9. Distractions

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{Long sweet tangy lemon!}


"Thank you." Levy said softly, her eyes slightly hooded. I nodded slightly, trying not to focus on her lips. But I had to feel them again. I gently caressed her face, making her jumps slightly. She looked at me wide eyed before leaning into my hand, holding it with her tiny one. I gently caressed the scales on her cheek with my thumb and they were surprisingly soft. I took my free hand and tangling my fingers in her blue locks. I looked into her large hazel eyes, waiting for her to stop me. Instead, she suddenly grabbed my face, and her lips were slammed on mine again. She cradled my face gently, her lips molding against mine as her fingers slipped into my hair. I groaned slightly as she pulled on the thick strands, and I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

She gasped at the action as it pulled her onto my lap, her legs straddling me. We broke apart then, both gasping for air. I shouldn't be doing this, WE shouldn't be doing this. But even as I told myself this, I wanted to taste more of her. Her lips were soft and sweet, an addicting combination. I pulled her close, nuzzle my face into the long side of her hair. I kissed her temple and traveled down to kiss the tip of her ear and then the soft place beneath it. Her breath caught and she arched towards me slightly. I grinned against her skin and kissed there again, lightly scrapping my teeth against her skin. I was rewarded with a soft moan as her fingers tightened in my hair.

My body felt hot, and my jeans were uncomfortably tight. Levys core was pressed against my crotch and she had started rocking her hips against me. I groaned and clamped my teeth onto her shoulder, my fingers digging into her waist. She yelped softly, it was a fairly cute sound, and there was one sound I wanted to hear more than anything. I let one hand wind around behind her and under my jacket, stopping above her skirt. "G-Gajeel..." she gasped. With the hand that wasn't behind her I began pushing the jacket off of her shoulders, while my fingers dipped beneath her skirt. She tensed up slightly just before I gripped the base of her tail, giving it a gentle tug.

She arched her back and moaned loudly, her face flushing and her breasts pressing into my chest. "Gajeel!" Hearing her moan my name broke what hold I had on my sanity. With the jacket now gone, I had easy access to her halter top, and I had no problem removing it. Her breasts were small, but they were the perfect size for me. I ran my hands up her sides, enjoying the feel of her soft skin, gently skimming the scales on her hip bones. "Gajeel please..." Levy moaned again. I gulped slightly as I kissed beneath her ear. "I... Iv never done this before," I rasped. When did my throat get so dry. I felt her giggle softly and she pulled my face up, pressing a kiss to my lips. "Then let me show you how it's done."


I was so hot, even half naked I felt like I had too many clothes on. And being Gajeels first? I don't know why, but I felt happy he wanted to do this with me. I kissed him deeply, lightly licking his bottom lip with my tongue. He gasped lightly and I took it as my opening, diving in and tasting him. He hummed and hesitantly met me with his own tongue. As he did I rubbed my hips against his again, moaning into his mouth. He groaned in response and bucked his hips slightly, making me gasp. I could feel how hard his member already was, and I felt the heat between my legs get worse. It had to be sated.

I lifted the hem of his shirt and he quickly removed it, tossing it with my own. I moved down his legs, earning an upset grunt from the angel. I smirked lightly as I reached for the impressive bulge in his jeans, rubbing it a bit roughly. His breath caught and he grunted, thrusting his hips into my hand. I grinned and began unfastening his pants, before he pulled them down over his waist. I bit my lip as he pulled his impressive length free, and I noticed his ears were a bit red. I smirked and stood, unbuttoned my skirt and allowing it to fall, before sending my panties to follow. Gajeel was now a dark red as he stared at me in nothing but my knee high boots. "Like what you see angel?"

He visably swallowed and nodded slightly. I straddled his legs again, moving up on him slightly. He gasped as I trapped his member between us and I bit my lip. I kissed him deeply as I began rubbing against his length, and I wasn't sure who's moan was echoing in my ear. "Levy, please..." He gasped, his hands clutching my hips. I smiled against his lips before pulling away. I lifted myself above his lap, freeing his member before taking it firmly in my hand. He gasped lightly as I positioned him at my entrance. I gripped his shoulders as I slid slowly down his length, moaning loudly as he filled me. Gajeel groaned, his fingers tightening on my hips until he was fully seated inside of me.

I gasped lightly, feeling him in my deepest parts. I bit my lip and lifted myself slightly, moaning at the feeling. Gajeel grunted and lighted me higher, before bringing me back down hard. I moaned loud, my hands gripping his shoulders tightly. "A-again!" I gasped. Gajeel complied, bringing me up and slamming me back down. This time, he bucked his hips upwards, hitting me deeper still. I moaned loudly, throwing my head back as he continuously thrusted into me. Gajeel shifted onto his knees, his arms tightening around my waist, and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself flush against him as he thrusted up into me quickly. Our lips locked in a hot kiss that over flowed my senses. I was loosing all sense of time, only feeling the man holding me so tightly, yet gently, like I was the most precious gem in the world.

He pulled away and began raining kisses over my neck and chest, leaving me gasping. I felt myself climbing an invisible cliff, my senses sending me over as all of my muscles tightened. "Gajeel! Im... Im!" But I couldn't finish, as a moan, nearly a scream, ripped through my lips as I shattered around him, falling over that invisible edge. Gajeel slammed into me rough, a loud grunting moan hissing through his teeth as he found his own release. I was slowly coming down from my high, my breath leaving me in gasps as Gajeel sat back, cradling me in his arms.

I looked up at him, sweat causing black locks to stick to his skin. I giggled slightly, pushing some out of the way before gently caressing his face. Gajeel smiled, a soft genuine thing as he caught my hand, kissing it softly. I smiled up at him before giving him a sweet kiss. Above us, I heard a door opening. "Levy! Gajeel! Where the hell are you guys?!" Gajeel and I jumped slightly, looking at each other with matching blushes. It was then I remembered why we were in the basement in the first place. "We should probably get going." I said, reluctant to pull away. Gajeel grunted with a frown, giving me one last kiss before helping me to my feet.

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