Chapter 6

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Rouge POV

I walked into the Ballroom where Yang and Weiss were setting decorations. Weiss walked in front of us with two tablecloths.

Weiss: I need you to pick a tablecloth.

Rouge: Um, aren't they both the same?

Weiss: I don't even know why I asked.

I saw Ruby sitting at a table alone looking a bit down. I guess Sonic still hasn't asked her yet...

Rouge: Hey Ruby, have you picked you're dress yet?

Ruby: Whats the point? Who cares about a stupid dance if Blake isn't coming?

Yang came in with a giant speaker on her shoulder and slammed it to the ground.

Yang: Oh, don't worry. She's going. Weiss! I thought we agreed! No doilies!

Weiss: If I don't get doilies you don't get fog machines.

The door opens and in comes Sun and Neptune.

Neptune: Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss: We were thinking about it.

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: You ladies all exited for dress up?

Ruby: Pfft, Yeah right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night.

Rouge: What are you boys wearing?

Sun: Um, this.

Neptune: Ignore him, for he is knows not what he says.

Sun: Hey, I may have moved to Mistral, but I was born in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kinda place.

Yang: Yeah, We've noticed.

Sun: So, uh... what does Blake think of all this? She still being all, ya know... Blake-y?

Weiss: Obviously.

Ruby: I still can't think of a way to change her mind.

Yang: Guys. Trust me. Blake will be at the dance tomorrow.

(time skip) Blaze pov

Today was not my day. First I tried to ask Silver to the dance by serving him pancakes. Then I put too much hot sauce in the pancakes, sent Silver to the hospital, and learned that I'm the only one here who puts hot sauce in pancakes. Shadow kicked me out of the dorm because of that. So now I'm sitting with Nora with headphones in my ears listening to nothing. Meanwhile Jaune is talking to Ren while he was half naked. So, yeah, I've been put in a bit of an awkward situation.

Jaune:  Ren... I'm just gonna come out and say it. You are one of my best friends. These past few months, I feel like we've really bonded. Even though you don't talk much. I mean, you're really quiet. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that much about you personally, but darn it- I consider you the brother I never had!

Ren: And I you...

I think even Ren feels a little uncomfortable right now.I watched as he reached for his clothes.

Jaune: Which is why I wanted to get your advice on... girls.

Ren: Girls?

Jaune: I just... don't know... how to... um, I guess what I'm asking is... well... how did you and Nora...? You know...

Nora:*ahem**embarrassed laughing* We're not together, together.

Jaune: Nora, I said headphones on!

Nora put her headphones back on and I took mines off.

Blaze: Jaune, what is this about? 

Jaune: *sigh* It's Weiss. I'm completely head over heels for her, and she won't even give me a chance. She's cold. But... she's also incredible. She's smarter, and graceful, and talented, I mean have you heard her sing?! I just wish she'd take me seriously, y'know? I wish I could tell her how I feel without messing it all up.

???: Then do it.

We looked towards the door and saw Pyrrha.

Jaune: Uh, wha-?

Pyrrha: Tell her exactly what you just said. No ridiculous scenarios, no pick-up lines. Just... be honest.

Jaune: But wha-

Pyrrha: Jaune. You can't get it wrong if it's the truth.

Jaune: You're right. Thanks Pyrrha. Good talk Ren.

Jaune hurried out the door.The rest of us looked at Pyrrha as she sat down depressed.

Nora: *sigh* Practice what you preach, Pyrrha.

Rouge POV

I was bored so I went to the school so I could pickpocket the janitor again. When suddenly I heard what sounded like Blake in one of the classrooms.

Blake: Yang, if you're going to tell me to stop, you may as well just save your breath.

Yang: I don't want you to stop. I want you to slow down.

Blake: We don't have the luxury to slow down.

Yang: It's not a luxury. It's necessity.

Blake: The necessity is stopping Torchwick.

Yang: And we're going to. But first, you have to sit down and listen to what I have to say.

Blake: Fine.

Yang: Ruby and I grew up in patch. An island off the coast of Vale. Our parents were huntsmen. Our dad taught at Signal, and our mom would take on missions around the kingdom. Her name was Summer Rose. And she was, like Super-mom. Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters. And then, one day she left and never came back. It was tough, Ruby was really torn, but I think she was still too young to really get what was going on. And my dad just... shut down. It wasn't too long before I learned why. Summer wasn't the first love he'd lost. The first... was my mom. He wouldn't tell me everything. But I learned that the two of them had been on a team with Summer and Qrow. And that she'd left me with him just after I was born. No one had seen her since.

Blake: Why did she leave?

Yang: *sigh* That question...why? I didn't know the answers, but I was determined to find out. It was all I thought about. I would ask anybody I could about what they knew about her. Then I found something. What I thought was a clue that could lead me answers. Or maybe even my mother. I waited for dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon, and headed out. I must've walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, was totally exhausted. But I wasn't going to let anything stop me. When we finally got there, I could barely stand. But I didn't care I made It. And then I saw them. Those burning red eyes. There we were, a toddler asleep in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served on a silver platter. But, as luck would have it, our uncle showed up just in time. My stubbornness should've gotten us killed that night.

Blake: Yang...I'm sorry that happened to you...and I understand what your trying to tell me, but this is different! I'm not a child and this isn't just a search for answers, I can't just-

Yang: I told you, I'm not telling you to stop. I haven't. To this day I still want to know what happened to my mother, and why she left me. But I will never let that search control me. We're going to find the answers we're looking for, Blake. But if we destroy ourselves in the process then what good are we?

Blake: You don't understand! I'm the only one who can do this!

Yang: No, you don't understand! If Roman Torchwick walked through that door, what would you do?!

Blake: I'd fight him!

Yang: You'd lose!

I heard Yang shove Blake.

Blake: I can stop him!

Yang: You can't even stop me!

I took a peak inside and saw Yang hug Blake.

Yang: I'm not telling you to stop. Just please...get some rest. Not just for you. But for the people you care about. And if you feel like coming out tomorrow, I'll save you a dance.

Yang left towards the door and bumped into me.

Yang: Are you okay?

Rouge: yeah I'm fine.

She helped me up and I smiled.

Yang: What is it?

Rouge: Oh, nothing.

(Timeskip) Sonic POV

I has heading to the ballroom when Rouge appeared in front of me.

Rouge: So, did you think about it?

Sonic: Are you sure I should do this. I mean, What if she say's no?

Rouge: It could work that way or it could end like that.

She pointed at Sun who was fixing his tie.

Sun: Stupid dumb neck trap.

???: I knew you'd look better in a tie.

Sun turned around and saw Blake and they walked to the ballroom together.

Sun: So...does this mean we're going together?

Blake: Technically. Though, my first dance is spoken for.

We watched as they headed into the ballroom.

Rouge: Looks like they came through to her.

Sonic: Yeah... You know what, maybe I'll ask her to the dance after all.

We walked into the Ballroom where Yang, Weiss, and Ruby watched Blake dance with Sun.

Yang: Told you she would come

Weiss: Mission accomplished.

Ruby: So... What do we do now?

Yang: Just have fun!

Yang and Weiss left to join the party.

Ruby: Does that mean I can change out of these stupid things and into my hood now? Stupid lady stilts.

Rouge: Well Sonic, don't you have something to ask her?

I walked up to Ruby

Sonic: Hey Ruby...

Ruby: Yes?

Sonic: Would you like to,um, da-

Amy: Hey Sonic the cake in here is great! Do you want some cake?! Lets get some cake!

Amy came out of nowhere and dragged me toward the cake.

Sonic: Hey, Amy!

Yang POV

I went to go greet the last three people who could make it to the dance. The doors opened and in came Mercury, Emerald, and Aka.

Yang: You guys are just in time.

Mercury: Wouldn't miss it for the world.


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