Chapter 11

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Ruby pov

I spent the last few minutes getting pushed around by Roman and Eggman.

Roman: Wow, you are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours.

I got mad and tried to attack but they both moved out the way and I tripped.

Roman: Oh man. Ya know, Perry, we really did need this.

Eggman: Agreed. But, how did she find this place?

Right at that moment, I tried to make a break for it but Roman stopped me with his cane and dragged me back.

Roman: I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve. Let me make this clear.We're not through here yet.

Suddenly we heard a huge explosion from the distance.

Roman: Oh, what the-? Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kind of in the middle of something.

As the white fang was about to leave, another explosion sounded.

Eggman: What is going on here?!

In the distance, I saw an explosion and some Faunus running away. I then saw who they were running from as Oobleck,Zwei, my team and team SEGA  rushed our way. I realized I needed to get to them, so I hopped on Romans shoulders and he threw me on the ground. As soon as I landed I sprinted towards my friends while dodging some bullets.  When I finally got to them Yang gave me a hug.

Yang: Ruby! Are you okay?

I realized that Torchwick and Eggman were about to escape through a train so I got out the hug quickly.  

Ruby: I'm fine! I'm fine! But listen... Torchwick and Eggman have all sorts of robots and weapons down there. 

Blake: What?

Silver handed me my scythe.

Ruby: Androids, mechs- they're all loaded up on the train cars.

Sonic: Heh, typical Eggman.

Then we heard the train leave.

Oobleck: Get to your places, we're leaving now!

The train started to move.

Ruby: We may need backup. Let me call Jaune.

Shadow: You can try, but the chances of you getting a signal from down here are very low.

Weiss: Then what do we do?

Oobleck: I believe we only have one option.

Ruby: We're stopping that train.

Shadow pulled out a Chaos Emerald.

Shadow: Chaos control!

(Blaze POV)

Suddenly, we appeared on the train. I nearly fell off but Yang grabbed her before she could.

Blaze: Thanks. Jeez, Shadow! Warn us next time before you randomly use chaos control!

Oobleck: Hurry children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Weiss: Uh... professor?

Oobleck: Doctor...

Weiss: What's that?

She pointed inside the hatch of the train at a weird machine.

Oobleck: That my dear... appears to be a bomb.

Sonic: It was probably made by Eggman.

Shadow: Still, what's the use of a bomb?

Ruby: We got baddies!

Ruby pointed at the next cart and a group of Faunus and badniks slowly approached us.

Oobleck: Well I didn't expect them to go...

Suddenly the bomb started beeping.

Oobleck: ... easy on us. Time to go! Blaze detached the caboose! It will kill us all!

Blaze: On it!

As everyone jumped to the next cart I jumped down to detach it but the cart did that for me. I headed back up to Oobleck.

Blaze: It decoupled itself!

Oobleck: What?!

Yang: I guess they really don't want us on this train.

We watched the detached train car explode.

Oobleck: That's not good.

Sonic: Uh, neither is this.

Sonic pointed at the opened train hatch.

Shadow: Another bomb?

Oobleck: No, no, no...

Oobleck ran to the next cart and opened the hatch.

Oobleck: They all have bombs!

Sonic: Well that's just great!

Then the bomb in the cart we were on started beeping.

Sonic: And that's even better.

We hurried and jumped off the cart as it detached itself.

Yang: This doesn't make sense!

Shadow: We can't worry about that now. We need to deal with the issue at hand and focus on our enemy.

He pointed at the White Fang and Eggman's robots who were getting closer. We ran to the next cart and got into our fighting stances.

Sonic: Finally! I've been waiting to kick some robo butt!

We rushed to our enemy. I set my hands on fire and punched a Faunus through one of Eggman's robots. Sonic used Excalibur and slashed through them, Shadow used the guns he bought and shot at them, and Silver disarmed them and pushed them off the train. I looked back at the cart we got off of and saw it explode, leaving a hole in the surface that let Grimm in.

Oobleck: ... Oh ... dear...

Sonic: Whats wrong?

Oobleck: They're leading Grimm to the city!

Weiss: What?!

Oobleck: It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!

Blake: That's insane!

Then we heard a strange voice from where we came from.

???: Shadow!

Blaze: What?!

Yang: Shadow?

We all looked at Shadow who starred in shock.

Shadow: That voice...Maria?

Ruby: Who?

Blaze: That's not possible! She's dead! You even had an entire video game of you remembering she's dead!

Shadow: I know, but that's all the more reason why I need to confirm it.

Sonic: ... Then you better hurry. Go check it out and come back in one piece got it?!

Sonic gave Shadow a thumbs up. Shadow nodded and jumped off the train.

Yang: Is he gonna be okay?

Sonic: Don't worry about him! We gotta hurry!

Oobleck: Right! Blaze, Yang, Blake, and Weiss, go below and stop those bombs!

Ruby: What about us?

Oobleck: We're gonna stop this train.

Ruby: Yeah, I know... I said that earlier.

Me and Ruby's friends hoped into the train and saw a lot of crates. I opened one up and saw claws that looked flammable. I grabbed them and put them on. Luckily they were a perfect fit.

Yang: I guess this is what we trained for.

Weiss handed Blake some dust.

Weiss: Here. Your gonna need this.

Blaze: So, shall we get going?

We walked through the train until we were stopped by Eggman and his eggmobile. 

Eggman: We send all those men up there and still you break in. Looks like I need to do everything by myself.

Suddenly the eggmobile grew arms and legs. Out of the arms grew machine guns.

Blaze: You guys go on ahead. I'll deal with him.

They nodded and ran past Eggman to the other room.

Blaze: Well, looks like you've got an upgrade.

Eggman: It was meant for Sonic in case he showed up, but you will due.

Blaze: I may not be Sonic, but I promise not to disappoint.

Eggman shot at me and I dodged the bullets. Then I shot some fireballs at him but it didn't have any effect.

Eggman: You didn't think I learned the last time we fought? I already made the Eggmobile fireproof just in case we ever fight again!

Blaze: In that case, it seems these claws would be useful after all.

I set the claws I got on fire and slashed at Eggman. Before I could though he punched me back and started shooting at me. I unleashed a wave of fire that turned the bullets to ash and pushed him against the wall. Then I ran up to him and slashed off his arm. Replacing that arm was a missile. I got back and he shot it at me. I slashed it to pieces and it exploded behind me. Eggman opened the Eggmobiles other hand and more missiles shot at me.

Blaze: Typical Eggman. Things don't go your way and you start shooting missiles!

After dodging some missiles I hoped on one of them and aimed it back at Eggman. Once I got close enough I jumped off the missile as it hit the Eggmobile and blew it up. Eggman fell on the floor knocked out. 

Blaze: It is truly surprising how many explosions you have survived in your life.

I blew a hole in the top of the train and got out. I saw Weiss, Blake, and Yang come out from a hatch and Sonic, Silver, and Ruby catch up to us. We looked ahead and saw that the train was about to crash.

Blaze: What should we do?!

Ruby and Weiss nodded and Weiss sealed us in an ice barrier as the train crashed and blew up.

                                                                      -TO BE CONTINUED-

 Sorry I haven't been updating this story. I'll try to update a little faster next time but it'll probably take a while since I've got 4 other books to update.

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