13. Unexpected Visitor

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I smiled to myself as I watched Levy disappear, my body still humming from being with her. I wasn't sure what this feeling was that had taken root in my chest, but just being with her, it felt like I was flying for the first time again. Everything about her did that to me, her eyes, those blue scales by her eyes, her beautiful smile, and I'd heard her laugh with Cana before. I loved that laugh. Love? I blinked a little in surprise at my thoughts. Before I could think more about it, a knock on my door brought me back. "Shows about to start Gajeel," Laxus called. I looked up at the clock on my wall, and sure enough, Levy had been here for two hours. I sighed, "Alright alright, give me a minute." I groaned.

I quickly dressed into my stage clothes, walking out of my room as I buckled on my choker. I weaved around stage hands and tech people as I approached my band mates. "So what's the plan?" Gray asked, shouldering his guitar. "The demons said something about shielding from above. We just get through the concert, and they will take care of it." Laxus said as he flipped through his clipboard. Gray snorted, "Do you really think we can trust them?" He asked. "Yes." Lucy said, startling us. Her face was set in a firm mask as she nodded. "I trust Levy and the others. They will keep everyone safe, I'm sure of it." I couldn't help but grin as I tossed an arm around the blondes shoulders. "I agree with bunny girl." She blushed. "One Halloween! You can't let it go?!" I snorted and ruffled her hair, "Never. Now come on, let's go bunny girl-ack!" I had to twist away from her as she tried to hit me with her drum sticks.

It was the same as with any concert, the last few moments before show time were rushed. A flurry of people, ear plugs were tossed at me and the next thing I knew Lucy had started the drum intro. I jogged onto the dark stage, casting a quick glance towards the rafters. I only saw Cana, positioned at the far wall. Her eyes were closed and she looked like she was concentrating hard. I shook my head, Focus. I focused on the words, the music vibrating the stage around me, the bass, the crash of cymbals.


I looked down at the growing crowd, ten minutes to show time. "You sure about this baby blue? We've never used our powers to help before..." Cana said. I nodded, looking up to my friends. "I'm positive. Now, just like we planned." They nodded and we split up, each of us taking a point of the building. Cana took the south, Juvia to the East, Natsu to the West, and I took the North just behind the stage. The plan was simple really. We took the corners of the compass, and we would create, essentially, a force field of magic. It would keep anything harmful from happening to the building or the people inside.

We sat cross legged, in a meditation form, and we focused inwards on our magic. To mortal eyes, there would be nothing, they wouldn't even see us. To the angels, they would see a sheen of smoke encircle the inside of the building. It took a lot of focus, and as the music started, I had to tune out Gajeels voice in order to keep my concentration. I was numb to everything, my eyes closed to the stages lights, the music barely entered my mind. It was an hour into the show before anything broke into my mind. I could feel it, the strange magic from before crashing in like a wave. I frowned as I focused, pouring magic into the shield. I found it a bit odd, like Cana said, I had never used magic to help before. Chaos, always chaos. But now?

I wasn't sure how I felt, as I focused on keeping everyone safe. I could feel the very air shake with the pure malice of the magic, it was almost nauseating. It felt like hours passed as the magic continued it's assault, but finally it faded. However we did not let the shield down until the last of the mortals left. "Alright guys, it's clear!" Lucy called up to us. We released the shield and I suddenly felt dizzy. Odd. I shook my head and stood, carefully gliding down to the stage. My wing was still sore, but it was well enough for the small task.

"That was pretty impressive." Laxus said as we gathered, crossing his arms across his chest. Cana snorted, hands on her hips. "Did you doubt us big boy?" Lucy giggled, earning a smirk from Cana. "Your lucky we were here though." A said seriously. "That wave was stronger than last time, who knows what it would have done if we hadn't been here." They looked at me. "Do you have any idea what could be causing it?" Jellal asked. I rested my chin on my fist, "Iv been alive for a long time, and Iv never felt magic like this."

Before anyone could say more, a small mass of power serged behind us. We spun, magic to the ready as a small crimson cloud formed from thin air. We demons relaxed when a woman with long scarlet hair stepped forward. She was clad in dark crimson armor, a broad sword in one hand, and long elegant black horns sweeping out of her hair. "Erza, what are you doing here?" Natsu asked as an uneasy feeling settled in my stomach. Erza was a guardian, and she never left unless it was an emergency. My eyes widened as a small dark puddle began forming beneath her. I dashed forward as the warrior toppled forward, catching her and sinking to my knees before she could hit the ground. "Erza!"

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