12. Bad Ideas

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{*squeels* WIFEY DID LEMON}


Throughout my entire search with the blonde angel named Lucy, I couldn’t get Cana and Gajeel out of my head. Cana, what are you planning? I secretly hoped she didn’t scare him to death. Although I prayed I was wrong, I had a feeling I knew exactly what she was doing.She’s threatening him. I sighed, swatting a piece of hair that had fallen into my eyes. I’d been in such a rush after getting out of bed that I hadn’t even really brushed it.

“Levy?” Lucy asked, sounding almost hesitant.

“Yeah?” I met her brown eyes, curious. She had volunteered to go with me, but she hadn’t spoken a word in the half hour we had been walking around the concert hall.

“Gajeel told us you were a type of demon called a Poltergeist. Is that right?”

I nodded. “We call ourselves Geists most of the time.”

“Right. Well, he said your breed of demon is kind of the origin for the poltergeist ghosts, and that they are actually Geist demons.”

I recalled the conversation I’d had with Gajeel about it, when we had first met and I had hit him with my magic. It’s kinda funny how things turned out. Turning my attention back to the angel, I said, “that’s right.”

“Every demon gains their power from different sources. For a Succubus it’s sex, for a Raiju it’s fire, so for a Geist it would be…?” She looked at me, waiting for an answer.

I grinned. “Mischief. We cause mayhem, pull pranks—all that stuff. The more dangerous, the more power we gain.”

“So, what would happen if you didn’t cause mischief?” She asked.

I frowned. “I don’t know. I’ve never stopped before. Why should I?”

She shrugged. Although she remained silent, I could tell there was something she wanted to say. I sighed, crossing my arms and coming to a stop. “What?”

She hesitated a moment, biting her lip. Finally she met my eyes. “Could we be friends?”

Her question caught me so off guard that I felt my mouth fall open for a second. “What?” I repeated.

“I know I’m an angel and you’re a demon, but you don’t seem like a bad person to me. Sure, you’ve caused trouble at our concerts, but you’ve never hurt anyone. Like you just said, the more dangerous the mischief, the more power you gain. So if you were bad, you would have done something really dangerous by now to gain a lot of power. But you don’t seem to care about that. And,” she continued, as I stood there in shock, “you seem to really care about your friends. I’ve never met any demons like your group. You all seem to be close.”

“I don’t think Laxus would like the idea of you becoming friends with his biggest pest,” I smirked.

She chuckled. “Don’t let him fool you. Laxus is a big softie.” She leaned in closer, a mischievous grin on her face, “and I think he has the hots for your friend.”

“Cana?” I gasped.

She nodded, laughing.

“Kind of how you have the hots for Natsu?” I asked, smirking at her.

“N-Natsu?” Her face turned scarlet, and she began shaking her head fervently. “What? N-No, not at all. Sure, he’s good-looking, but I don’t—that’s—” she paused to clear her throat. “We should be heading back to meet up with the others. Our show will be starting soon.”

I snickered as I followed her, making a note to myself to tell Natsu. I’d seen the way he’d been sneaking glances at her, too, so I knew he was interested in her. But there’s still that damned law. That thought succeeded in killing my good mood. I shouldn’t be encouraging Natsu and Lucy when I was the one in a mess way over my head.

When we reached the concert hall, Lucy went off to her dressing room to get ready. I excused myself from the other demons when they headed to their posts around the floor where they’d be able to keep a close watch over the show. I made sure they were all out of sight before sneaking into the back area where the dressing rooms were. I found Gajeel’s by following his scent, and knocked gently on the door.

“Laxus, there’s still over two hours until the show. A short nap isn’t going to—” He paused in his complaining after he wrenched the door open and saw me. Glancing around, he yanked me into the room, shutting and locking the door. “What are you doing here?” He growled.

Okay, that’s not the reaction I was expecting, I thought to myself as he frowned at me. “I came to see you,” I told him, matching his frown.

“You shouldn’t have. We all have a lot to do tonight, and we have to keep our guards up,” he said, turning his back on me as he went to the small cot I assume he had been napping on.

I marched over to him, grabbing his arm and using it to swing him around. “What the hell, Gajeel?” I snapped. “You looked happy to see me this morning, so what’s different now?”

“I’ve been thinking a lot these last two days,” he said, crossing his arms. “And I think we should stop this.”

“What is ‘this,’ Gajeel?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Not just because I hadn’t expected it, but because I could see the lie written all over his face. Angels couldn’t lie, sure, but they could avoid the truth.

“Whatever happened between us,” he sighed. “It wasn’t right, and we should stop it now before we get caught. You know what will happen if we do.”

“Did Cana put you up to this?” I asked, fuming. I’m going to kill her when I see her if she did!

He shook his head. “She just told me not to hurt you. Which I will if we continue down this path. I’m an angel,” he frowned, looking frustrated as he ran a hand through his long black hair, “and you’re a demon.”

“So?” I challenged.

Again, he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “So, nothing can become of whatever this is. No matter how badly we may wish otherwise, you’ll still be a demon and I’ll still be an angel.”

“So?” My tone was softer now, wondering why he suddenly cared so much.

“Cana made me think about what we were doing. I promised her I wouldn’t hurt you, Levy.” He placed his hands on my face, his eyes never leaving mine as he spoke gently. “If we don’t stop this now, you will get hurt. And I can’t—I won’t let that happen. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I do know that much. I’d rather push you away and have you hate me than let you stay and be killed. Hell, they could even take my wings if they wanted, if it meant keeping you safe.”

That’s all it took. That one, simple, totally and completely honest confession. And I made up my mind.

I pushed away his hands as I reached up with my own and grabbed his face. I pulled him down and pressed my lips to his before he could protest, and wrapped my arms firmly around his neck so he couldn’t pull away. He tensed at first, but soon relaxed into me, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me closer.

When we finally broke apart to breathe, I met his eyes. “Don’t ever make my decisions for me,” I warned, trying to catch my breath. “If you know anything about me, you should know that I’ll do whatever the hell I want. Consequences be damned.”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “Sure thing, Shrimp.”

“And don’t call me shrimp,” I frowned.

“I think I like it,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss me again.

Smiling, I met him halfway, kissing him hard. I distantly felt myself moving towards the cot, but I could only focus on the way Gajeel’s lips felt against mine. Soft yet firm. Gentle yet demanding. It was intoxicating.

“The show,” I heard him begin to mumble, but I cut him off with another kiss. When my legs bumped into something, I knew we had reached the cot, so I fell back, pulling Gajeel with me. I let out a small laugh as he gasped in surprise, then helped him out of his shirt.

“Didn’t I just say this was a bad idea?” He mumbled, trailing kisses down my jaw and neck before yanking off my shirt. I hadn’t ever put on my normal clothes, so all I wore was an over-sized t-shirt and a tiny pair of shorts that barely covered my underwear. I hadn’t even put on a bra for our morning meeting, and I was now glad I hadn’t.

“You can always stop,” I teased, running my hands down his abdomen, taking in the feel of each and every muscle as they moved under my fingers. He gave me a brief, skeptical look, and I grinned. “Ok, maybe not.”

He continued kissing my neck, traveling slowly down to my breasts. While he cupped one in his hand, he teased the other with his lips and tongue. I squirmed under his touch, moaning quietly. “Gajeel, that’s not fair,” I told him, undoing the button of his jeans with a flick of my fingers.

He paused momentarily to kick off his boots and pants while I shoved off my shorts. Deciding that still wasn’t enough, I pulled at his boxers until they had also been sent to the floor, along with my underwear.

I loved the way Gajeel’s skin burned hot against mine, and the way his large arms held me as his lips met mine. Love? The word caught me off guard. Why was I thinking such words now of all times? Whatever the reason, I didn’t have time to contemplate it.

Gajeel gently eased himself between my legs, pushing my knees apart. He hesitated, meeting my eyes as if searching for something. Smiling, I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him, my tongue exploring his mouth. He held my hips as he pressed down, his erection entering me at an agonizingly slow pace. My breath caught in my throat as a moan left him.

“I shouldn’t crave you like this,” he breathed, gently biting down on the sensitive spot behind my ear. I couldn’t respond. My head was spinning too fast for me to really take in the meaning of his words.

With the same agonizing pace as before, he pulled out, then moved his hips back down. One of his hands moved to my breast again, continuing his teasing, while the other slid behind me to grab my tail. I screamed, arching into him as waves of pleasure coursed through me.

He picked up the pace then, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. With each thrust, I felt myself climb higher and higher. He had gone to almost massaging my damn tail, also. That action alone probably could have done it, but mixed with the sensations coming from everywhere else he was touching, I was blissfully over-whelmed.

The moment he found release, I fell over the edge. I clung to him, feeling as though I would wash away with the endless waves of pleasure coursing throughout my entire body. I faintly remember saying his name, and hearing mine in return, as I was absorbed by the feeling of bliss.

Gajeel’s crimson eyes met mine as we both struggled to catch our breath once it was over. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he smiled, stroking the scales on my face with his thumb.

“Says the angel,” I smirked. I moved a piece of hair that was sticking to his forehead, soaked from sweat.

After several moments of just lying in Gajeel’s arms, I remembered where we were. “We should get cleaned up,” I told him. “You’re show will be starting soon.” I could tell that he was as reluctant as I was to leave the bed, but he nodded and sat up. I quickly got dressed allowing him to pull me into a final kiss before sneaking out the door. 

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