One Call Away - Jangel

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Song: One Call Away
By: Charlie Puth
Album: Nine Track Mind
Ship: Jimmy Casket x OC
Words: 1,397

Some characters and plot are all inspired and taken from my book; Broken People. So go check that out or something??

  I'm only one call away,
I'll be there to save the day,

  I panted as I dashed around the corner, pressing my hot and sweaty back against the cool bricks in a pitiful attempt to hide. I couldn't calm my breathing and it was all beginning to seem like a fruitless task.

  I looked across the alley, finding Michael panting along with me.

"I'm gonna find you! Might as well give up now!" He yelled as I sealed my eyes shut, trying so much harder to calm down.

  Superman got nothing on me,
I'm only one call away,

"Mike! Where is she!" He yelled as I opened my eyes, seeing Mike glaring at me with his large brown eyes, which were filled with fear.

  We both knew Rob wouldn't hurt him.

  Just me.

  Call me, Baby, if you need a friend,
I just wanna give you love,

  'Casket' He mouthed to me as I looked around, trying to understand why he was saying that to me.

  I arched my eyebrow at him before he rolled his eyes, pointing at the cell phone that was in my tight grip.

  This phone is literally why we're out here, running from our biological father.

  C'mon, c'mon, c'mon,
Reaching out to you, so take a chance,

  I quickly found Jimmy's contact, sending him a text that was rather straightforward.

  'Help! Please!'

  I shut the phone completely down and shoved it in my back pocket, knowing he was gonna track my phone.

  He may be a murderer, but he's pretty damn good at protecting me.

  No matter where you go,
You know you're not alone,

"Found you, Angelica..." I heard Rob hiss as Mike pushed me back behind him and deeper into the alley.

"Michael... Move..." Rob growled as Mike shook his head.

"If you're gonna kill her than you're gonna kill the both of us," He spoke as I smiled.

  I'm glad I have one family member that likes me.

I'm only one call away,
I'll be there to save the day,

  He doesn't understand that he doesn't faze us anymore. Neither of us are feeling any sense of fear or worry. We're all just going through the motions.

  He's wanted me dead for twelve years now, yet I'm still alive.

  I'm not afraid anymore.

Superman got nothing on me,
I'm only one call away,

"Move..." Mike growled as Rob shook his head.

"Move," I stated a little more sternly as he chucked and shook his head more aggressively.

"Move!" A new voice to the scene snapped as I felt a smile play at my lips.

  Jimmy Casket.

Come along with me and don't be scared,
I just wanna set you free,

"You're not needed at the moment, Casket!" Rob snapped as I felt anger shoot through me at his words.

"Really? This scene, the text I received, and my girlfriend's facial expression all seem to say otherwise," Jimmy spoke as he walked up and grabbed the back of Rob's collar, about to throw him back until a gun was placed against my skull.


C'mon, c'mon, c'mon,
You and me can make it anywhere,

"Let go of me and I won't blow your girlfriend's brains out..." Rob snapped as Jimmy's hand was slowly removed from Rob's shirt.

  Unexpectedly, Mike grabbed the barrel of the gun and instantly forced it upward so the bullet shot up into the night sky as we all looked up.

  My eyes were wide with shock from Mike's action as Jimmy looked the same.

"Don't touch my sister, Bitch..."

For now, we can stay here for a while,
Cause you know I just wanna see you smile,

  Mike pinned Rob up against one of the brick walls of the alleyway. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and drag me out of the alley and back out into the street.

  If I'm being honest, the streets just felt safer at this point.

No matter where you go,
You know you're not alone,

"Are you okay?" Jimmy panted while tucking a strand of hair back behind my ear while inspecting my expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I barely managed to breathe out as I tried to catch my breath.

"What does he want from you this time? Other than you just simply being dead?" He asked as I handed him my phone.

  Which left him staring at a purchasing order for a fake ID.

I'm only one call away,
I'll be there to save the day,

"Okay... You turn this in to the police and he'll be stuck as Robert Hess, right?" He asked as I nodded, proud of him for understanding as we heard something pound against the concrete.

  We both peeked around the corner, seeing Mike, knocked out, on the ground.

  Oh no...

Superman got nothing on me,
I'm only one call away,

"I think we learned something today, Angelica..." Rob spoke as I looked up at him with an arched eyebrow.

"And what would that be?" I spat out as he looked down at Mike. I slowly felt Jimmy's fingers intertwine with my own.

"Whose side your brother was on..." He hissed as I chuckled.

"In that case, I think you mean you learned something today..."

  And when you're weak I'll be strong,
I'm gonna keep holding on,

  I felt Jimmy tighten his grip as he grabbed his knife out of his sweatshirt pocket with his free hand.

"And what are you planning on doing with that?" Rob asked, looking at Jimmy's knife that was trapped between his fingers.

"Well, Robert, I know that this is difficult for someone with your intellect to grasp, but if you jab the sharp side into someone then they stop breathing and feel a lot of pain," Jimmy growled as I tried my hardest not to laugh.

  Now don't you worry,
It won't be long,

"Can you use the bitch holding your hand as an example? Or can you physically not?" He snapped as the both of us narrowed our eyes.

"I prefer using it on people I actually don't like," Jimmy growled while twirling the blade in his fingertips. He flipped it up before contracting his elbow and grabbing it again, catching it in a throwing position.

  He swung his arm back and released the blade, letting the weapon lodge it's way into my abusive father's throat.

  Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone,
Just run into my arms,

  We both watched Rob fall to his knees, no longer able to keep breathing. But that wasn't important to me at the moment.

  I was worried about my brother.

"Is he okay?" Jimmy asked after I checked his pulse and looked up at him with a scared expression.

  I'm only one call away,
I'll be there to save the day,

"It's slow. It's there, but slow," I whispered as he nodded, picking him up into standing position as he helped me drape one of his arms around my neck.

"We'll get him back to Gavin's and they'll fix him up. I promise," He spoke, looking over at me with a stern expression as I nodded.

"Thank you... For everything," I whispered, giving him a large smile.

  Superman got nothing on me,
I'm only one, I'm only one - - call away,

"For what?" He asked as I rolled my eyes, both of us working together to haul my brother back to Gavin Toast's mansion.

"For saving my life countless times, yet still coming back and doing it every time I'm in danger," I whispered as he looked over at me with a light smile.

"Angel, I've never worried about someone so much in my life. And I wouldn't change a thing about that," He spoke as I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled and laughed.

  I'll be there to save the day,
Superman got nothing on me,

"Well, thank you," I spoke again as he sent a nod towards me.

"Any time, Babe," He spoke with a smirk as I rolled my eyes, giving him a grin back in response.

  I'm in love with a serial killer.

  I'm only one call away,
I'm only one call away,

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