Just Give Me A Reason - Asyari

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Song: Just Give Me A Reason
By: P!NK
Album: The Truth About Love
Ship: Asylum x Sari
Words: 2189
[Modern AU]

Right from the start, you were a thief,
You stole my heart and I your willing victim,

  Sari stared down at her feet, feeling tears fighting against her eyelids. She knew that leaving him alone was bound to be a terrible idea, but she never expected this.

  This would've been the last thing she ever expected or wanted.

"Asylum...?" She whispered, her glossy brown eyes stared at him, but the call of his name forced two pairs of eyes to look over at her.

I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty,
And with every touch you fixed them,

"S-Sari?" He responded with shock, not quite expecting her to be there.

  She tried her hardest to hold those tears back, but she had failed. She felt a warm tear skid down her cheek as she stared at the scene before her.

"Sari? Who's Sari?" The brunette chick sitting in Asylum's lap asked, staring at Sari with an arched eyebrow.

Now you've been talking in your sleep,
Oh oh,

"Sari! I-It's not what it looks like!" He attempted to defend himself as Sari sealed her eyelids shut, more tears trailing down her flawless face.

"Not what it looks like...?" She barely managed to whisper as she bit her tongue, shaking her head at him.

"Sari! Please--"

"No..." She whispered, closing her eyes and attempting to block out him and the remainder of the world.

Things you never say to ME,
Oh oh,

"Sari!" Asylum yelled, forcing her to open her wet eyes. She felt her back against the familiar cloth that she knew was her bed sheets. Her body felt cold as she laid there, feeling her frigid hand being taken by a warm grip.

"No... G-Get away..." She tiredly snapped, removing her hand from his grip.

  He pulled his hand away from her, looking at her with a confused and hurt expression.

Tell me that you've had enough,
Of our love, our love,

"Sari? Are you okay?" He whispered as she sat up, shaking her head while staring into his saddened dark eyes.

"Who was she...?" She whispered as Asylum's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"No, no there is no one else. You had a bad dream. You're the only person I could ever love. You have to listen to me," He whispered as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry... But I can't..." She mumbled, standing up and exiting the room, leaving Asylum alone in their bedroom.

Just give me a reason,
Just a little bit's enough,

She walked out to the bathroom where she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Her eyes were red and puffy, slightly drained of their deep brown tint. Her eyelashes were damp and dark along with the bags under her eyes. Her skin was a little paler than usual and her freckles had all fled, leaving her skin a pure light tan. Her light pink lips were quivering in fear as clear drops from her eyes rode along their edge.

  Her long brown hair with golden tints was pulled back in French Braided pigtails. Shorter pieces shot out and stuck up, knotted and twisted into an even bigger nightmare.

Just a second we're not broken,
Just bent and we can learn to love again,

  Asylum fumbled his fingers together, trying to conceive what he had done wrong. 

He hadn't been around any other girls in a few days, and he would never show any of them any sort of affection.

At least not the way he showed affection towards Sari.

Oh, it's in the stars,
It's been written in the scars on our hearts,

Sari took a deep breath, wiping the tears off her face before closing her eyes, seeing everything playing again in her mind, forcing her to gasp and pop her eyes open.

He did this to her. Didn't he?

Why was she even doubting this, of course he did.

He was the one that cheated.

We're not broken just bent,
And we can learn to love again,

"Sari..." He whispered, lightly knocking on the bathroom door as he heard her sniffles from the other side.

"Just go away..." She muttered as he shook his head.

"Do you actually want me to leave...?" He whispered, feeling a tear skid down his own face.

I'm sorry I don't understand where all this is coming from,
I thought that we were fine,

"I-I don't know..." She whispered so softly that she hardly heard herself.

"It was a nightmare, Sari..." His voice cracked from the opposite side of the door, giving her the impression that he was crying.

She took a shaky deep breath before slowly unlocking the door.

Your head is running wild again,
My Dear, we still have everything,
And it's all in your mind,

He looked up at her, both of their eyes full of liquid at the sight of the other.

"What happened, Sari...?" He whispered as she shook her head, looking down at her feet.

"Why did you do that to me...?" She whispered as he walked towards her to wrap her in a hug, but she pushed him away.

You've been having real bad dreams,
Oh oh,

"Sari... Look at me... P-Please..." He whispered, the hand he had outstretched towards her was harshly shaking.

Slowly, her discolored eyes looked up at his. His eyes were large and extremely dark, tears built up.

"W-What...?" She barely managed to choke out as she focused all her attention on the boy.

Used to lie so close to me,
Oh oh,

"Sari, you had a bad dream... It wasn't real... None of it..." He whispered as she shook her head and back up.

"N-No... No it was... D-Don't deny it..." She mumbled as his arm fell, as did tears.

He moved his foot back, respecting the fact that she didn't exactly want him around at the time. Yet he wasn't about to give up on her.

On them.

There's nothing more than empty sheet,
Between our love, our love,

She closed her eyes and let another warm tear roll off her face, landing on the tiled floor of their shared apartment bathroom.

"Sari... Please," He whispered, barely able to keep talking due to his cracking voice and his harsh breathing pattern.

He was scared. Scared to lose her to her own imagination.

Oh our love, our love,

"Please what...?" She mumbled, her glare fixed on her feet, staring at her lime green toenails.

She was frustrated when she began painting them, and Asylum had to help her because she couldn't reach her right foot. Oh the joys of being left handed.

That was just one more broken memory she would have of her cheating boyfriend.

Just give me a reason,
Just a little bit's enough,

"Please look at me and tell me what I did wrong," He spoke a little more confidentially. His voice slowly being restored when he realized how serious the situation is.

And he's not about to let her go.

He couldn't.

Just a second we're not broken,
Just bent and we can learn to love again,

"You know what you did..." She mumbled, slowing raising her vision back up to meet him once again.

Tears were streaming down his caramel cheeks, making her feel like someone had just punched her in the gut.

"No... I don't," He answered truthfully. He just wanted answers.

Oh, it's in the stars,
It's been written in the scars on our hearts,

"Just start from the beginning and tell me everything that you saw," He spoke, now questioning himself.

Did he talk to another girl? Is that what triggered this? Did he do something wrong?

Or was she just dreaming?

We're not broken just bent,
And we can learn to love again,

"O-Okay... Well... We were at this-this bar... A-And I came to find you... You were... You had another girl with you..." She muttered.

  Every word hurt.

  It felt like a knife being shoved deeper and deeper into her heart as she slowly spoke each one.

Oh, tear ducts and rust,
I'll fix it for us,

He stared at her with a shocked expression. Now, he most certainly didn't do that.

  And he knows that for a fact.

"Sari... That wasn't me..." He whispered, watching her light pigtails rise and fall on her shoulders. She shook her head as he watched one of her tears hit the ground.

We're collecting us,
But our love's enough,

"Then who was it? Because he looked a lot like you..." She mumbled, wanting to believe him so much, but she couldn't.

  She didn't know if she'd ever be able to again.

You're holding it in,
You're pouring a drink,

"It was your mind," He spoke, taking a step closer to her, yet her eyes never moved from looking down.

"Your mind was playing a trick on you. That was it..." He whispered, still trying to convince her.

"I don't want to lose you, Sari..." He finished his statement as her eyes slowly trailed up to his.

No, nothing is as bad as it seems,
We'll come clean,

  She didn't know if he was lying or if  he really meant it.

  His eyes would give you the impression that someone had just killed his family. They were swollen and dark as tears continued to leak every once in a while.

"I don't want to lose you, either. B-But I don't know if you really mean it..." She whispered as he took another step towards her.

Just give me a reason,
Just a little bit's enough,

"Sari, I mean this. I can't lose you. I can't do it," He whispered lowly, watching for any movement from her body.

  Her brain was being overworked. She didn't know if she should believe what she saw, or believe what he's saying.

"But I witnessed it..." She spoke, her eyes roaming his as he shook his head.

Just a second we're not broken,
Just bent and we can learn to love again,

"It was a nightmare. I promise. I wouldn't lie to you," He spoke, reaching his hand out for her to take.

  She stared down at his hand for a second, weighing out her options.

"I love you too much to lose you..." He muttered as she took in a deep breath.

Oh, it's in the stars,
It's been written in the scars of our hearts,

"I love you, too," She whispered, looking into his eyes as her fingertips touched his as her hand slid into his grip.

  She let a small smile show on her lips.

"And I believe you..." She whispered as a grin grew on his face.

We're not broken just bent,
We can learn to love again,

  She jumped into his arms, hugging him so tightly as he did the same. He was scared to loosen his grip in fear of her trying to leave again.

"I'm so sorry..." She cried into his shoulder as he rubbed her back.

"It's okay, Sari..." He spoke, resting his head on top of hers.

Just give me a reason,
Just a little bit's enough,

  She removed her head from his shoulder to look into his big brown eyes. He gave her a warm smile while cupping her cheeks.

  Their lips collided after her pulled her closer to him. He stroked her cheeks as tears fell from his eyes. Her lips helped him think.

  He didn't lose her.

Just a second we're not broken,
Just bent and we can learn to love again,

"Let's get to bed..." He spoke as she nodded, grabbing his hand as he lead her back to bed.

"What if it happens again...?" She whispered as he sat her down on her side of the bed.

"Well, just remember that I wouldn't do that to you because I don't think I could live without you," He spoke, offering her a smile.

Oh, it's in the stars,
It's been written in the scars on our hearts,

"Okay..." She whispered, giving him a small smile as she crawled into the sheets.

  He walked to his side and crawled in next to her.

  She scooted closer to him as he wrapped his arm around him.

We're not broken just bent,
We can learn to love again,

"Goodnight, Sari," He spoke, stroking her hair as she buried her face in his chest.

  He smiled at her action, feeling her warm breath against his shirt.

"Goodnight," She muttered into his chest.

Oh, we can learn to love again,
Oh, we can learn to love again,

"I love you," He spoke, placing a kiss on top of her head.

"I love you, too," She said, looking up at him with a smile.

  He placed a small kiss on her lips before she placed her head back in his chest, soundly drifting to sleep.

  Only having good dreams.

Oh, that we're not broken just bent,
And we can learn to love again,

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