10. Taboo

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I was running my fingers through my hair in an attempt to straighten it as Cana came running down the stairs, followed by the rest of the group. “There you are!” She snapped. Though she was frowning, I could see the concern in her eyes. “We looked everywhere for you two!”

“Sorry,” I smiled, looking nervously over at Gajeel who looked like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Or something a little better than that, I thought to myself with a secret smirk.

“What were you two doing down here?” Laxus frowned, meeting Gajeel’s gaze.

“We could sense that power from before, and followed it down here. It disappeared after causing one of the amps to fall over, nearly on top of Levy. I think it was coming from somewhere further down.” He moved his hand to his side, and I remembered him pushing me out of the way. That’s right, the amp hit him on the side.

“You should have gotten one of us,” Natsu frowned at me.

“I know,” I sighed, “but there wasn’t time. We were hoping to at least catch a glimpse of it.”

“Let’s head back to the bus,” Laxus told us. “The human authorities will be here soon, and we shouldn’t be down here when they arrive.”

Nodding, everyone followed them. Cana caught my arm as I walked towards the stairs, signaling for me to wait. Once everyone had disappeared up the stairs, she gave me a sly smirk. My face went scarlet, knowing immediately what she wanted to talk about.

“So,” she snickered, “how was sex with an angel?”

“Cana, shut up!” I hissed, looking up the stairs to make sure everyone was out of earshot.

“You can’t hide it from me. I’m a succubus. I can spot sex on a person from a mile away,” she smirked. “So, who started it? I want all of the details.”

I groaned, knowing my face was scarlet. “Later. We should catch up to the others.”

“Alright,” she nodded, “but don’t think I’ll forget about it.”

“I know,” I sighed, wishing she would.I’m not even sure what the hell just happened, to be honest. Like an idiot, I had kissed him. Something had changed in his face after that, and he had kissed me after I pulled away. One thing led to another after that, and we’d had sex right there on the basement floor.

I just had sex with an angel! I thought, completely flabbergasted. What the hell kind of mess have I gotten myself into? Out of every rule to break, we had just broken the biggest one. Angels and demons weren’t friends. They didn’t work together. They didn’t get along. And they especially did not have sex on basement floors. Although I kept telling myself that, my entire body was still tingling with sensation from his touch.

“Juvia thinks it is time to go,” the Dijin said, pointing towards the human police cars as they sped towards the building.

“Yeah, sounds like a good idea,” Natsu agreed, flames already beginning to cover his body.

“Come on, Blue,” Cana said, unfolding her wings. “We shouldn’t be here when the cops pull up.”

“Meet us in New York in two days,” Laxus said. “There are still a few things we need to discuss.”

“No way,” Cana frowned, crossing her arms. “That thing attacked your concert, so it’s not our problem.”

“We’ll be there,” I nodded, ignoring the sounds of protest from my demon friends.

As we flew off—Cana holding onto me since I only had one working wing—and leaving the angels to deal with the humans, Cana tapped my arm. “Why did you agree to talk to them again? Whatever that thing was, it’s incredibly powerful. I don’t think we should get involved in—”

“We’re already involved,” I said. “What if we lured it there in the first place? Besides, I never said we were agreeing to help them or anything. I just think we should hear what Laxus has to say.”

She sighed loudly. “Fine, but I still think it’s a bad idea.” She smirked before continuing, “and I know you just want to see your sexy angel fuck buddy again.”

“Cana!” I exclaimed, swinging my arm at her. With a laugh, she ducked her head, avoiding my punch.

Honestly, I couldn’t really deny it. Not after what had happened. This can’t lead to anything good, I groaned to myself. Despite knowing that, I couldn’t help but think about Gajeel. He had smiled so warmly at me, and I wanted to see that smile again. I wanted to see a lot of things again where Gajeel was involved, actually.

“Stay focused, Levy,” I scolded. “We have to figure out where that power was coming from. Then you can worry about Gajeel.” I knew it wouldn’t be that easy to put him out of my mind, however.


“I thought they were never going to let us go,” I groaned, falling face-first onto my bed in the bus. The police had questioned us for over an hour about what had happened. Then we had to deal with paramedics, who insisted on checking all of us out. I was the only one with any major injuries, thanks to the ugly bruise forming on my side. I also had to make up a half-assed excuse for the scratches on my shoulders.

Immediately, my mind travelled back to the Geist, wondering she was doing alright. Her wing was injured, so it would be difficult for her to travel. That brought up another question.

“Laxus,” I called.

He entered my small area, clad in nothing but his briefs as he towel-dried his wet hair. “What?”

“Why did you want the demons to meet us in New York?”

“Because that’s where we’ll be in two days for the next show,” he answered, simply.

“That’s not what I meant,” I growled. “Why do you want to talk to them?”

“Because we need to figure out the source of that power from tonight,” he said, draping the towel over his shoulders. “It was definitely a demon, so I think our best chance of finding it is by using other demons. And if we give them something to do, they might stop terrorizing our damned shows.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “You’ve got a point there.”

“Alright, get some sleep,” he grinned. “We have to fly quite a ways tomorrow, and you went and got yourself hurt.”

“I didn’t purposefully throw a giant stage amp on top of myself,” I grumbled. His laugh followed him into his area, and I heard him get into his bed, along with the others in theirs.

As I stared up at the ceiling, listening to everyone’s heavy breathing, I couldn’t get Levy out of my mind. Her flushed face as I had kissed her neck, the way her breasts rose and fell as she took deep breaths, and—most persistently—the sound of her moaning my name. It echoed in my ears loud enough that I was sure the others could hear it too.

What the hell is happening to me? I sighed, trying my best to think of anything else, but to no avail. It wasn’t bad enough that I’d had dreams about her, but to think I had actually acted on those dreams… “Damn,” I mumbled.

Angels didn’t have sex. Especially not with demons. It was the biggest taboo, one that not even demons tried to break because the consequences if they were caught were steep. For the angel, their wings were removed and they were labeled one of the fallen. For demons, it was death.

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