Chapter 7

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Jaune POV

I ran into Ruby by the punch.

Jaune: I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too.

Ruby: Yup.

Jaune: To the socially awkward.

Ruby: Heh. Sorry things didn't work out with you and Weiss.

Jaune: Meh, it's fine; Neptune's pretty cool. I get why she went with him.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Jaune: Well, come on. Not many people can pull off blue hair.

Ruby: No, I mean Weiss came to the dance alone.

Jaune: Uh, what?

Ruby: Yeah, she said she had too much to focus on to worry about boys.

But I saw her ask Neptune out last night.

Jaune: Hold my punch.

I was going to walk up to him, but then I saw Pyrrha walking to the balcony and I followed her.

Jaune: Hey, Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Hello Jaune.

Jaune: You okay? I haven't seen you tonight.

Pyrrha: Arrived late, I'm afraid.

Jaune: Well, you look really nice.

Pyrrha: thank you.

Jaune: Your date isn't going to beat me up for saying that is he?

Pyrrha: I think your safe for tonight.

Jaune: So. Where is the guy?

Pyrrha: There is no guy.

Jaune: W-what!?

Pyrrha: Nobody asked me.

Jaune: But that's... You're Pyrrha Nikos! H-how could nobody ask you?

Pyrrha: I've been blessed with incredible talents and opportunities. I'm constantly surrounded by love and praise. But when you're placed on a pedestal like that for so long, you become separated from those who put you there in the first place. Everyone assumes I'm too good for them, that I'm on a level they simply can't attain. It's become impossible to form any type of meaningful relationship with people. That's what I like about you. When we first met, you didn't even know my name. You treated me just like anyone else. And thanks to you, I've made friendships that can last a lifetime. I're the kind of guy I wish I was here with. Someone who saw me for me.

She walked away.

Jaune: Uh, wait-!

It was too late. She already left, and Neptune walked past her and started talking to me.

Neptune: Hey, uh... Jaune was it?

Jaune:*sigh* Yeah.

Neptune: This party's pretty lame huh? I mean ballroom dancing, pfft.

Jaune: Yeah...

Neptune: Cute girls though, huh?

Jaune: Is that all you think about? D-do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How they feel about you?

Neptune: Whoa, where's this coming from!?

Jaune: How could you turn her down like that?

Neptune: Wait, w-who?

Jaune: Weiss!

Neptune: I,, just didn't work out. y'know?

Jaune: What? You think your too cool? Too many other options? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance. What in the world could possibly keep you from go-

Neptune: I can't dance.

Jaune: Beg your pardon?

Neptune: I can't dance,man.

Jaune: But, you' cool.

Neptune: Thank you. I try really, really hard.

Jaune: You would rather break a girls heart, and go to a dance alone, than...just admit to everyone that you can't move in rhythm to music?

Neptune: That about sums it up, yeah.

Jaune: Well, I certainly feel a lot better about myself.

Neptune: Please don't tell anyone. Look, if you want Weiss, she's all yours, I don't wanna get in your way.

Jaune:  *sigh* Do you like her?

Neptune: Yeah, I mean, I don't know her too well yet, but she seems pretty cool.

Jaune: Then just go talk to her. No pickup lines, no suave moves. Just be yourself. I've heard that's the way to go.

Neptune: Yeah, but that isn't-

Jaune: Hey, you don't have to be cool all the time. In all honesty, if you could be a little less cool, I'd really appreciate it.

Neptune: Yeah, okay.

Jaune: Go talk to her. I'm guaranteed it'll make her night.

Neptune: Thanks. You're a really cool guy Jaune.

Jaune: Alright, don't lie to my face.

He left and I let out a sigh.

???: There's one more thing left to do.

I looked up and saw Blaze on the roof holding a white dress.

Blaze: It was supposed to be mine but I guess I could let you borrow it.

Jaune: Thanks but, um, what about your date?

Blaze: Just take the dress.

Sonic POV

I found Ruby talking to Yang.

Sonic: This sure is one hell of a dance.

Yang: Yeah, then tomorrow it's back to work.

Ruby: Well, I'm sure we can handle whatever gets thrown at us.

We Heard a group of students laughing.

Sonic: Except for that.

We looked at what they we're laughing at and saw Jaune walking up to Pyrrha wearing a dress.

Pyrrha: Jaune?

Jaune: Eh, a promise is a promise.

Pyrrha: *laughing* Jaune, you didn't have to!

Jaune: Hey, an Ark never goes back on his word. Now do you want to stand there and laugh at me or do you wanna dance?

Pyrrha: I...would love to dance.

Nora: Ren; This. Is. Happening!

Ren: What is happening?

Then all of team JNPR started dancing to Blazes favorite song. Yang went to join them and me and Ruby laughed. Ruby looked out the window and showed a look of concern.

Sonic: Hey Ruby, what's wrong?

Ruby: Um, Sonic, who's that?

I looked outside and saw a girl hopping off buildings

Sonic: I don't know, let's find out.

(timeskip) Ruby POV

Me and Sonic followed the mystery lady to the watchtower. She stopped in front of a knocked out guard. She looked at us and smiled. She pointed at the door and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Sonic: What was that all about?

Ruby: I think, she was trying to show us something.

I grabbed my scroll and my locker landed behind me. I opened it up and grabbed Crecent Rose. Sonic put on his glove and summoned Excalibur.

Excalibur: Master Sonic, I have been waiting. It smells like fish in there.

Sonic: Can you even smell fish?

We walked in and saw more knocked out guards.

Ruby: What happened here?

Sonic: Either everyone's sleeping on the job or someone broke into a highly secure watchtower.

Excalibur: Masters Sonic and Ruby, this damage has been done recently. Whoever did this is still in the building. Probably on the second floor.

We walked into the elevator and got ready for a fight. When the elevator got to the second floor we slowly walked out.

Ruby: Hello?

We looked around but didn't see anyone.

Sonic: Anyone home?

Then, someone stood up from behind a desk.

Ruby: Excuse me. You know it's not a masquerade party, so why don't you take off that-

Suddenly, she summoned glass crystals and shot them at us. I managed to hit them with my scythe. I started shooting at her, but she easily deflected my bullets. Sonic swung his sword at her but she dodged it, summoned a bow and fired at him. one of the arrows sent him flying and he landed spine first on a computer.

Ruby: Sonic!

Suddenly, the doors opened and Ironwood came in. I looked back at the girl but she was gone. I dropped my scythe and went to check on Sonic.

Mercury POV

I was dancing with Aka when Cinder tapped her shoulder.

Cinder: Oh, may I cut in?

Aka: Yes, master.

Aka headed for the food and I started dancing with Cinder

Mercury: And how's your night been?

Cinder: Hmm, a little more...exiting than expected.

Mercury: Should we be worried.

Cinder: Hardly. They'll be scratching their heads long after we've finished what we came for.

Mercury: So then, what now?

Cinder Enjoy the rest of the night. After all, this is a party.


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