Chapter 12

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Shadows POV

I was running to the source of that strange voice. I swear it sounded like Maria. But I already knew it wasn't.

???: Shadow!

Suddenly I saw a large tunnel in the middle of the railroad.

???: Shadow!

Shadow: It seems her voice is coming from down here.

I walked down the dark tunnel until I saw a girl with yellow hair and a blue dress.

Shadow: Maria?

That's what I thought. But when I got closer, I felt a dark aura coming from her.

Shadow: Who are you?

???: Hmm I guess nothing gets past you now does it.

She started to morph. Her hair shrunk and turned green, her dress turned into a tuxedo, her face turned pale, and she turned into a guy.

???: Nice to finally meet you Shadow. My name is Ganro.It's been quite a while, brother.

Shadow: Brother?

Ganro: Suprised? Of course, you're surprised! Do you really think that you were the only project the professor made? Of course not! Your just the only one he kept!  I was made right before you. But since I was a mistake, he cast me off instead! 

Shadow: Then what are you doing here?

Ganro: That's what I'd like to ask you! I mean, we all know that you had plenty of reasons to go back home! Who knows what's going to happen to your poor Mobious if you're not there to protect it! But here you are, protecting a world you don't even belong in.

Shadow: Eggman is no longer at Mobious. Now he's here trying to take over this world. I cannot allow that.

Ganro: And why not!? To protect those who are gonna die anyway? Your enemy isn't Eggman in this world Shadow. It's someone far worse. I'm warning you now if you don't run away, it's going to be too late. Everyone you care for, everyone you swore to protect, will crumble at our feet.

Shadow: I don't know what you're talking about, but nothing you say or do will make me change my mind.

Ganro: I see, in that case, I want you to take these.

He tossed me two chaos emeralds.

Ganro: Now you just need one more. You might want to hold on to that one.

Then he changed again. This time turning into Yang.

Ganro (Yang's voice): Otherwise your little chaos control blondie might find herself in a sticky situation.

And with that, he left me alone with two chaos emeralds. What did he mean by someone far worse? If what he said is true, then our situation may be more serious than I thought.

Shadow: Hmph, Chaos control.

(Sonic POV)

Okay, here's what we thought would happen. We thought that crashing the train would stop their plans. We forgot that their plan was to lead Grimm to Vale by crashing the train. So, in a way, it's our fault that Vale is under attack.

Excalibur: Master Sonic, behind you.

A Beowolf tried to attack me from behind, but I turned around and cut it in half. Then I jumped, rolled into a ball, and dashed at the Ursa behind it.

Sonic: Heh, haven't used that in a while!

I landed and another Grimm tried to attack me from behind.This time, Blaze shot it with a large fireball. The Grimm got back up and Silver pushed it back. Blaze looked at Silver and smiled. Then Silver got ran over by a Nevermore and landed on the ground hard.

Blaze: Silver!

Blaze hurried and ran to his side.

Blaze: Are you okay?!

Silver: *cough* *cough* Hey! I can talk again!

Blaze: *sigh* You are so hopeless.

The same Nevermore got up and tried to attack them.

Shadow: Chaos spear!

A large ball of light shot at it and destroyed it.  We looked at the one who shot it and saw Shadow holding two chaos emeralds.

Shadow: It seems I can't leave for five minutes without you causing a ruckus.

Blaze: Shadow?! What happened?

Shadow: I'll explain later. Right now, we need to take care of these Grimm.

My team and team RWBY took care of the Grimm until reinforcements arrived. Soon team JNPR joined in the fun. Then Sun, Neptune, Rouge, and Amy came with police badges.

Sun: Nobody move, Junior detectives!

Neptune: We got badges so you know it's official!

Rouge: Alright boys! Let's go!

Amy: Why did I agree to this...

It didn't take long for the Generals robot soldiers to help out too. Once we took care of all the Grimm, Glynda closed the hole. Eggman and Roman were arrested and the rest of us celebrated. After that me, my team, and team RWBY sat down for awhile.

Yang: Well, we did it.

Blaze: Took a while. But yeah, we did it.

Weiss: If we don't get extra credit for that, I'm going to be so disappointed.

Sonic: A two-headed snake crushed a bakery. I wouldn't count on it.

Ruby: Plus, I mean, we didn't solve everything. A lot of people got hurt, and we don't even know why they did this, or who those mysterious girls were.

Silver: Yeah, there are still some unanswered questions.

Sonic: Well, not every story has a neat and tidy ending.

Blake: We may not have all the answers, But we do have a lot of dangerous people behind bars. And I think that's something we can be proud of.

Ruby: Yeah. And if anyone tries something like this again, we'll be there to stop them.

Yang laid down.

Yang: Yay. Teamwork, camaraderie, good guys, go team, alright good job. So, what now?

Silver: I'd suggest training for the tournament, but... I think we got that covered at this point.

Blake: So then...?

Blaze: Uh, time for bed?

Weiss: Oh yes, please.

Blake: Absolutely.

Yang: I'm going to sleep forever.

As everyone began to leave I stopped and thought about what Rouge said.

Sonic: H-Hey Ruby, can we talk?

As the others left, Ruby and I stood there alone.

Ruby: Yes?

Sonic: Um... I've been meaning to ask you this at the ball but...

I didn't know why I was hesitating. Like Rouge said, we're humans now.

Sonic: Would you like to dance?

Ruby smiled. Her cheeks were a little red.

Ruby: Yeah.

We took each other's hands and tried our best to dance. But since neither of us knew how we kept making mistakes. It didn't take long for me to accidentally fall on top of her. We both looked at each other and laughed a little. Then, at the heat of the moment, we kissed.

???: Oh my, It's about time.

We both got up and noticed Rouge watching us with Amy and our teams.

Blaze: Rouge told us something like this would happen. We've all been waiting forever for you two to come out of the closet. Well, all of us except Amy of course.

Honestly, I didn't know whose face was redder. Mine, Ruby's or Amy's who was more angry than embarrassed.

Amy: Sonic you idiot!

Amy took out her hammer and was about to start swinging but everyone else did their best to hold her back. Me and Ruby looked at each other and laughed a little. Ruby then stuck out her hand and I held it. I looked up at the sky thinking, With everything that's happened so far, what can go wrong?

-To be continued-

Aka p.o.v

I was in the underground cave that Sonic and Ruby blew up. There I ran into Big brother Metal Sonic, who was still guarding the machine.

Aka: It time?

Metal nodded.

Metal Sonic: Do you still have the chaos emerald?

Aka: Never loose it, big brother!

I handed him the chaos emerald.

Metal Sonic: Remember, this guy is highly dangerous. He is the only one able to kill Sonic after all.

Aka: Aka no care what happen in stupid video game! It suck anyway...

Metal Sonic: Fine then. If you really think you're ready.

Metal put the emerald into the machine and the darkness in it started to take form. It turned into a man who was black and white with no mouth.

Aka: Wow! Rumor right!You do take form of uncle Shadow!

Metal Sonic: Uncle? I'm not even going to ask.

Mephlies: Where am I? Who are you?

Aka: No worry. Aka only here for your death... and your power.


Thank you for those who stuck with me until the very end! I hope you guys aren't too angry with the whole switching profile thing. Trust me, it was hard for me too. I also hope the Sonic x Ruby part wasn't too bad. a friend of mine said since I turned Sonic human, it wouldn't be as bad as a certain Sonic 06 kiss... Anyway hope you enjoy! Volume 3 will come out soon! I hope!

I don't own Sonic or RWBY.

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