5. Downward Spiral

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I paced back and forth on the top of the new concert building, a week after that angel had caught me. A week since I had kissed him. A week later and my lips still felt electrified, and it was annoying the hell out of me. Cana watched with an amused smirk as I continued pacing, "Where the hell are they?" I asked, finally stopping in front of her. Cana chuckled as she sat up from her lounging spot. "Calm down Blue, they will be here shortly." This past week we had continued going to his shows, causing fire and mayhem, but it wasn't enough. Tonight, I asked a few friends to join me. "Ah, there's Natsu." I turned as she pointed behind me and a fireball landed a few feet in front of me.

The flames receded to reveal a red - slightly pink- cat. He was roughly the size of a tiger, and flames licked at his fur. Natsu was a raiju, a feline being made of fire. "Hey Pinkie!" Cana called, waving with her flask. The large cat growled and was once more engulfed in flames, this time a man stepped out. Onyx eyes were framed by pink hair, and he was snarling. Red feline ears peeked through his hair and a red tail swayed behind him. "It's salmon you drunk hooker!" Natsu snapped, making Cana laugh, "Your just jealous you could never afford me!" I rolled my eyes as they began to bicker, and waited for our last friend. I was so busy watching the sky line, I hadn't noticed the smoke starting to crawl across our feet.

"Juvia is sorry for being late," a voice said, scaring the three of us out of our skin. We turned to see Juvia, a beautiful pale girl hovering slightly behind us. Her long blue hair was braided over one shoulder and pale blue smoke surrounded her. Juvia was a dijin, a genie without the whole magic lamp and three wishes attachment. Unlike the three of us, who were all dressed in modern clothing, Juvia seemed to be stuck in a later era, and looked a bit like an Arabian belly dancer. "Ju baby, we have got to go shopping some time," Cana sighed, speaking my thoughts.

Juvia fiddled with a string of beads on her top, "Juvia likes her clothes though." She muttered and I chuckled. "Anyway, thanks for coming guys. You ready to have some fun?" I asked with a grin, licking one of my fangs. Natsu cackled madly while Juvia politely nodded. I grinned, already feeling giddy. Cana came up beside me laughing, "Lead the way trouble maker!" She reached out to snag my tail and I quickly skipped away, holding it close. "Don't even you damn succubus!" I snapped, making sure I was out of her reach. Cana laughed harder, "But Levy! You make the cutest sound!" I blushed brightly, staying out of her reach. I had the unfortunate problem that my tail was super sensitive, and Cana tried to take advantage often. "Let's just go!" I snapped, heading for the roof entrance.


I waited at the side of the stage for the sound crew to finish setting up. My mind kept wandering from me, going back to the thought of small, smooth lips on mine. It had been a first, and I wasn't able to stop thinking about it. "Any sign of those women?" A voice beside me made me jump back to the present. I looked over at Jellal as he adjusted his bass on his shoulder. "No." I said, and I was a bit disappointed. They had been at every show this past week and had caused some sort of problem, but we hadn't been able to catch them. Jellal sighed and shook his head, "Laxus is at his wits end. He thought about canceling the show actually."

I shook my head, peeking back out at the crowd. "That's what they want. We're better to just keep with the shows." We were signaled to the stage then, and we all headed out. Lucy sat at her drum set, stretching her arms, Jellal took the right side of the stage and Gray took the left. I made my way to center stage and the music began. I wasn't singing long when I saw her, high above the crowd in the rafters. She wasn't even trying to hide her demon form now, blue scales and wings for the world to see. There was a strange light beside her, as well as the succubus.

The Geist raised her hands above her head, and the lights above sparked and shattered. People screamed as class rained down on them, more screams came when every amp and speaker exploded, and I barely caught a glimpse of pale blue smoke. The light beside the two women shot forward, a fire ball that crashed into the over head screen. Jellal and I had to dive to keep from getting crushed. "That's it!" Laxus roared as he rushed onto the stage, wings spread wide. I looked around and sure enough, all of the audience was gone. The trashed big screen moved, a a demon with baby pink hair stood out of the rubble, a grin on his face. The sound of wings flapping turned my attention back around to the Geist and succubus as they landed on the stage. The pale blue smoke I had seen earlier solidified into a woman near them.

"What the hell do you demons think your doing?!" Laxus roared as we gathered beside him. The Geist rolled her eyes, "You angels are so thick!" The succubus laughed, "Now baby blue, don't be so mean!" She said as she sauntered forward. She paused in front of Lucy and smiled coyly, gently taking a lock of golden hair in her fingers. "Such a pretty lady, surrounded by all these men." She purred, and Lucy blushed lightly. I thought I saw her eyes flick to the pink haired man, but the succubus had pushed Laxus' last button. He lept forward and the succubus jumped back, her wings snapping out as she laughed. Everyone moved at once, I couldn't really watch everyone as they disappeared, my eyes were glued to the blue haired geist.

She stood only a few feet in front of me, and I was sure if I reached out I could touch her face. She had her arms crossed and her hip cocked, her tail flicked back and forth behind her. I wasn't sure how, but the air was a bit awkward, this was the first time I had seen her since she kissed me. My eyes flicked to her lips, and I could feel my own buzz slightly. I wanted to feel them again. I shook my head slightly, knocking the thoughts from my head. Angels didn't he those kind of thoughts, angels were clean. The Geist fidgeted slightly before turning, and I reacted without really thinking. I didn't want her to leave.

I hurried forward, reaching out to grab her arm. She was already moving, so my fingers just kissed the skin of her arm. Instead, I grabbed a hold of her whip like tail, tugging her to a stop. I was not expecting what happened next. She froze, a shiver raced through her, and she moaned. It was unrestrained, her face flushed and she clenched her legs together. I was so stunned by the sound that my grip loosened and she pulled her tail free, clutching it close. She stared at me with wide hazel eyes, her face crimson. She spun in her booted heel and fled, but I couldn't have followed her if I wanted to. I was too busy replaying that sound in my head, the flush of her face. I felt my own face grow hot, and I knew that I was headed in a downward spiral.

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