15. Illness

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It had been a week since Erza appeared, and things just seemed to spiral from there. The demons continued to shield the concerts, with added support from the guardian. The magic pulsing from Lucifer's seal was getting stronger by the day, and eventually, some lesser demons would arrive. That's what Erza was for, she would fight them off, protecting Levy and the others. Levy. That was a problem all on its own. She had said there was nothing there, that it was just sex, but I could see it in her eyes. She was lying. Since finding out that the demons were after her, and our little fight, she had completely avoided me.

She and Cana would arrive just in time for the show, putting up the barrier only minutes before. Then the two would be gone as soon as the last human left. It was getting annoying. "Gajeel?" A soft voice behind me said. "Mm?" Lucy sat beside me on a curb by the bus. It was a little less than an hour till the next show, and I just had no patience for the backstage crowd. "You seem kinda off lately. You alright?" She asked quietly. I scowled, " 'M fine." She smiled softly, nudging me with her elbow. "Come on Gaj, you can't lie to me." I smiled a little, "Is it about Levy?" My smile was back to a scowl and she giggled.

"Thought so. Why don't you just talk to her?" I snorted, "If she wasn't avoiding me like the damn plague." Lucy smiled softly, "With everything that been going on, maybe she's just trying to focus. Try and pull her away from Cana, after the show. She could probably talk to someone important to her." I blinked and looked at her but she had already stood. "Luce-" "I'm gonna go finish getting ready, think about it." She ran her fingers through my hair as she walked back into the building. "Damn woman," I grumbled. I watched the sky and tried to push Levy from my mind, which proved to be difficult as the Geist descended from the sky above the building. I watched her, a frown pulling at my lips as she stumbled, Canas grip on her arm the only thing keeping her from tumbling over the building.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Canas worried look had a sour feeling twisting in my gut. Levy shook her head at whatever Cana said and waved her hand. Cana didn't look happy, but she nodded and they entered through the roof access. "Gajeel! Show time man!" Gray called as he pushed open the back door. I sighed, I'll find her after the show. I stood and hurried, barely making it to the stage as the music started. As I sung, I watched the shield once more cover the building, the swirling mist was so unreal. Again, Cana was positioned in front of the stage, and Erza was walking along the rafters, sword in hand as she watched every little detail of the crowd. This particular show was quiet, the magic wave had come and gone, and only a few spirits thought it smart to deal with the guardian, but she quickly disposed of them.

At the end of the show the shield vanished, and I saw Cana hurrying to the other side of the building. I glanced up to see Levy stumble away, exiting through a service door to the roof. I frowned as I went backstage, and made my own way to the roof. I threw open the trap door and hoisted myself up onto the roof and looked around. I didn't see Levy, but I heard her, heard her getting violently sick. I hurried to the other side if the roof, around some roof structures and nearly running her over. She was leaning against the wall, wiping her mouth with a shaking hand. She was incredibly pale, even paler than Juvia, and it had worry souring in my gut.

I quickly grabbed her arm as she started to sway but she ripped it out of my grasp. "Damn it Levy, what the hell?!" I shouted, regretting it when she flinched. "Don't worry about it Gajeel... Just go back to your bus." Her voice was strained and tired. I grabbed her arm again but this time I didn't let her pull away. "Levy tell me what's wrong." I demanded, "It's nothing. Just-" "Stop avoiding me and tell me what's wrong!" I shouted. She glared up at me, her hazel eyes slightly clouded. "I'm just sick Gajeel! Iv been using a lot of magic lately and I'm tired! Now go!" She squeeked as I pulled her to me, trapping her in my arms. "Damn it Gajeel let go!" She weakly tried to hit me but it felt like nothing.

"If you were sick you should have just said so. Is that why you've been avoiding me?" I asked quietly. "No..." was her quiet reply. "Then why? Why did you lie about us?" I hated how hurt my voice sounded, but I didn't much care. I jumped a little in surprise when she started to tremble in my arms, "I.... I cant..." she was so quiet I almost didn't hear her. "Can't what?" She shook her head and sniffed a little. "I just... I can't lose you... I could never forgive myself if something happened to you..." I tightened my arms around her as she started to cry. "Hey, I won't let them kill me." She let out a small hysterical laugh that choked on a sob. "They won't kill you... They'll do so much worse... I can't let that happen."

I pulled back slightly and pulled her face up to look at me. Her face was burning with fever and I frowned. "I won't let anything happen, but right now, we need to get you taken care of." She shook her head and smiled weakly. "Don't worry. I'm fine..." Her eyes slowly closed and she fell forward, her body going limp against me. "Levy! Levy wake up!" I shook her gently, but when she didn't open her eyes, I lifted her into my arms. I had to get her to Lucy.

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