7. Tables Turned

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It's so warm. Was the first thought in my mind as I slowly woke up. I remembered not being able to sleep, and going out for a small fly. I ended up at the angels tour bus, sitting on it and looking at the stars. I felt so comfortable there, even though they were out to get us. I must have fallen asleep, but why am I warm? I peeked open my eyes, the sun just barely turning the sky pink. I looked over to see a large black jacket nearly swallowing me. It was a bit tattered, and there were several band patches on it. I sniffed it lightly, freezing when I recognized it. It's his! I quickly threw the jacket off and snapped my wings out. The cool breeze hit me and I shivered before turning to leave, but I stopped to look down at the jacket. I bit my lip before picking it up and slipping it on. There were already slots in the back for wings, though they were large.

I flew back to the hotel we were stating at and quietly snuck in. Thankfully everyone was still asleep, and I quickly got changed, slipping the jacket back on. He's not getting this back. I thought to myself as I went to wake the others.

The new concert was nearly full, as were the others, though some fans avoided it all together. I grinned happily from my spot in the rafters as we watched them prepare and the crowd murmured. Before the show started, however, I could tell there was something wrong. I frowned and looked around, my demon companions sharing my look. Natsu growled softly, "Somethings not right." He said between fangs. I nodded, scanning the crowd. The feeling washed over us again, like an ocean wave slamming into us. It was a powerful magic, one none of us were capable of. "Alright kiddies, we need to go. Now." Cana said, standing from her crouch beside me.

I nodded and stood too, just as the roof shook. No, not the roof, the entire building. People began screaming and running, but doors were slamming shut and cutting off exits. Electronics began sparking and exploding, even the lights were bursting into flames. I jumped back as the row of lights I had been standing on came loose, along with pieces of ceiling, and began to plummet. Most people moved, but I could see a teen curled in a ball on the floor, after having been trampled. I folded my wings in and dove for the ground, pulling ahead of the lights. I swooped under then and knocked the teen out if the way. I was slower than I thought, and I had to bite back a pained cry as the rubble caught one of my wings. We were not as hard to injure as angels, and I knew I wouldn't be flying out of here.


"What the hell is going on?!" I shouted above the screams of the crowd. "It's those god damn demons!" Laxus snapped. "It's don't think so," Gray said, bracing himself against a wall to keep from falling. "We'll figure it out later! We have to get these people out!" Lucy shouted before pushing into the crowd. I went to follow her when I heard a loud cracking sound. I looked up to see lights as well as bits of ceiling collapse. I also saw a certain blue haired Geist. I watched as she dove for the ground , righting herself and slamming into a human, saving him from being crushed.

I stared wide eyed, A demon? Saving a human? I had to be hallucinating. But I watched as she helped the teen to his feet, her demon attributes hidden, and made sure he was ok. I was vaguely aware that she was wearing my jacket, but a fresh tremor had me dashing into the crowd. I reached one of the doors and tried to smash it open but it didn't budge. Pale blue smoke surrounded me before leaking under the locked door. It budged slightly before suddenly flying open. The Dijin woman stood aside, giving me a slight nod before dashing to the next set of doors.

I didn't take time to think about the demons helping us, I just knew I had to get everyone out. "This way!" I shouted, holding the doors open. People started pushing others out of the way, trampling anyone not fast enough. I shouted for everyone to calm, and soon it was controlled chaos. I glanced back in to the slowly thinking crowd. The Dijin had gotten the last of the doors open, and I could see the Geist and Succubus directing people out the doors. They controlled the chaos and kept people from trampling each other. It was a sight to see. Soon we had everyone cleared out and the earth had stopped trembling. Outside, I searched for a head of blue. I saw the other demons fleeing, a cloud of smoke, a fire ball, and the succubus took to the sky. I frowned as I finally saw the Geist, fleeing on foot and hand clutched to her shoulder. It only took me a moments decision, and I was racing after her.

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