❤Begin Again❤

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We're going for another Rainimator one,  And this is suggested by a friend of mine,  not gonna say their name..

Timeline: $100,000 duel
AU: Nether AU

Note: Dream is a girl in this AU, And her name would be Denise (Dreams Genderbend)
Dream/Denise is the princess of the nether reaches,  and has recently been returned to her  blazing home,  the nether,  Though her people greeted her,  The captain of the guards,  Georgenotfound assures Her that a new challenger wishes to comprehend the throne..

Dream/Denise being the heir to the throne, and new ruler of the nether, will not let her rival take over,  And as a solution,  both decide to go into a duel to see how takes the nether as their own..

Ship warning!!!!!

Begin Again
Producer: Rainimator
Singer: Amelia mader

"Ahh,  Welcome home princess~" George greeted,  The Princess giggled as she gazed into the sea of lava infront of the castle..

"My fiery passion should soon blaze,  the nether reaches.. " She said with nothing but pride and ministry..

"Yes, yes... But you've been gone for a while,  The horde.. They question you're humanity,  as you seem not fit,  to command the army..challengers to the throne await you in the arena.. " He gestured..

It was true though,  Denise throughout her whole life,  has spent many years in the OverWorld,  and now that she returned.. She decides its time to take back what's hers..

But,  Her own people,  deciding to snatch her royalty,  just as she returns?!  No way..
And how dare the army of the nether question Her personality,  She's gonna show them who's boss.. And she  made her decision..

" then I'll accept the challenge.. My battles in the OverWorld,  prove! I am not to be underestimated.. " She reasoned..

"There's no time for this,  I know how-"

"No princess! " George cut her off,  Denise was taken aback..

"you have yet to absorb the nether Star.. Do not make haste,  I will train and prepare you for the coronation.. Tell me again.. Do you know who you are..? " He assured and asked..

She looked down with a sigh..
"I am the long lost princess,  Speedrunner and hier to the throne of the nether king...
Teach me the ways of this monstrous flame,  and Challenge me with the hardest Hunters you have..." She looked away..

"I will prove my worth to the horde.. " She stated...George bowed down and left her alone..


What was dim  now burns bright~

Denise, was walking Her way through the halls slowly approaching the main throne room,  to wich had seated Her father..

What was weak now stands and fight~

The Princess,  bowed before her father,  Just then a unfamiliar face appears,  and steps beside her.. Pink hair,  Gold Crown,  red cape,  Pig mask.. Pig mask?!

"Technoblade...Prince of The Piglins.. "she thought.. As she is the princess of the Wither skeletons...she kinda forgot her rival was her own Cousin..

What was dull,  now razor edge~

He looked at her,  and Then,  the king,  shaking that she was not fit to rule the underworld..

She scoffed,  as she ran infront of him,  Glancing at her cousin then at her Father..

What has wings had left the edge~

Techno grabbed her by the neck and through her across the hallway,  damaging Her horns,  make them cut and half..

Show the world,  Before you're through~

"TECHNO!  DO YOU NOT REMEMBER ME?! " she yelled.. Before running away from the throne, leaving a trail of tears.. But already evaporated, due to the massive heat..

They'll write songs,  about you~

Techno then glanced at her,  with a widen eyed expression..

"She remembers me? "He muttered..

"OF COURSE SHE DOES YOU IDIOT! " Punz,  a loyal guard,  Shouted at the Prince..

Punz then ran away,  following her tracks.. He glanced at Techno,  with a very angry expression..

The past is just.. Ashes in the wind~

The Princess was standing on a ledge below her,  a sea of lava,  and to her left, the castle.

"Princess! " She heard Punz..

She looked behind her,  and see Punz with a Ruby Thorned staff..


"Nightmare? " she named her old weapon..

"She has been awaiting to be used in battle again.. You're highness.. " He bowed,  Denise taking her old friend back,  She nodded as a sign she's ready for training..

Begin~ and begin again~


What was calm now storms on~

She was currently training with Punz,  He was good,  she had to admit,  but he'll never stand a chance against the royal herself..

Each hit,  she's making us making her remember all the battles,  she fought in the OverWorld.. How she fought side by side, with Willbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy.. Eret..

What was seen now is gone~

It was time for the coronation, Denise stepped inside the arena,  and was greeted by 3 different foes..

She remembers who they were.. Their appearance were enough.. To make her realised.. She was still hunted.. And she was gonna end this..

What was tamed now is riled~

"Sapnap.. Bad.. Ant? " She called out..

The three didn't expect her to remember..
"Denise.. " Ant called..

What was caged now runs wild~

"I'm so sorry.. " She stated quickly,  before going in to attack bad,  who quickly blocked her..

Show the world before you're through.

The hunters were hesitant against their opponent,  but made no effort to go and be easy towards her..

But they do have to admit,  it's only been a few years,  since their last meet,  and she's gotten way better..

"She's good!" Ant yelled, as she gave him a smirk, Before feeling a sharp pain throb through his chest..

"ANT! NOOO!! " he heard sap,  before Falling to the ground..

They'll write songs about you~

"We can talk about this right?!" Bad said,  really trying to be nice..

"I'm sorry.. But.. I have a kingdom to horde." Drista said,  before sap had knew it,  Both of his teammates had fallen to the Speedrunner..

"you may have Speedrunned their kindness.. But you'll never speedrun mine! " Sapnap yelled,  catching the princess of hairs..

The past is just.. Ashes in the wind~

"OH yeah! " Denise,  then spun around,  and within a second,  Sapnap was now kicked from on the ground.. With his head and inch from nightmare..

"rebirth! Begin.. "

"I love you.. And I'm sorry.. " She said,  Chopping his head off,  his soul and life draining before her eyes..she spilt a tear from her now,  white,  blank undead eyes..

She stared at Sapnaps body,  she killed her lover.. The person she could've been with,  but chose to satisfy all entire army of the undead..

And begin again~

She then, looked up at her Father,  and George who looked at her with a satisfied smile..

"DENISE! " She heard from the other side of the arena..

"Technoblade..." The Royals faced each other.. Techno was surprised and mesmerized, by her new look,  and was very surprised about the three dead hunters behind her..

(Gonna make an edit of this-  how perfect timing my music plays "begin again" 😂😂)

"Make you're mark~"

The voice of Sapnap rung in her head,  if she dies.. Then she'll see him the afterlife.. But, this is the afterlife.. She's already in hell,  the Princess of Hell..

"Denise.. I know you don't wanna go this.." Techno started..

"don't look back~"

The voice of her mother,  synced with her dead lover.. Would they be proud of she killed her ' kind '?

Would her mother be proud,  of killing her own cousin.. Would her crush be proud of her.. Taking over what's destined for her..

She gripped her weapon,  and stared at her Father.. He nodded before she could even sigh..

"Stand you're ground Techno.. "  She muttered,  before she charged at her rival..

When they attack~

Every move she makes,  More and more lines of her past life start to make her more determined.. Determined not to rule..

"Determined to make things right.. " She whispered,  Her cousin barely even able to hear her due to the battle..

Show the world before you're through~

Techno dropped her to the ground,  but she moved in time,  before he could crush Her..

She scanned the room,  for any way to confuse him.. Then it hit her..

"Snapped! Fire dome! " and without a warning,  a ring of fire followed by a dome,  was now surrounding the both of them.. George and the king unable to see the rest of the battle..

They'll write songs about you~

She held the last part of her,  that gave her hope,  that Sapnap could be saved from death..

She glanced at Techno who was shocked if what just happened.. The fire seemed to have effected him a little.. For being a PIglin..

"Denise.. "He called..

"I know Techno,  you love me....but,  I cant deny that were only.. Family.. I'm sorry.. " She admitted as her eyes,  tinted a small lightish tinted light cyan blue.. Resembling the part of Sapnap who she knows us just alive in the valleys of souls...

"The past is just.. Ashes in the wind.. " She quoted.. As she walked up to him..

All the memories.. Good and bad,  they loved eachother.. As family and all..

"and thats something we can't deny.. " She pecked a little kiss on his cheek.. Before his whole body trembled within the fire,  and his screams forever remained known towards her ears..

"You'll rebirth~ and well begin.. And begin again~" She knew Techno was not fully dead.. Yet.. They all knew.. "technoblade never dies.. " She stated,  before looking at her Father And George with disgust and fury inside..

The Princess,  was now leaving the arena not bothering to hear the yells and cheers of the crowd..

She kneeled down onto Sapnaps body..
"We'll be together again.. And I'll make sure of that.. " She said, before coughing up a bit of blood.. But for now.. She could care less..

Bonus behind the scenes..

Tundra: well that was... Interesting??

Denise: can I keep this look?  I rock..

Technoblade: *T posing* You are never making me do that again..

Tundra: We'll see about that~

Snapped: *doing his victory dance*

Tundra: You good?

Nightmare: He's happy he finally got to combine Powers with me-

Snapped: shut up..

Tundra: What the Fuck..

Denise: My poor voice-

Sapnap: My Baby now,  bitch!



Yeah, no I'm ending it there.. Bye!

Word count: 1706

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