dinner's ready!" Her mom yelled as she sighed, looked over at Katie.

I need your grace,
To remind me,

"Guess I gotta go eat..." Haley whispered, looking at the brunette, who just nodded in understanding.

"Yeah... You better go do that," Katie replied as Haley waved, hanging up the phone.

To find my own,

Haley stood up, placing her phone in her back pocket as she marched down the wooden steps.

"Who were you talking to?" Her mom asked as she sat down on a stool.

"Katie," Haley responded, watching her dad pull popcorn out of the microwave as her sister drank out a chocolate milkshake.

If I lay here,
If I just lay here,

Katie groaned as she stood up, walking out to the living room and collapsing on the couch.

"Katie?!" Her mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" Katie answered, scrolling through her Wattpad notifications.

"You got something in the mail!" Her mom yelled, tossing her an envelope with her name on it.

Haley's name in the top corner.

Would you lie with me,
And just forget the world?

Haley turned to the large TV, seeing Jurassic Park was on, her six-year-old brother's favorite movie.

"Oh yes!" She squeaked, grabbing a bowl of seasoned popcorn, jumping the back of the couch, and sitting down, intently watching the movie.

Forget what we're told,
Before we get too old?

Katie read the address of her friends house, just remembering how they met on Wattpad six months prior.

It's crazy just to think about.

She slowly broke the seal of the envelope, sliding the paper out and unfolding it.

Show me a garden,
That's bursting into life,

Haley laughed as her dad sat next to her, stealing a handful of her popcorn and laughed with her as the idiots wandered around, getting eaten by velociraptors.

"I wonder why they haven't made a real dinosaur park before. I mean, it's pretty logical that they could do it," Haley's sister, Lindsay, said as Haley rolled her eyes.

"They haven't because they've watched this movie and aren't dumb!" She exclaimed, causing her dad to start laughing.

All that I am,
All that I ever was,

Dear Katie,
Merry Christmas! Man, it's ridiculous to think that we've known each other for almost six months now! Insane, really!
I am still really looking forward to seeing you in real life! And to show my excitement, I'm writing a song fic about it XD! I hope you like it!
I love you!
Haley Jo!

Is here in your perfect eyes,
They're all I can see,

Haley handed her half-eaten bowl of popcorn to her father, grabbing her phone and seeing three texts from Katie.

Katie : BOI!


Katie : AGHHHH!

Haley smiled, standing up from the couch as she ran up the stairs.

I don't know where,
Confused about how as well,

Katie grinned, walking to her room and placing the note delicately next to the small teddy bear Haley had sent her in the first note she sent.

Probably a few months ago.

Just know that these things,
Will never change for us at all,

Haley fell back on her bed, blaring Migraine by Twenty One Pilots on her phone as she stared up at the ceiling.

Her eyes closed, and she drifted to sleep.

If I lay here,
If I just lay here,

Katie collapsed on her bed, watching the ceiling fan spin in rapid circles.

The last image in her head being the spunky and wild ginger.

Would you lie with me,
And just forget the world?

Meet the characters!

Haley & Emily:


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