💜Ender Wish💜

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Ender wish by,  Rainimator his series of original music videos!  Honestly could listen to this all day! One of my favorites..

Timeline= Rivaled End city and Nether
AU = Ender AU


Concept:  Starlight and Dream, Princess and Prince of the End City named the Dream End SMP, as Dream is about to be heir to the throne of the end city,  But when a war is about be Validated upon their kingdom,  Both Royals trend to give their all in this defeated battle..

Their Rival the, King of the Nether Reaches,  Technoblade, and his allies tend to shred their rival kingdom to pieces..

=============Enjoy the song!

"The nether,  Thousands strong,  March towards the stronghold,  Soon the end will be razed to a blazing ruin.. What do you intend? " Their Father remorse..

Star looked at him in dispise..
"This war is not ours to win!  Hope lies not in the ashes of the end city,  but our successor in the OverWorld.. The last dream watchers..we only buy for time.." She said, remembering the opposites who battle their way home here..

"Father,  I only want to protect the artifacts to please.. " Dream said,  trying not to believe what he's about hear from his sister and father..

"Defeat is certain,  what will we do?? " Lucid, Their beloved Dragon behind them started..

"it's only right,  if we try and get contact with the Antarctic Empire held by Philza, They could aid us in this battle.. " Star suggested..

"But the crystals.. " Dream hesistated to talk..

"NOT NOW DREAM! " Star yelled,  though being younger,  she's learnt to be a bit more mature than her older brother..

"Dream.. You are dismissed.. "His father hissed, Dream hesistated for a moment,  but flew down their meeting Tower,  with disappointment..

"Why me.. Im supposed to be taking the fight,  Not starlight! " He groaned.. He heard a little sigh above him,  and sees Lucid flying down..

"I know it's hard,  and believe me,  as you're dragon.. I.. I know what it's like.. " The Boy said with a sad voice..

Dream sighed,  as he walked around the end with his head hung low,  though Endermen around him concerned for their leader..

"Big D! " Dream heard behind him..
He sees Two of his close friends,  Tommy and Tubbo..

"Hey you two! " He said with a smile..
"You ok? We may have overheard you're conversation.. " Tubbo asked..

Dream chuckled and gave a nod, 
"do you two need anything?? " He asked..
"No,  we just wanted to check on you.. " Tommy said glancing at Tubbo with a dotted look.. Tubbo giggled and pushed Tommy over to the exit portal...

Dream was about to say something,  but the whole end island shaking,  a light was excited from their left,  and sees a huge grand nether portal emerged from the ground..

"Shit,  Their nearly here.. " The Prince panicked.. Lucid assured him that they'll be ok..

"Tommy!! Tubbo!  Get ready for battle!! " he yelled over to the two,  they both nodded and summoned their halo blades from thin air..

Endermen all around,  summoned their halo blades as well, and Lucid had transformed back into a dragon,  and gestured Dream to get on top of his head..

Once Dream got in top of Lucid, He flew to the tallest Tower they have, and kept an eye on the portal..


Fear not death but this destruction pending..

Starlight held her weapon with a stare, 
She then teleported down,  and got infront of the end army,  she held her heart for hope,  but she already knows...

Theirs no hope gaining,  if you know you've lost.. She looks at Dream in top of Lucid,  and gave him one last smile...

Not my soul,  but future i'm defending..

She brought her life to this very point, 
And it's already about to end..
A princess whos only 15 years old,  this nature enough to prove herself worthy for a war..

Let death come be this my fatal finale..
Let my blood line valiants truth rally..

They see a red spark of lightning mixed with a emmiting purple glow,  The portal was now open.. And all is lost soon..


"is this destiny?  I said.. Don't try to fight it.. " Sapnap muttered very much scared.


"well tell the faiths Im sorry but.. I have to rewind it.. " Dream muttered


Battle rages on I got no time, to Mend this~

As the first wave of the army came through the portal with rage,  Immideatly Starlights weapons shreds their bones apart,  endermen and Tommy Teleporting from the skies and taking out the rest..

Fear is just a limit,  to push pass to end this~

Tubbo comes in with a speed Teleporting move,  Killing Pigmen,  but comes in eye contact with a specific person..

"Wilbur? " He whispered,  but was caught by another with skeleton attacking him,  he quickly Finishes it off,  and went to go find Tommy about who he saw..

"So shove it away and force it down to stop up the bottle~ " starlight grinned finishing a more powerful foe than the others..

More specifically Jschlatt...she looked at his body,  and teleported it into the far ends of the city..angering another for infront of her..

"THAT WAS MY PRESIDENT! " Quality yelled,  about to swing his sword,  but Starlight teleported at inch before he got close,and finished him off from the back..

"Use the hate inside to go at head,  full throttled~" she whispered as she glanced at Dream,  signalling to make a move..

It was about time, that their Royal rival had come through the portal with his army,  Techno ran through with his allies and he spots Starlight awaiting his present..

"You guys go find and kill Dream,  I'll take care of Her.. " He said with a smug grin..
Turning towards Sapnap,George, BadBoyhalo and AntFrost,  all four had followed his others and went to find the City's Prince among the battle..

"Crystal Fire burns,  spires a blazing ruin.. " they heard above them,  they see Dream in one of the balcony with his Ender wings spread like god..

"Uh-huh hey Dream!! " Bad didn't want to fight he wanted peace,  Yet cause of Techno,  he didn't see that..

"Dream please we don't wanna fight! " Sapnap stated.. Dream jumped off,  and landed on his feet,  he looked at them with a sad sigh..

But giggled in response..
"It's the fight for our lives,  only few win"
He said with a small pained betrayed voice..

Enemy amass,  surround overwhelm..

Dream brought his sword to their necks and he faces them with a clear unsure face..

"You still wanna do this??  You don't have to.. " He muttered..

"We don't wanna fight Dream! " George yelled..

"Why so you won't get hurt?? " They heard another voice from above.. It was Lucid..

"L-Lucid!  What's up man? " Ant nervously asked..The Dragon glanced at his tamer,  Dream sighed before knowing he dosent have a choice..

"You guys win.. But, I'll have the best of my life..i love you guys.. " Dream said,  hugging All four of them...

"But,  we suffer lost,  all throughout the realm! " Dream whispered,  before pushing pass them to help his allies,  but leave them alive..

"He didn't kill us? " Sapnap was gonna tear up.. Bad didn't believe it,  Dream and his sister,  his whole kingdom,  was gonna die.. Cause of Techno..

"Cause of Techno... " George muttered..


This is destiny he said,  Don't try to fight it..

Dream had stepped infront of her fallen sister,  who was tired of attacking Techno..techno also in the ground but less tired than her..

Almost the whole end island has already fallen,  It's just Dream left and her sister,  along with Tommy, Tubbo, and Lucid..

"you ready to fight,  smiley?? " Techno stood up..

Don't try to fight it~

Dream sighed,  but nodded..
Techno was about to attack but sees a friend of his, Wilbur about to attack, Techno raised his hand at him,  and Wilbur immediately stopped..

"Dream please.. No.. " he heard his sister behind her.. Dream glanced at her, sadness and guilt washed in his eyes..

"Im sorry,  But,  I can't have you dying,  you'll be joining the Opposites soon,  I'll be with Mother soon,  OK? " And along his words, She knew his brother was about die.. Infront of her..

Well tell the fates Im sorry but..

"No,  Dream.. Please.. " She begged..
Dream giggled and hugged her one last time..

"It was nice knowing you..Starlight.. My dear sister.. "

I have to rewind it~

Techno immediately shot his Fire arrows at Dream,  but Dream easily dodged and,  brought his Sword side to side successful in keeping Techno distracted,  as he raised his wings,  and flung him to the portal,  breaking it in the process..

Battle rages on, I got no time to mend this~

Dream coughed and he used up mist of his energy,  he let his ring grew wider,  as now he is beside Lucid who roared,  making the whole island hear his terror and covor their ears..

"Dream,  go.. I'll take care of the others.. " Lucid assured and he flew away to help Tommy and Tubbo who were currently fighting the four..

Fear is just a limit to push pass to end this~

"Midnight? " He called.. A girl with brown and purple hair appeared,  and the first thing she noticed was the fallen End Princess..

So shove it away,  and force it down.. To stop up the bottle~

Midnight growled, as she takes notice on
Techno who getting closer..

"Use the hate inside and go at them full throttle! " she said handing the Prince Her Scythe,  being Netherite..


Dream gladly took the weapon and came closer to Techno, who is now drinking a healing potion..

"You ready nerd?! " he sounded stern like a pig.. Dream lazily aimed Midnight's weapon at his rival,  and one thing came to his mind that he accidently said out loud..

"You killed my mother,  I'll kill you.. " he accidently said out loud, catching Techno off guard,  and the Prince completely going auto pilot,  and attacking merciless and using his rage to turn into a nightmare,  the blood god wished he didn't create..

This is destiny he said~ don't try to fight it~

Words that came from his mother's mouth flooded his head,  her death flooded his head.. But before Dream could do another slash on Techno something had blocked him..

"S-sapnap? " He stuttered..

Well tell the fates Im sorry but.. I have to rewind it~

Dream and Techno,  and everyone else watch as Sapnaps Body bleeds and fall onto the ground..

"Sap why did you do that?! " Dream yelled,  droppingvhis weapon,  and hugging the boy..

Battle rages on I got no time to mend this~

"Sap please.. No.. " Dream pleaded.. He felt Sapnap hug him one last time,  before going completely limp..

"No, no, no, no-no,no,no,no.." Dream muttered out..

"Dream.. " Techno whispered..
The Prince Sat there pleading this wasn't happening,  His insanity get the beat of him,  and the reminder of Mother Takens death is unbearable..

The whole end island has already fallen,  his sister probably already died by now,  he killed his own best friend..

Dream smiled, before looking at Techno,
Dream stood up,  and he knows there's no going back..

Fear is just a limit to push past to end this~

Techno was hesitant towards whatever he just saw.. The prince held out his weapon to his rival..

"D-Dream?? " Techno asked a bit concerned towards his tablet can for the first time in forever..

"Big D? " Tubbo glanced at his Friend,  Tommy hugged Tubbo in comfort,  already knowing what's about to happen.

"Dream.. " George called..

"Techno,  I surrender..but at least kill me, To fill you're pride and trophy.. " the Prince admitted.. Techno wasn't believing this,  all cause Sapnap died..

So shove it away, and force it down to stop up the bottle~

"But Dream,  You're sister! " Techno reasoned..


Techno was surprised.. And for some reason felt bad? 

"Just please.. kill me.. At least let me join my Family...thats all I care about now.. Just kill me.. LOOK!  MIDNIGHT HAD ALREADY DIED TO WILBUR!  LUCID HAD DIED TO GEORGE!  JUST FUCKUNG KILL ME!! YOU WIN OK?! YOU CAN TAKE MY CROWN! " Dream yelled as he took of his crown and threw it to the ground,  and shattered it to pieces..

"Dream, look,  we don't wanna kill you! " Bad started,  But was glared at by dream..

Use the hate inside to go at them full throttle~

Dream looked at Techno with tears in his eyes.. "You win Techno,  I surrender.. Now please kill me.. That's all I'm asking you.. " Dream said, Techno sighed, but with complete hesitants, The blood and body of the Ends Prince dropped dead right infront of them..

"DREAM NO! " Tommy yelled,  seeing his mentor die..Tubbo quickly running towards Techno and giving him a slap on the cheek..

"I FUCKING HATE YOU TECHNO!  YOU'RE THE WORST!  I CANT BELIEVE IM EVEN YOURE COUSIN! " Tubbo said, Grabbing Tommys hand as both boys knew what they were both to do..

"Tommy! " Wilbur called..

"You killed the only person that truly loved me more than just a friend.. More than a friend.. But you killed my own family.. He may not be my blood,  but at least he's not a heartless Prince unlike Techno! " Tommy Yelled, Both him and Tubbo quickly reached the outer edges of the island,  and gave one glance at each other and the rest..

The blood god was quickly running over to both boys..

"Were never seeing you the same way we did.. Technoblade" Both synced and jumped off the island with glee and freedom,  but with slight pain..

"NOOOO! " Techno yelled as he sees both their figures disappear into the void..

"Techno... You win.. Alright,  I hope you're happy with youre life choices.. " Wilbur said with a very angry voice,  everyone in this whole battle,  will how never see Techno the same.. And knowing they just lost a well known friend to all..

The end?

WHOOOOOOOOOOO!  What arise!  Boy was this a pain to make cause, i had trouble remembering the lyrics a few times but I fucking managed!  Sorry if this was bad,  I was lazy and it's night time.. Ligit 1 am,  making this.. XDD

Also, let me know if you guys want a part 2 to this,  and suggest a song for that part two as well! 

Well I hope you guys enjoy! And I'll see you all on the other side!!  Byeeee💜💜


Word count: 2500

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