16. Remedy

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“Lucy!” I shouted, kicking open the blonde’s dressing room door.

“Gajeel, what the hell?!” She shrieked, nearly falling off her chair as I burst into the room.

“Levy,” I told her, “she’s sick. I don’t know what’s wrong. She was throwing up on the roof, then she passed out.”

“Take her to the bus. I’ll be able to work better in there,” she instructed.

I nodded, taking off towards our tour bus. Since Levy’s human form had faded, I was careful to avoid the crowd of fans waiting outside the gates, hoping to sneak a peek at the band members. Once inside, I put Levy on my bed and moved out of the way so Lucy could examine her.

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked after several seconds. Levy’s chest was barely moving with her shallow breaths, and sweat glistened against her skin.

“I don’t know,” Lucy sighed. “I’ve never seen this before. It’s like her body is shutting down, almost like she’s starving, but it’s different than that.”

“She told me it was from using her magic so much,” I offered, hoping that helped.

She shook her head, laying a cool cloth over Levy’s forehead. “While that isn’t helping whatever’s wrong with her, it isn’t what’s causing this.”

I was about to reply when the door of the bus burst open and a furious succubus marched inside. She spotted me and her eyes narrowed. As she stormed towards me, I pointed to the bed and shook my head. Her anger immediately dissipated when she saw her friend, and she kneeled down next to Lucy, placing her hand on Levy’s shoulder.

“Levy, you idiot. I told you not to push yourself.” Sighing, she got back to her feet and turned to me. “Come with me,” she said, leaving the bus. I considered arguing, but thought better of it and quietly followed her, glancing back at Levy before I went.

“What is it?” I asked, landing on the roof next to her, away from any prying eyes or ears. Without saying a word, she rounded on me, punching me square in the jaw with enough force to send me stumbling back several steps. “What the hell?!” I gaped, rubbing my already bruising jaw.

“This all your fault, you bastard,” she snapped. “I told you not to hurt Levy, and look what you’ve done!”

“Wait a damned minute!” I exclaimed. “How the hell is this my fault?!”

“Levy is sick because she hasn’t been causing mischief. We demons gain power of different things. For me it’s sex, for her it mischief and havoc. But, since we’ve been helping you angels, and since she’s had this stupid thing for you she hasn’t been causing her usual trouble. That alone would have made her incredibly weak, but she’s been expending incredible amounts of energy every night on top of that to cast the barrier around your concerts.”

“I didn’t know,” I sighed.

“You didn’t ask,” she frowned, crossing her arms. “She wasn’t pranking your concerts just to get under your skin; she was doing it because she had to. But now she’s been holding back—for you.”

“Me?” I asked.

“She won’t admit it with all of the shit that’s going on with Lucifer, but Levy really cares for your dumb ass, though only God knows why. Sure, you’re sexy, but no angel is worth the trouble in my opinion.” She paused, sighing loudly. “To be honest, even though it isn’t my place to say this, I think she might even love you.”

“What?” All I could do was stand there, stupidly gawking at her.

With another sigh, she came closer, meeting my eyes. “That’s why you have to protect her, alright? She’s stubborn, and you can’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to—trust me, I’ve tried—so you have to keep her safe. She won’t listen to me, but maybe she’ll listen to you.”

“What makes you so sure?” I grumbled.

“You got her to sleep with you, didn’t ya?” She smirked, “obviously you have somepowers of persuasion when it comes to Levy. So, take her into town, and convince her to cause some trouble. I know it’s against your code or whatever, but she needs this.”

Ignoring her first comment, I shook my head. “She’s too sick to go into town.”

“It comes in waves,” Cana said. “She’ll wake up in a few hours. She’ll still be weak, but she won’t be as bad as she was earlier. Once she’s awake, take her into town. Alright?”

“I’ll try,” I nodded. If that would help Levy, then I’d do what I could.

“Remember,” she told me, stretching her wings as she went to the edge of the roof, “you promised me you wouldn’t hurt her. That goes along with helping her. So, knock some sense into our little Blue, loverboy.”

She flew off before I could yell at her, laughing as she went.

“Damned succubus,” I growled, stretching my own wings before flying back to the bus. Laxus and the others had all made their way from the concert hall, and were sitting in the front room of the bus when I followed Cana inside.

“About time you two got back,” Lucy chuckled. “Levy’s already awake. She’s not feeling much better, but I got her to drink some water.

“Go,” Cana said, shoving me towards the back. I nodded, going to where Levy was laying on my bed.

{So you can all blame wifey for this taking so long! I still love you lady XD Anyway, for those of you who guessed correctly, good job!}

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