Chapter 8

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"What a shame... such a happy day, yet such a sad little boy. Fear not, though... I will give you the power you so crave. I just need something in return. Two somethings, actually."

"Yes, HawkMoth."


The silence and anticipation were so thick you could cut through it with a knife if you so deemed. We were all seated at giant stone tables in the middle of the jungle, the vegetation thick and the humidity made everything feel wet. It was the night of Spring Soul Feast.

Everyone seemed to be waiting for something, but I wasn't sure what. I sat at a table with the Olympic competitors, the men and women-er, the people... creatures... living beings I would be facing. I looked over to the royal table where Leo sat.

He was leaning forward and tapping his fingers excitedly against the table.

That's when it happened. I felt it first. A cool, crisp spring air welled through the jungle wiping away the humidity. Then, all the vegetation around us started turning a vibrant green and leaning towards the center of the tables where the clearing was.

A rich laugh suddenly filled the air and hundreds of animals emerged from the forest. And to my shock and delight, they began singing.

It was a wordless song, but so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.

Then, everything seemed to prepare. The ground began to tremble, the animals began jumping up and down, happy and excited, and a giant flower grew in the middle of the clearing.

Everything went silent as one of the petals opened. A single foot was visible stepping out of the flower, and as soon as it touched the ground everything exploded in color.

The plants were now millions of beautiful colors, the animals sparkled and shone, their true beauty brought to light, the trees parted up above allowing the sun to shine through, warming us and a cool breeze blew, and the sky became a dazzling sapphire blue.

After stepping fully down, the foot was revealed to belong to a beautiful woman. Her golden curls flowed freely down her back, shining in the sun, and her eyes matched the sky above. Her flawless, warm complexion was that of a rose's, and she seemed to radiate spring. The woman wore a flowing pink dress that resembled the flower she'd come from, and ivy anklets rested above her bare feet. As a final touch, a crown of wildflowers seemed to grow out of her hair.

The Siren Queen stood, "Welcome, dear goddess."

My eyes widened. Goddess? The more I thought about it, the more sense it made. Only a goddess could possess such powers and such flawless beauty. I frowned as I looked her over, trying to figure out who she was.

The goddess seemed to walk with a spring in her step as she came towards the royal table. For the first time that evening, I realized that there was an empty space between the Siren Queen, and Leo's brother... or brother in law... or cousin? The space was in the very center of the table. The place of highest honor and power.

"It's good to be welcomed." The goddess smiled. Vines suddenly grew under her making an archway over the table as the goddess walked. They then wrapped around her waist and brought her down. Vines surged around her and covered her entirely for a second, and when they grew away the goddess sat on a high throne of woven vines, flowers growing around her, bright and beautiful.

The goddess gave a wide smile and announced, "Spring has come!"

Everyone stood, me included, "Spring has come indeed!"

I now knew who the goddess was. Leo even told me a few days ago. The goddess was Persephone, wife of Hades, Queen of the underworld, goddess of spring.


"Did you have a pleasant trip here, mother?" I asked.

My mother smiled, "Yes, I did! Though poor Cerberus whined as I went away. I know he misses you."

I nodded, "I miss him too. Maybe when you go back home I'll go with you for a visit."

"Oh! Don't even speak about going back! Not for at least three months! It's time for me to bask in the sun, celebrating all day and night! Let me enjoy it without worrying over your father for a little bit. You know that by month six I'll be a wreck. Give me a moment to be reckless, carefree, fun! Speaking of which..." My mother suddenly waved her hands and vines began to spring up in front of all the tables. Giant, ripe, purple grapes began growing. A loud cheer rang through the people as they raced for the grapes. One squeeze, and the richest grape juice filled up their goblets.

I knew later that the leftover grapes would be harvested and squeezed, then set aside to ferment and make wine for the upcoming holidays and events.

I grabbed my own grape and filled my cup with the juice. My mother smiled as I downed the delicious liquid.

After I was done, I gave a burp and my mother laughed. Thalia laid a hand on my arm, and I turned to her. She smiled and whispered, "You have juice all over your face."

Gently, she wiped it away and kissed my cheek.

In the warm light, Thalia radiated unnatural beauty that may even rival that of my mother. I thanked the gods again for giving us to each other.

Servants brought out food and after everyone had eaten their full, Marinette stood and cried, "Come! Warriors, farmers, royalty, and commoners alike! For tonight, the games will begin!"

Everyone was quick to stand and hurried into the jungle, towards the amphitheater where the games would be held.

I stood and offered my arm to Thalia, then my mother. With one of each side, we walked away from the tables, my mother's throne retreating back into the earth.

As we walked, flowers grew in every step my mother took, leaving a rainbow of colors behind us.

During my youth, I had visited Greece and Rome several times and marveled at their wonders. One of which was the great Colosseum. The amphitheater here was much the same. Made of stone, it was a giant monument with thousands of seats.

An arena sat in the middle where plays could be held, gladiator fights could be witnessed, and sporting events could be conducted. But the Olympics were the true purpose for the amphitheater.

We headed to one of the royal boxes. Two seats were set to either side, an empty space between. As soon as we reached it, another high throne grew, this time out of a tree, branches growing into armrests. Thin vines grew up the throne and delicate pink flowers bloomed.

My mother sat down, but before me and Thalia could take our seats, our chairs were knocked aside, and two smaller thrones grew up. My mother smiled at us, "I couldn't have my children sitting on such simple seats."

So we sat down on either side of her. The three of us began talking as the rest of the seats filled up. As it began to get darker, the seats finished filling. It looked as if the entire island had come out to see the games.

Finally, a loud voice sounded over the amphitheater, and everyone went quiet, "Attention!"

A sudden light appeared in the dim light. It was Etta, holding a torch. She smiled brightly, "Welcome everyone! For many years, the games have been a tradition. An honored one. As such, we must have a light of honor," Marinette held the flame higher, "This flame has burned for three hundred years, passed on from game to game. So now, we pass it to this game, and meet our competitors!"

Marinette brought the flame down, lighting something. The flame suddenly ran through the flame well, filling the amphitheater with light.

Then, the competitors ran out into the middle of the theater, fists raised.

They were all burly, and tough-looking. Centaurs, selkies, and sirens alike. I recognized Etta's second in command, Clammy-who we called Cammy- in the ranks.

A man suddenly came to our box, standing below us, "Your majesty?" He called up.

My mother looked down, delighted, "Oh Clyde! Wonderful! I was hoping you'd stop by. It always is such a chore to find you myself."

"Of course, your grace."

Confused, I watched as my mother threw the man a heavy bag of coins, "Number XXIV is mine."

The man nodded, over grinning madly at the bag, "Good choice, your highness."

"Off with you now, Clyde."

The man bowed, then scurried off. I leaned over to my mother, "What was that?"

She waved her hand, "Oh, just a little fun."

My eyes widened, "You're betting money?"

My mother laughed, "You don't have to sound so appalled, Alexio. A woman has her rights... besides, I have a good feeling about my pick."

I shook my head. My mother. Gambling. I could only imagine what my father would think.

Marinette's voice soon rang out over the stadium again, "Competitors, you have all taken an oath to fight with honor. If anyone is found breaking this oath, you will be disqualified. Now, for the prizes..."

Alya stood beside Marinette. In her hands, she held a golden laurel and purple sash, "To the victor goes a laurel of gold, crafted in the depths of the underworld," Leo came and held up a chest. He opened it to reveal it was overflowing with coins, "A chest of one thousand gold coins," and finally, Marinette held her hands out flat in front of her, "And a seat at my table for an entire year."

The crowd cheered, and the competitors hooted.

"Now, without further ado, let the games begin! Challengers, your first challenge starts now!" Marinette announced. Giant walls suddenly raised up and five minotaurs were released.

And so the games began...

Here we go, here we go! It's about to get interesting!!!!!!

Also, I have a question for you guys... do you think this story should have a happy ending or a tragic one. Lately, I've been doing a lot of sadder endings... Do you think I should stick with the dramatic trend, or go for a more fairy tale ending?

Thx for reading everyone! TTFN

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