Don't Stop Believing - Cybomb

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Song: Don't Stop Believing
By: Journey
Album: Escape
Ship: Cywren x Timebomb
Words: 1,378
[High School AU] (Cybomb One-Shots)

  Just a small town girl,
Livin' in a lonely world,

  Cywren sighed as she lifted her head up off her pillow and pointed her head in the direction of her alarm clock.

  11:21 pm

  She sighed and got up out of bed, throwing on a nice sweater, skinny jeans, and combat boots.

  She quietly escaped out her window, headed towards the square.

  She took the midnight train going anywhere,

  She ran up to the monorail that her and her dad used to ride in all the time together until he just recently became overwhelmed by his work and couldn't hang out with her much anymore.

  She boarded the train, finding that there wasn't anyone on one of the cars.

  Heck, it was almost midnight, so why would there be.

  Just a city boy,
Born and raised in South Detroit,

  Timebomb rubbed his eyes, glancing over to his nightstand where his phone peacefully sat.

  He picked it up to check the time.

  11:43 pm

  He sighed as he stood up, grabbing a jacket, throwing on some jeans, and lacing his tennis shoes before heading out the door.

  Heading towards the plaza.

  He took the midnight train going anywhere,

He hopped on the monorail that would just do circles around Detroit.

He lived in the southern fraction of Detroit and he had always wanted to explore the rest of it.

He got in the car with the least amount of people, which only consisted of one person.

A redhead with glasses in a sweater.

A singer in a smokey room,
The smell of wine and cheap perfume,

She was gazing out the window at the city lights in awe.

Yeah, her dad had taken her before, but never around midnight.

It caused her to smile, watching the lights meet the stars, like long lost siblings.

For a smile they can share the night,
And it goes on and on and on and on,

Timebomb tried to look out the window, but kept seeing the reflection of the girl in the window.

He had to admit, she was rather cute, but kept gunning himself down.

Strangers waiting,
Up and down the boulevard,

Timebomb turned around and faced the girl, whose attention was on the city.

"Hello..." Timebomb mumbled, looking over at her, causing her glare to meet his.

Their shadows searching in the night,

"Uh... Hey!" She piped, showing him a friendly smile.

"I'm Timebomb," He introduced himself as she smiled.

"I'm Cywren, but my friends call me Cy," She said, her smile growing bigger as one appeared on Timebomb's face as well.

Streetlight people,
Living just to find emotion,

They shook hands, then another question arose to the others attention.

"Why are you out here at midnight?" They both asked in sync, causing a laughing fit between the two.

Hiding, somewhere in the night,

"Okay, you answer first..." Cywren said with a smile.

"Hmm... Let's see... I woke up around 11:40 and I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get back to sleep, so I though, why not explore the town? What about you, Cy?" He asked as she smiled.

"Honestly, that's exactly what happened to me!" She said as they both laughed.

Working hard to get my fill,
Everybody wants a thrill,

"That's really ironic and cool!" Timebomb exclaimed as she giggled; which he found adorable in so many ways.

"So, Cy, where do you live?" He asked as she smiled, tapping her foot against the marble flooring.

"Up north... And you?" She asked.

"Down south... But it's nice to meet someone from up there..." He said as she smiled and shrugged.

Playin' anything to roll the dice,
Just one more time,

They spent the next few minutes looking out the windows, together.

"You see that?" He asked, pointing up at the sky.

"You mean that star?" She asked, looking back at him in confusion.

"Yeah! Did you know that it brings you good luck if you wish on it?" He asked as she tilted her head at it.

"That doesn't make any logical sense..." She said, looking at him with concern.

"Just trust me!" He said as they both slowly closed their eyes.

Some will win, some will lose,
Some were born to sing the blues,

Neither of them knew, but they both had the exact same wish.

They both wished to get to know each other more and possibly hang out more often.

Oh, the movie never ends,
It goes on and on and on and on,

Cywren smiled as they went through a tunnel, the wishing star disappearing.

"So, Timebomb, where are you going?" She asked as he shrugged.


Strangers waiting,
Up and down the boulevard,

Once they exited the tunnel they both looked out the window, again.

"Man, I've seen the town many of times, but never like this..." He breathed out in awe as she looked over at him with a smile.

"I haven't ridden the monorail since I was seven..." She said, watching the tall skyscrapers almost touch the sky.

Their shadows searching in the night,

"And why is that?" Timebomb asked, looking down at the ginger.

The monorail is the main route of transportation.

"Well, I only live with my dad, because my mom passes away giving birth to me. And he's been so caught up in work recently so we haven't been able to get out much..." She said as he slowly nodded.

Not knowing how to respond to that.

Streetlight people,
Living just to find emotion,

"Where do you get your hair color from?" Timebomb asked, trying to change the subject.

"My mom... According to my dad, she and I look alike. I'm just a spitting image of her..." She said with a smile as she looked down at the heart locket dangling from her neck.

"I bet she acted like you, too..." Timebomb added as she giggled.

"I've heard that as well," Cywren admitted with a grin, putting her attention back on the window.

Hiding, somewhere in the night,

Hundreds upon hundreds of buildings had passed and still many more to come.

"What time is it?" Cywren asked as Timebomb pulled out his phone.

"1:03 AM..." He said as she nodded, resting her head on his shoulder as they continued to watch the windows.

Don't stop believin',
Hold on to the feelin',

His head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds to his spine, so he carefully stacked his on top of hers.

She smiled as he did the same, both of their faces glowing red.

Streetlight people,
Woahhh, woahhh,

They both knew they had to stay awake, or else they'd wake up on the train in the morning.

Cywren let out a sigh as the dreariness was finally getting to them.

"You're pretty cute, Cy... You know that?" Timebomb said as she smiled.

"Thank you..." She mumbled, looking up at him.

She began blinking herself to sleep, but then quickly stopped herself.

Don't stop believin',
Hold on...

They decided that to stay awake they would play iSpy.

"Hmm... I spy something black..." Cywren said as Timebomb looked over at her with an annoyed glare.

"Really?" He grumbled.

"Kidding! Kidding!" She yelped in defense as they both laughed.

Streetlight people,
Ohhh, woahhh,

"I spy something blue..." He said as she looked out the window closely.

"Hmm... Blue? What on Earth is blue?" She asked, looking around inside the car.

"I don't see anything blue..." She said, crossing her arms.

"You can't see them. And they're the prettiest blue I've ever seen in my life..." He said as she sat deep in thought.

Don't stop believin',
Hold on to that feelin',

She looked around... If she can't see it then what could it be?

"I give up, what?" She asked, really curious as they pulled into her stop.

"Your eyes, Dork!" He said as she smiled and blushed.

'They were the prettiest blue he'd ever seen?' She thought to herself as she stood up to get off.

Streetlight people...

He gave her one last thing before she left.

A kiss on the cheek.

Maybe the midnight train wasn't such a bad idea after all...

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