Chapter 10

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(Blaze POV)

I was running through the trial grounds while it was being attacked by an army of Grimm. One of them tried to attack me but I flew above it and shot a huge fireball that obliterated the Grimm. Once I landed on my feet, I took out my scroll and tried to call Sonic but he didn't answer. Then I tried calling Shadow but got the same result.

Blaze: Come on, someone pick up.

???: Blaze!

I looked up and saw Silver flying down towards me.

Blaze: I'm guessing this is the big event you kept dreaming of.

Silver: Part of it. All I know is that it gets worse.

Blaze: Well that's newsworthy. Listen, I need you to go try and protect as many people as you can.

Silver: What about you?

Blaze: There's something I need to pick up.

(Rouge POV)

Flying in the air, I was heading back to the arena. That's when I noticed a giant Nevermore trying to break inside. I flew up to try and stop it but it had already broke in. Once I got on top of the arena, I looked down to see Ruby with one of Penny's blades protecting Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Ruby?

Ruby: Leave her alone!

The Nevermore roared as it flew into the air and was about to attack her, but a bunch of lockers flew down on it and it crashed into the ground. It didn't take long for all the students in the Tournament to be on top of it retrieving their weapons.

Rouge: Well isn't this a surprise entrance.

I began to fly down as I noticed the Grimm about to get up. The other students noticed as well. They got two of them flying in the air as I flew down and kicked it's head back into the ground. The two students in the air flew down, swung their swords, and cut the Nevermore's head off.

Rouge: Alright, is everyone alright?

Sonic and Ruby both looked at Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Ruby I-

She looked down at a fabric of Penny's shirt as there were tears in her eyes.

Pyrrha: I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Me to, but it wasn't your fault.

Jaune: She's right.

Jaune stepped in holding Pyrrha's spear and shield as he hands it to her.

Jaune: Whoever was on the microphone, they're the ones that did this. And we have to make sure they don't take anyone else.

Sonic: Heh. Couldn't have said it better myself.

A roar suddenly echoed as a bunch of Griffons were circling the arena.

Neptune: So, anybody got a plan of attack?

Ruby: Sun, I need your scroll.

Sun tosses his scroll to Ruby and she uses it to summon her locker. It opens to reveal Crescent Rose. She goes to get it but a Griffon quickly landed on her locker and roared before being scarred away by a gunshot. We both looked back to see Professor Oobleck and Professor Port.

Port: Students! I think it would be best for you to leave.

Ruby: But we did a-

Oobleck: Ms.Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnants history. I'd prefer it if my students lived to talk about it.

Ruby nods. She grabbed her scythe and all the students began to leave. I followed of course. We all gathered at the entrance as Ironwood just got done handling a Grimm of his own while evacuating the citizens.

Rouge: Hey General, mind letting us in on what's going on?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang's invaded Beacon, and some... vagabonds have seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm gonna take it back.

Ironwood turned to his ship.

Rouge: I may as well come with.

Ironwood: What?

Rouge: I like helping in my own little way.

Ironwood: ... Very well then. Let's move out.

Before I headed into the ship with the general, I handed Sonic the bag Shadow gave me.

Rouge: Be careful.

Sonic: ... Yeah...

Rouge: Now all of you take a ship to Beacon. I'll see you all soon.

They left and I headed into the airship. Along with 6 of Ironwoods toys that were deactivated. I took a good look at them as we headed off.

Rouge: Hm... I'm almost surprised he didn't do anything about these drones yet.

Suddenly, the robot turned on. The light on their heads were red instead of blue as they aimed their guns at me and Ironwood. That's when I realized Eggmans taken complete control over all the robots in Beacon. Not including Shadow of course.

Rogue: Um... General...?

Ironwood realized what was going on as he quickly jumped out of his seat.

Ironwood: No!

(Sonic's POV)

From another airship, we all watched as the one Rouge and Ironwood hopped on began to fall from the sky. Ruby looked up at the airship they were headed for.

Ruby: Someone needs to get up there...

Sonic: ... You head up... I'll run to the city...

Ruby: Are you sure?

Sonic: Don't worry. I can make it to Becon faster than this ship ever could.

We both nodded and jumped off the airship. She used her weapon to help her land back to the arena as she had a plan on how she was going to get to that giant airship. In the meantime I continued to fall. While I was falling I saw a girl. She had a smile on her face as she was holding excalibur.

Sonic: Hey, that's my sword!

I finally landed on the ground as she was suddenly right in front of me. She was still smiling as she quickly backed up without moving her legs.

Sonic: Hey! Wait!

I quickly chased after her as I needed to retrieve my sword. I chased her all the way to Beacon but wasn't able to reach her no matter how fast I ran. She finally stopped and I stopped too.

Sonic: Alright lady, who are you?

???: ... It seems you really want Excalibur huh? Teehee. But you can't have him yet. You need to survive first.

Sonic: What?

???: Anyway, I have better things to do right now. But don't worry, I can promise we will meet again.

And with that, the girl disappeared with Excalibur.

Sonic: ... Looks like I'm gonna have to do a solo run.

(Roman's POV)

Eggman and I were still on the airship. It looks like Eggman really came in handy. He was able to hack into every robot made by Atlas and is controlling them all. Then we heard a small thud from outside the ship.

Eggman: Oh what now?

Roman: Ugh... Neo... go check on that...

Neo nodded and walked out.

(Aka's POV)

Me, Master, Emerald and Mercury were on a roof filming the chaos.

Cinder: Beautiful.

Emerald: It's almost sad.

Cinder: It's horrendous. Focus on the Atlesian knights.

Mercury: Oh, I'm getting all of it.

Cinder: Good. Continue the broadcast until the end. Oh, and Aka, I believe it's time you show off your new tricks.

My eyes glimmered with excitement as I dashed to a larger building with a smile on my face. I took off the annoying cast on my arm and revealed the arm of Mephiles himself. I raised it up and multiple portals appeared all over Vale. I smiled as a bunch of monsters came out of them and started destroying everything. It was music to my ears just to listen to all of the screams of others. A large rumbling shook the ground beneath me. I looked up ahead to see a mountain crumble. And from that rubble, came a giant Grimm Dragon. I believe master called it a Wyvern. I watched as it flew around Beacon spreading more grimm. Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw Pyrrha heading towards Ozpin. I looked up and smiled as Master was also watching this from atop another building. I didn't know what to say. All I knew... was that we already won.

-To Be Continued-

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