Thinking Out Loud - Jordica

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Song: Thinking Out Loud
By: Ed Sheeran
Album: X
Ship: Jordan x Jessica
Words: 1892
[High School AU]

When your legs don't work like they used to before,
And I can't sweep you up off your feet,

"Jordan! C'mon! I don't want to be late, again!" Jessica yelled down the long hallway full of lockers.

  Her dark eyes were met by the chocolaty hue of Jordan Frye's eyes, who was still at his locked at the opposite side of the hall from her.

"Calm down! We won't be!" He responded as the bell rang. He sighed in defeat as Jessica rolled her eyes.

"What is that? Five days being late to Study Hall now?" Jessica asked as Jordan grabbed the remainder of his books and jogged down the hall to catch up with her.

  Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

  They opened the door to the class, making everyone's heads jerk back to face them.

"Hmm, interesting. You have both been late for the past five days. Care to explain?" The teacher asked, looking between the two high school students.

  Jessica put on an annoyed face before pointing over at Jordan, making the teacher's glare move to Jordan.

"My locker got stuck," He lied as Jessica rolled her eyes.

  And darling I will be loving you 'till we're seventy,
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at twenty-three,

"Is there an issue, Ms. Ott?" The teacher asked, noticing her eye roll.

"No, there's not..." She spoke, looking at Jordan who seemed satisfied with his horrible excuse.

"Alright, but if you come in late again, I'm writing both of you up," He spoke as they both nodded, heading to their seats.

  Jessica sat two tables in front of Jordan, and his favorite thing to do in this class was to mess with her.

  And I'm thinking about how,
People fall in love in mysterious ways,

  Jessica flipped her pencil, erasing some of the errors on her sketch of one of Jordan's OC's, Asylum Weaver. The messy bangs overlapped his dark forehead as he held the hilt of his sword.

  She felt something hit her in the back. She turned to see Jordan with his nose in a book.

  She looked down at what hit her and saw a folded index card.

  Maybe just the touch of a hand,
Oh me I fall in love with you everyday single day,

    She picked it up gently, unfolding it carefully to see the chicken-scratch of Jordan's handwriting on the paper.

'Jess! Guess what?! I'm right behind you! -You'll never guess who'

  She rolled her eyes before seeing a shadow cover her desk, forcing her to look up.

"What do you have there, Ms. Ott?" The teachers voice boomed as both Jordan and Jessica flinched. 

  And I just want to tell you I am,

"Just, a note my friend gave me yesterday..." She whispered as the teacher nodded, snatching the card out of her hand and placing it in front of Jordan.

"So it was just a coincidence that Mr. Frye was writing this same note not even a minute ago?" The teacher asked, arching his eyebrow at Jordan, who hung his head in shame.

"Out in the hallway, please. Both of you," He spoke as they both stood up and exited the premises, standing in the hallway and waiting for their demise.

  So honey now,
Take me into your loving arms,

"Idiot..." Jessica mumbled while looking up at him.

"Snitch," He replied back.






"When you two are done bickering like an old married couple, I'd like to talk to you," The teacher's loud voice boomed. Jordan held up his index finger, telling him to hang on a second.

"Blabbermouth. Okay you can go now," Jordan spoke as Jessica rolled her eyes.

  Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars,
Place your head on my beating heart,

"Anyways, these two now belong to the two of you," He spoke, handing both of them a lime green slip of paper.

  They both flipped the papers to see the text on the back.

  Detention slips.

"Woah! Hang on! Jess didn't do anything!" Jordan yelped, trying to help out his crush as the teacher shook his head.

"I'm pretty sure lying to a teacher classifies as insubordination," He spoke as they both sighed in defeat, staring at the lime green slips.

  I'm thinking out loud,
And maybe we've found love right where we are,

  The two grabbed their books and headed out of the class as soon as the bell rang. They walked down the hallway side by side. They didn't say anything to one another, just observed their surroundings.

  Kids from their previous class were whispering things to their friends while looking as them.

  Jessica was embarrassed. Her face was glowing red as each person looked at her.

  Jordan could sense her discomfort as he took a glance down at her hand. He took a deep breath as he gained enough confidence to grab her hand. He gave her cold, frail hand a warm squeeze in attempt to reassure her.

  "Thanks..." She whispered.

When my hair's all but gone and my memories fade,
And the crowds don't remember my name,

  "Okay, I swear if we're late to detention because of you..." Jessica warned as Jordan chuckled.

"What will you do?" He asked, slamming his locker closed and leaning against it, giving her a smirk that could make any girl melt.

"Complain. A lot," She spoke as he nodded.

"Sounds about right," He spoke with a smile as he grabbed her empty hand, beginning to walk her to detention with him.

  When my hands don't play the strings the same way,
I know you will still love me the same,

"Miss Jessica Ott and Mister Jordan Frye? Correct?" The principle asked as the two nodded.

Jessica could feel Jordan's thumb rubbing her knuckles, making her a lot more calm than she would be normally.

They sat at a table together in the cafeteria that was full of kids in detention. Jordan knew one specifically who came to sit with the two of them.

"Well look who it is," The voice of Isaac Frye spoke from Jordan's side as Jessica giggled. Jordan, on the other hand, was not too thrilled with his visit.

  'Cause honey your soul could never grow old,
It's evergreen,

"How nice of the two of you to join me," Isaac spoke as Jessica nodded.

"Not like we had much of a choice," Jessica answered as Jordan played with the promise ring that he had given Jessica the first day of Freshman year.

"So what did you two do? Get caught making out in the bathrooms?" Isaac asked as Jordan punched him in the shoulder.

"How about, insubordination and passing notes in Study Hall?" Jessica spoke as Isaac nodded.

"Man you two are lame if that's how you ended up here," Isaac commented as Jordan rolled his eyes.

  Baby your smile's forever in my mind and memory,

"How did you get stuck here, than?" Jessica asked as Isaac shrugged.

"Cheating on a test and being on my phone for a whole class period," Isaac spoke as Jessica's jaw dropped.

"Yep, so if you ever think I'm the worst of the batch, just look at Isaac and remember how much better I am than him," Jordan commented as Isaac gasped.

"Rude!" Isaac spoke as Jessica giggled.

  I'm thinking about how,
People fall in love in mysterious ways,

"Well, Jessica! I've gotta go!" Isaac spoke as the vice principal entered the room.

"Praise..." Jordan mumbled as Jessica smiled.

"Bye, Isaac," Jessica spoke with a wave as he nodded back. Jordan grabbed her hand again as soon as Isaac left.

"Welcome to detention. One rule, no talking," The vice principle spoke as Jessica turned to Jordan, who had a slight grin on his lips.

  And maybe it's all part of a plan,
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes,

"What are you planning?" She whispered as his smile only grew.

"You'll see afterwards," He answered quietly as she rolled her eyes, moving her focus back to the artwork she was working on earlier.

She drew a rough sketch of a female next to Asylum. She was a bit taller and a lot more intimidating. She wielded a war-hammer and had blonde french-braided pigtails.

  Hoping that you understand,

"That's really good..." He whispered so softly that he could hardly even hear himself.

"Thank you," She responded as he nodded.

He went back to working on his unfinished science homework, which isn't really his strongest class. Jessica, on the other hand, went back to finishing up her illustration of Asylum and Sari.

  But baby now,
Take me into your loving arms,

"Okay, you guys are free to go. Have a nice weekend," The vice principle spoke as everyone stood up, evacuating the room.

"Okay, what did you want to tell me?" Jessica asked as Jordan shrugged.

"I don't know," He spoke, still smiling as she arched an eyebrow.

"Mhmm..." She hummed skeptically, looking at him with a questionable glare.

  Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars,
Place your head on my heating heart,

They walked out to the parking lot, finding Jordan's blue sports car with his brother laying in the backseat.

"Here you are," He spoke, opening the passenger door for Jessica, who smiled and sat down.

"Thank you," She spoke as he nodded, slamming the door closed and walking around to the driver's seat and starting the car.

  I'm thinking out loud,
That maybe we found love right where we are,

"Here we are, Miss Ott," Jordan spoke, parking the car in the driveway of Jessica's house.

"Jordan hurry up! I wanna go home!" Isaac whined like a toddler as Jordan rolled his eyes.

Both Jordan and Jessica got out of the vehicle and walked up to the door.

  So baby now,
Take me into your loving arms,

"So, you're probably pretty mad at me," He spoke as she laughed and shook her head.

"Nah, it really didn't bother me too much," She replied with a grin.

"Okay good. Because we have to go again tomorrow..." He spoke as her eyes widened.

"Why?" She asked as he chuckled.

"I was kidding!" He replied as she playfully slapped him in the chest.

  Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars,
Oh darling, place your head on my beating heart,

"Well, I've gotta get going," He spoke with a smile as she wrapped him in a hug.

"Thanks for the ride," She whispered from inside the hug.

"It was my pleasure," He spoke before looking at her eyes that were staring back up at him.

He carefully matched her lips with his, both of them closing their eyes and enjoying the feeling of passion being shared between the two.

  I'm thinking out loud,
That maybe we found love right where we are,

"See you later," He whispered once they separated for air.

"Yeah. Have a safe trip home," She spoke as he smiled.

"Will do, Jess," He spoke as he hopped back in the car.

Driving home.

  Oh, maybe we found love right where we are,
Maybe we found love right where we are,

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