Chapter 11

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(Eggman POV)

I was watching on the Supercomputer as everything was being reduced to rubble. It seems everything is going according to plan, and no filthy hedgehog can stop me now. I turned to Roman who was holding his phone.

Roman: Oh, you can not be serious!

He showed me as it was a picture of Ruby on the ship.

Eggman: Tch. You deal with the brat. I'll handle everything up here.

Roman: Yeah yeah.

Roman picked up his cane and left as I got back to business. I pulled out a button from my pocket and pressed it.

Eggman: Sorry Sonic, but this time... I win.

(Weiss POV)

I was fighting robots with everyone else. I saw Shadow and Blaze approaching me.

Weiss: Shadow? Blaze?

Blaze: Looks like you're safe. Where's everyone else?

Weiss: Blake went to stop an Alpha and some Whitefang members... Pyrrha and Jaune disappeared with Ozpin... I don't know what happened to the others...

Shadow: I see... In that case, we should-

Before Shadow could finish his sentence, a bunch of portals suddenly opened everywhere. Out of those portals came monsters that definitely weren't Grimm.

Weiss: What the...

Blaze: Impossible... those are...

Weiss: Wait, you know what these things are?

Blaze: ... ... ...

Shadow: ... If these things are here, it means he's here too.

Blaze looked at the sky.

Blaze: That's not all...

Me and Shadow looked up to see what she was staring at. We saw a humungous ship the shape of an Egg. The ship had Eggman's face on it as it let out millions of robots.

Weiss: That can't be good...

Shadow: The situation has changed drastically. We need to move fast.

Blaze: Let me handle Mephelis. I have some questions that I want to be answered...

Shadow nodded as a blue robot suddenly landed ahead of us. It got everyone's attention as it shot missiles everywhere. Ren and Nora went to try and fight it off.

Shadow: Mecha Sonic.

Blaze: Looks like he wasn't affected by the human changes like the rest of us... plus he's got some upgrades... you think you can handle him, Weiss?

I nodded to Blaze.

Weiss: You two go. We got this.

They nodded back. Blaze ran off as Shadow teleported away. I looked ahead to see Nora swing her hammer at Mecha Sonic. He managed to block it with one hand and punched Nora straight into the ground.

Ren: Nora!

Mecha Sonic grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up. Ren started shooting at his back and Mecha Sonic immediately noticed this. He let go of Nora and dashed at Ren as he shot missiles at him. Ren flipped back to dodge as Mecha Sonic went to punch him in the chest. Ren dodged it as he went to kick the robot, but Mecha Sonic caught his foot.

Mecha Sonic: Pathetic!

He tossed Ren away like it was nothing. I reacted quickly and fired shards of ice at him but they were barely leaving a scratch. He fired a missile at me but Sun quickly swung his staff and deflected it, causing it to blow up elsewhere. Sun dashed at him and swung his staff but Mecha Sonic caught it and punched him in the gut. As he did, he saw Yatshuhashi dashing at him. Mecha Sonic threw Sun at him but Yatshuhashi caught him and placed Sun down. Mecha Sonic immediately dashed at him and went for a heavy punch as Yatshuhashi went to block it with his blade but was still knocked back. As Mecha Sonic turned around, he was suddenly kicked in the face by Velvet as Coco started firing bullets at him with her Gatling Gun. I joined and fired more ice shards at him but none of them had any effect. He fired a missile t us and both of us jumped back to dodge it. Velvet then kicked him again. Annoyed by this, Mecha Sonic went to try and grab her but she flipped back and got between me and Coco.

Weiss: He's tougher than he looks...

Coco: Well, I guess now's a better time than any. Velvet!

Velvet looked at Coco excited.

Velvet: Really?!

Coco: Just make them count.

Velvet nodded as she walked up to Mecha Sonic.

Weiss: What are you doing?! She's going to get hurt!

Coco: Just watch.

Mecha Sonic looked down at her, his eye glowing red.

Mecha Sonic: Pathetic rat... prepare to die.

Velvet extended her hand as her camera, Anesidora, glowed... slowly forming a copy of Ruby's Crescent Rose. Mecha Sonic fired multiple missiles as Velvet jumped up in the air to dodge them. She did an overhead spin and swung the scythe at Mecha Sonic but he quickly dodged it. As soon as Velvet landed on her feet, the scythe disappeared as she was wearing Yang's gauntlets. They both went to punch at each other and clashed causing a shockwave around them. They went for multiple more punches, clashing each time until Velvet finally jumped back and summoned a copy of Sun's staff as Mecha Sonic started to glow bright blue. He dashed at her and went for a punch but she dodged it and smacked him into the ground with the staff. She went to swing it again but Mecha Sonic quickly dodged as he flew back. He started firing missiles at her and as he did, Velvet summoned Penny's Floating Array. She started dodging the missiles with ease as Mecha Sonic dashed at her and she swung multiple blades at him. He was quickly dodging them before Velvet finally hit him with a kick and sent him flying back. She then spun the blades rapidly in front of her, unleashing a full-powered energy blast at him. 

Mecha Sonic: Chaos Control!

Mecha Sonic saw it coming at the last second as he teleported behind Velvet before the blast could hit him. He grabbed her by the face and threw her. She landed right on her back as Mecha Sonic flew into the air, charging a spindash.

Coco: Velvet!

Coco quickly unloads her weapon on Mecha Sonic but with no prevail. Neptune, Nadir, and Reese rushed to her side adding their own firepower, but it wasn't enough as he flew towards Velvet. Furious, I quickly dashed past the others. I instinctively summoned a glyph as I ran between Velvet and Mecha Sonic. I held my blade up to block his attack as I closed my eyes and grit my teeth. I then heard a sudden thud... I looked up to see that I unintentionally summoned the arm and sword of an Arma Gigas I fought a long time ago. It had blocked Mecha Sonic's spindash and forced him to get back.

Mecha Sonic: What?!

Before he could react, the Arma Gigas swung its blade and cut him in half with ease. I watched as he fell to the ground. I then took a brief look at my summoning before being surprised by a camera flash taken by a smiling Velvet. But before any of us could catch our breath, an advanced Paladin charged our way.

Sun: Oh you've got to be kidding me!

(Ruby POV)

I was in the middle of a fight on an airship against Neo, which was harder than it looked. I went for three swings at her, but Neo did a summersault over the first, ducked under the second, and did a backflip to dodge the third. I twirled Crescent Rose before attempting another low sweep, only for her to backflip away from my attempt. I aimed my scythe and fired a shot at her, only for her to shatter in an illusion, revealing Roman who fired a shot of his own at me that sent me flying back. I quickly lodged Crescent Rose to catch myself, holding on so I didn't fly off the ship and Roman walked towards me as he aimed his staff.

Roman: Little Red, Little Red, you are just determined to be the hero of Vale aren'tcha?

Ruby: What are you doing?! Without these ships, the Grimm will destroy everything!

Roman: That's the plan!

before he could shoot me, I pushed his cane and quickly got up as he stumbled a bit. Neo then jumped over me and kicked me in the face. I tried to fight back but she then hit me again with a roundhouse kick, following it up a rear house kick that nearly sent me tumbling off the ship. I turned as Neo went back to Roman's side.

Ruby: But why?! What do you get out of it?!

Roman: You're asking the wrong questions, Red! It's not what I have to gain! It's that I can't afford to lose!

I charged at them and as soon as I did, Neo vaulted over Roman and kicked me back. She then leaped up and grabbed Cresent Rose with her umbrella and slides under it, flipping me away once more. As I spun mid-air, Neo hit me with a roundhouse kick as Roman slammed his cane to the ground, sending it crashing into me and sending me flying off the ship. I used Cresent Rose to cling to the edge of the airship as I held on for dear life. I looked down to see all the Nevermore flying around the airship.

Roman: I may be a gambling man, but even I know there are some bets you just don't take.

Neo extended the blade from her umbrella and walked towards me, dragging the blade before pointing it at me.

Roman: Like it or not, the people that hired me are going to change the world! You can't stop 'em! I can't stop 'em!

Roman kept talking as I kicked away a Nevermore. I look up and noticed a button on Neo's umbrella.

Roman: You know the old saying! "If you can't beat 'em-"

Before Roman could finish that sentence, I quickly pressed the button and opened the umbrella. Neo looked shocked as she was sent flying far away from the ship.

Roman: Neo!

I started to get back on the ship to face Roman.

Ruby: I don't care what you say! We will stop them and I will stop you! Bet on that!!

I dashed at him at full speed and he sent a projectile at me, knocking me back hard. He then smacked me with the business end of his cane and rammed it into my stomach. he fired another shot and sent me back once more.

Roman: You got spirit Red, but this is the real world!

As I tried to get up, Roman hit me again, causing me to fall to the ground.

Roman: The real world is cold!

He hit me again, this time in the legs.

Roman: The real world doesn't care about spirit!

Before he could hit me again, I kicked him in the leg, causing him to stumble back as I got up.

Roman: You want to play the hero?! Then play the part and die like every other Huntsman in history!

He smacked me in the face and I fell to the ground once more.

Roman: As for me, I'll do what I do best... lie, steal, cheat... and survive!

As soon as he said that, a sword suddenly went straight through his chest.

Roman: ... Wha... Who...

I recognized the blade... it was Excalibur. But the one holding it wasn't Sonic.

???: Now now, the role of survivor only goes to those who survive.

The girl swung the sword and Roman flew off it. He was sent flying off the ship as a Nevermore ate him whole. I went to look at the girl as I recognized her.

Ruby: You're... the girl from the watchtower...

???: That is right. 

Ruby: Who are you? What's going on here?

???: Now now, there's no time for that. You need to leave. It's dangerous to stay on a burning ship.

Ruby: What are you-

The girl tapped Excalibur's blade on the ship and the entire bottom of the ship suddenly blew up out of nowhere.

???: You should hurry. And try not to die just yet. I've yet to be properly entertained. 

She suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye. I reacted quickly as I grabbed Cresent Rose and jumped off the ship. I shot at the ground using my weapon as a pogo-stick, before landing safely on the roof of Vale.

(Shadow POV)

I appeared right above an army of Eggman's robots and Mephlis' monsters.

Shadow: Chaos Spear!

I fired a bunch of energy spears, destroying them all. I saw Qrow and Glynda in the distance. A monster had went to grab Glynda so I dashed at it and kicked it, sending it flying. I then go to face the two.

Qrow: look who's finally showed up.

Shadow: Hmph. 

I looked around to see that the infected robots had begun to surround us. We got into a fighting stance when a ship suddenly crashed behind us. We turned as Rouge jumped out of the ship, kicking most of the machines away. Ironwood came out after her, shooting the rest of the infected knights. We all saw that Ironwood's body was cybernetic

Ironwood: This area's secure! We need to-

Qrow suddenly jumped at him as his sword turned into a scythe.

Ironwood: Qrow wait! This isn't my doing!

Qrow continues charging, despite Ironwood's words. The general flips his gun in his hand and gets into a battle stance, preparing for the perceived attack. However, Qrow leaps past Ironwood, who turns around just in time to see a large Griffon lunging at him. With one swing of Qrow's scythe, the Griffon is sliced in two. Upon landing, Qrow turns around to address Ironwood as he scoffed.

Qrow: You idiot. I know you didn't do this.

Ironwood sighed in relief as Glynda laced her hand on his shoulder.

Rouge: So General, what now?

Ironwood: ... Someone has done the impossible and gained control of my machines...

Shadow: Not only that... but I sensed an enormous Grimm approaching that seems to be fixated on the school.

Ironwood: Glynda and Rouge, form up the local Huntsmen and establish a safe zone here in Vale. We need to evacuate Beacon. Qrow and Shadow, I'm leaving that to you and my men. I still need to get to my ship.

We suddenly heard a loud noise and looked up ahead. It was the sound of the General's ship crashing into the ground.

Qrow: Well, it won't be much of a walk.

We looked to see all the robots from before beginning to power down.

(Weiss POV)

The advanced Paladin was still charging towards us as we all got ready to fight. Before it could do anything though, it suddenly powered down and collapsed.

Sun: ... Hm... That went better than expected.

I doubled over in exhaustion, leaning on my sword to keep myself standing. I suddenly heard Yang's voice.

Yang: Weiss!

I looked up to see her running towards me.

Yang: You're okay! Have you heard from Ruby?!

I shook my head.

Yang: What about Blake?

I pointed in the direction Blake ran.

Weiss: She ran after an Alpha... and some other members of the White Fang...

Yang: You look for Ruby. I'll meet up with Blake.

I slowly gave Yang a thumbs up as she ran off.

(Pyrrha POV)

Jaune, the Professor, and I were sprinting out the elevator and down the corridor.

Jaune: What is this place?

Pyrrha: It's... a type of vault.

Jaune: You've been here before?

I looked away from him.

Jaune: What would this school need to... hide?

We finally made it to the Aura Transfer machine. Jaune stopped in his tracks, gazing wide-eyed at the strange contraption and the comatose girl inside.

Jaune: What? Who?

Pyrrha: Jaune...

Ozpin: Pyrrha! Get to the pods!

I looked at Jaune then ran to the empty pod. 

Ozpin: Mister Arc, if you'd like to help, you can stand guard here.

Jaune looked at the two of us, confused and uncertain. He finally turned around and took a guarding stance.

Pyrrha: What do we do now?

Ozpin started typing on a holographic keyboard.

Ozpin: We do nothing.

The second pod opened as Ozpin turned his head to look at me.

Ozpin: You, Miss Nikos... have a choice to make.

I looked at the pod, then at Jaune. I began to feel a sense of uncertainty but I knew what I must do. Wiping a tear from my eye, I stepped into the second pod before watching as it closed.

Ozpin: Are you ready?

I looked at Ozpin and gave him a slow nod.

Ozpin: ... I ... I need to hear you say it...

Pyrrha: ... Yes...

I laid my head back, staring ahead.

Ozpin: Thank you, Miss Nikos.

He pressed something, and the next thing I knew, an orange glow started to surround my body as I started to scream in agony.

Jaune: Pyrrha!

As I continued to scream, I could still hear their voices.

Ozpin: I'm... so sorry...

It continued only for a short while before coming to a sudden stop. I blinked twice confused before taking a glimpse at the pod beside mine. An arrow had been struck through it, killing the girl inside. We both look at who did it, only to see Cinder smirking at us.

(Blaze POV)

I had ran all across town and still saw no sign of Mephiles.

Blaze: Where could he be?

I stopped as I saw Yang running beside a burning building. I hurried toward her.

Blaze: Yang!

Yang: Blaze? Have you seen Blake?

Blaze: I heard she went after the White Fang... but I don't know where she-

We suddenly heard Blake scream from inside the building.

Yang: Huh?

We looked and saw a man in a mask had stabbed Blake in the abdomen. He took his blade out of her flesh and went to face us.

Blake: ...No... please...

Yang: Get away from her!

Blaze: Yang wait!

It was too late as she already dashed at him. He smiled and swung his sword. At that very instant, I watched as he cut her arm clean off.

Blaze: NO!!

She fell to the ground as she had been knocked unconscious. Adam walked towards her but Blake got between them.

???: Why must you hurt me, Blake?

He was about to swing his sword, but I had quickly shot a fireball at him and he jumped back. Blake was surprised as she looked at me.

Blake: Blaze! Adam... he-

Blaze: Take Yang and go...

Blake: But-

Blaze: Now!

I seemed to have let out a bit of my anger. Blake probably realized this as she took Yang and ran off. I went to face the masked man.

Blaze: Adam... I'm guessing that's you're name?

Adam: Do you really think you can get in my way?

Blaze: Not sure... I haven't been this furious in a while... so why don't I do you a favor and burn you to a crisp!

I unleashed a ball of flames onto the ground and engulfed the entire church in a tornado of flames, burning it to a crisp. Once the deed was done, I looked around as there was nothing but flames and crimson around me. I looked in front of me as I was surprised to see a small dome made of living flesh. It had opened up as Adam stepped out unscathed alongside an old goat Faunus wearing a long cloak.

Blaze: What the? Who are you?

???: Wouldn't you like to know.

The old man smiled and dropped a bunch of pellets. The pellets let out a strange, purple gas. I quickly swatted my hand, unleashing a wave of flames that sent the gas away. As the gas vanished, I saw both Adam and the old man did too.

Blaze: Dammit... *cough* *cough*... I can't fret now... need to find Mephlies fast!

I looked around and ran off.

(Cinder POV)

I watched as the Pyrrha girl beat the glass on her pod. The glass from Amber's pod suddenly shattered as Amber's aura left her and came into me. I smiled as a long trail of flames grew around my eyes and I floated in the air. The blond boy raised his sword and charged at me.

Ozpin: Stay back!

I fired a large fireball at him, sending him flying on his back with ease.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Pyrrha finally used her semblance to rip the pods' door off its hinges and threw it at me. Before I could simply swat it away myself, Aka appeared and swatted it away for me. 

Cinder: Aka?

Aka: Sorry master! Aka got curious so she followed you!

I started to land as Pyrrha called her weapon and shield to her. She was about to charge at us but Ozpin stopped her.

Ozpin: Take Jaune and get out of here! Find Glynda! Ironwood! Qrow! Bring them here right away! The tower cannot fall!

Pyrrha: But I can help!

Ozpin looked into the young girl's eyes.

Ozpin: You'll only get in the way.

Pyrrha hesitated for a moment but obeyed. She picked up the blonde boy and ran past us.

Aka: ... Master? Can Aka kill those two...?

I smiled at Aka.

Cinder: Go ahead and get rid of the boy.

Aka: Yay!

Aka disappeared into the darkness as I went to face Ozpin. 

Cinder: ... This whole time... right underneath our feet...

Ozpin gripped his cane.

Cinder: ... Such arrogance.

-To Be Continued-

(Note: Tried my best to work around some mistakes I made in the last chapter. Sorry it took so long but I'm finally almost done with Volume 3. Hope you enjoy it)

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