Chapter 12

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(Sonic POV)

So, I've basically been running around the place. I already noticed Eggman's Death Egg and Mephiles' goons roaming around.

Sonic: Dang...

I decided to help people evacuate as I caught up with Weiss, Silver, and Amy. Ruby had caught up to us as well. Weiss turned and saw both of us.

Weiss: Sonic! Ruby! Where have you-

Ruby: Don't worry, we're fine! What's going on?

Weiss was about to speak, but she looked down and unsure of what to say.

Ruby: ...Weiss? What is it?

Weiss stepped away. Behind her were Blake and Yang, lying on the ground and bandaged up as Yang was without an arm. Behind them were Ren and Nora who were too battered up to fight. Blake went to hold the hand of the unconscious Yang.

Blake: I'm sorry...

Blake began to tear up. Ruby looked like she was about to say something, but was at a loss for words.

Blake: ... I'm so sorry...

Ruby: ... Yang...

Sonic: ... What happened here?

Amy: That doesn't matter right now...

I turned to Amy. The normally happy expression on her face was gone.

Amy: We need to evacuate everyone... too many people are dying around us... how did things come to this...?

We saw Sun walking over.

Sun: Hey. They're going to be okay. The soldiers have ships ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora: But Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing!

Nora tried to get up but groaned in pain as she sat back down.

Sonic: What?

Amy: Yeah... so are Shadow and Rouge... Blaze too...

Sun: Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We need to go now!

Ren: We're not... leaving! Ugh!

Ren tried to stand up but fell to his knees too. Amy looked at everyone as she was worried.

Ruby: ... I'll find them...

Everyone turned their attention to Ruby.

Ruby: I'll find them... and I'll bring them back...

Weiss: No! We will find them.

Weiss got to Ruby's side. Silver and I joined in as Amy looked hesitant, but joined with us anyway. Weiss looked at Ren and Nora.

Weiss: Watch after Yang and Blake. We'll be back.

As she said that, we all ran off.

Sun: You better be! Idiots.

(Pyrrha POV)

Jaune and I had already escaped through the front door of Beacon Tower. We could still hear Ozpin and Cinder fighting inside.

Jaune: Okay, I think I have Glynda's number.

Jaune grabbed his scroll and quickly started looking through it.

Jaune: Oh... where is it...?

I looked up at Beacon Tower. i was a bit lost in thought before Jaune broke me out of my concentration.

Jaune: Pyrrha? What was all that?

Pyrrha: ... I-

Before I could answer, we heard a huge explosion from inside the tower. We both knew what that meant as we looked at each other.

Jaune: But... Ozpin...

I looked at the ground then shook my head.

Pyrrha: There's no time... go. Get to Vale and call for backup.

Jaune: Huh? What are you gonna do?

I looked up... staring at the tower. Jaune was quick to catch on.

Jaune: No... no, Pyrrha, you can't. You saw how powerful she is! Pyrrha, I won't let you do-

I quickly shut him up by kissing him on the lips. After a bit of hesitation, he finally pulled me in and returned the kiss. I pulled away, looking into his eyes with one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest.

Pyrrha: ... I'm sorry.

I used my semblance to push Jaune into a nearby locker, which slammed shut from the impact.

Jaune:  Hey! Wait! Stop, stop! Pyrrha, please don't do this!

I walked towards the locker and typed in coordinates. I looked into Jaune's eyes one last time before watching the locker fly away. As it did, I looked back at the tower. With a look of determination, I stepped inside and walked towards the nearest elevator. I stepped inside and used my semblance to force the elevator to move to the top floor. The floor I had a feeling I'd meet Cinder in.

(Amy POV)

Dammit! Why... why did I start running with the others? I know I'll just slow them down but... I can't get this feeling off my chest! 

As I started having these thoughts, Weiss got a call from her scroll.

Weiss: It's Jaune.

Weiss answered and put it on speaker.

Weiss: Where are you!

We could hear his voice. He was panicking.

Jaune: Weiss! Please, you have to stop her!

Weiss: What?!

Jaune: Pyrrha! She's going after that woman at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance!

Weiss: Jaune, what are you talking about?! Where are you?

Jaune started screaming into the scroll. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

Jaune: Don't worry about me! Please, you have to save Pyrrha.

Weiss: We will. Are you okay?

We heard another shout. It sounded like he threw his scroll as it hung up.

Weiss: Jaune? Jaune!

Sonic: Damn.

Silver: Um... guys?

Silver looked ahead. We all saw a giant Goliath running towards us.

Ruby: What should we do?!

Amy: ... Tch...

We don't have time for this! Our friends are in danger and these things are in our way!

I gripped my hammer and ran towards the Goliath.

Sonic: Woah! Amy?!

I started running as fast as I could. I barely even noticed the size of my hammer had increased. I jumped up at the Goliath and swung my hammer at its head, sending the thing flying through multiple buildings. I landed on my feet as I was through with messing around. I turned to look at my friends.

Ruby: ... Amy?

Amy: I'll handle the Grmm... Ruby and Weiss, head to the tower! Sonic and Silver, go find Jaune! Hurry!

Everyone looked at me a bit surprised but nodded in agreement as they went to split up. As soon as they did, I was surrounded by Grimm of all different shapes and sizes.

Amy: Tch... I won't let you... I won't let any of you touch my friends!

(Blaze POV)

I feel like I've been running for hours. I know my goal was to find Mephiles but... lately, I've only been running into monsters and Grimm. 

Blaze: I'm starting to think he's not even here. Crud... why doe it feel like my bodies slowing down?

Before I could say anymore, I saw Jaune leaning on an already destroyed wall, his scroll broken on the floor.

Blaze: Jaune?

He noticed me and quickly stood up.

Jaune: Blaze! We need to get to Beacon Tower quickly!

Blaze: What? Why?

Jaune: There's no time! Pyrrha is-

I suddenly heard something as my ears twitched. I could easily sense something coming. I unleashed a burst of flames at Jaune, forcing him into the locker behind him as I unleashed a pillar of flames to block a bunch of crystals that nearly shot at him.

Jaune: What the?!

Blaze: Who's there! Come on out!

I looked ahead and see Aka emerging from the shadows. I looked at her arm and saw it was that of Mephiles. I immediately understood what was going on.

Blaze: So... that's how it is. You somehow gained the powers of Mephiles. And that's how you managed to summon all these monsters that should belong to him. 

I shut Jaune into the locker as I went to face her.

Jaune: Huh? Blaze, what are you-

Blaze: Not now Jaune...

Aka: Is something wrong with that? Aka only did what she was made to do. She's only targeting the wimp because Aka's master asked her to.

Blaze: Master? ... I knew something was up with you but this is on a whole different level. 

Aka: Aka knows right! Father would be so proud of what we did here! Well... he would be. But Aka wants to make father even prouder. And it just so happens you're the one who can make Aka complete Big Sis. So Aka will go ahead and destroy both you... and the boy!

She went to dash at me and tried to grab me, but I dodged it easily and hit her with a flaming punch to the gut that sent her flying straight into a bunch of rubble. I had both my hands erupted in flames but suddenly started coughing. I covered my mouth with my hand and fell to one knee.

Blaze: *cough*... *cough* *cough*...

Jaune: ... Blaze...?

I remembered Jaune was right behind me. I looked back at him and stood up. He mentioned Pyrrha earlier. He doesn't need to be worrying more than he has to. I stood up and smiled at him.

Blaze: Don't worry... this girl is nothing compared to me. I'll finish her quickly... then we'll all laugh together again...

I relit my fist and walked towards Aka, who started to get up.

Blaze: You know, I was honestly hoping for Mephiles and not some Solaris wannabe. At least he could give me the answers I need. Like how did I start to remember his face as soon as I got here? What's going on with Silver's visions? And why are emeralds from my world suddenly in this one?

Aka: Is Big Sis referring to the Chaos Emeralds? That question should be obvious. The explosion that brought you and Aka here brought in everything within its radius as well. That includes the emeralds that caused the explosion in the first place.

Blaze: That's exactly what I thought too... but I wasn't talking about the emeralds in your world. I said the emeralds in mine.

I reached out my hand as the seven Sol Emeralds slowly circled around me. Aka looked in shock.

Aka: That's... impossible! Father's data suggests only everything within the blast was taken... where... where did you find that?!

Blaze: If you can't answer my questions, then I won't answer yours!

I absorbed all seven Sol Emeralds s my hair turned bright red. I looked at her with bright red eyes as I've become Burning Blaze. Aka's shock turned to anger, which then turned to a look of confidence.

Aka: Even with that, do you really think you can beat Aka? She still has the power of a god!

She used Mephiles' hand to pull me in and I reacted quickly as a unleashed a huge burst of flames, knocking her back hard. Aka was sent straight through a building that ended up collapsing on top of her. She quickly recovered from it as she got up and made three clones of herself. Each of them dashed at me and I made a giant wave of flames that knocked them all back. The original however managed to teleport behind me. But before she could strike, I swatted my hand with a burst of flames that knocked her away. She fell on some ruble as she started to get up again.

Blaze: Stay down. You may have Mephiles inside of you, but it's clear which of us is holding the stronger god.

As she got up, Aka did nothing but smile as if she didn't feel any of the damage done to her. As she got up, I ended up covering my mouth again.

Blaze: *cough*! *cough**cough*!

I reverted to my base form as ended up coughing up blood.

Jaune: Blaze!

Aka started laughing as her injuries healed from her body.

Aka: You're right... you may be much stronger than Aka... but she's clearly superior to you!

I looked at her confused, blood dripping from my mouth.

Blaze: What did... you do?

Aka: Aka? She did nothing. But by scanning your body, she could easily tell there was poison eating up your insides.

Poison? Wait... that gas from earlier!

Blaze: Dame...

Aka: So, do you still think you can win?

I looked at her and smiled, which clearly pissed her off.

Blaze: Against a machine like you? I can still make this quick and get treated in no time.

Aka: Tch...

(Nobody's POV)

On the top floor of the tower, in Ozpin's office, Cinder had walked inside with confidence. She saw the girl in black sitting on Ozpin's desk.

???: My my, looks like someone is proud of themselves.

Cinder: And why wouldn't I be?

???: Teehee... don't look back now. You still have three more you need to get to...

They heard sparks from the elevator.

???: But first... do hope to give everyone a good show.

The girl disappeared as the elevator doors opened. As it did, Pyrrha's spear flies toward Cinder, who casually leans to her right to dodge with a smirk on her face. The spear is soon followed by Pyrrha's shield, backed by Pyrrha herself, and Cinder put her arms up, blocking it and pushing it away. While Cinder used fire to hover in the air, Pyrrha called her spear and shield back to her with polarity, staring down her opponent. Cinder gained a fiery glow around her eyes and swiped her hand through the air, attacking Pyrrha with an arc of fire. She then shoots a stream of fire, which Pyrrha dived over. Six small fireballs form in a circle behind Cinder, and she sent another streak of fire toward Pyrrha, who barely avoids it. Once again, the maiden sent a stream of fire the young redhead's way, but Pyrrha blocked it with her shield this time. She leaped toward Cinder, powering through the flame, and as soon as the fire stopped, she spun around and slashed Cinder's arm with her spear. However, Cinder caught the blade and pulled, turning Pyrrha around. Cinder slammed her palm into Pyrrha's stomach, and fire bursts forth, blasting Pyrrha away.

 Pyrrha slammed into a wall and fell to her hands and knees. She then stood back up and faced Cinder with determination still in her eyes. Cinder propelled herself forward with flames jetting from her hands, smirking once again. She attempted to slam into Pyrrha's abdomen, but Pyrrha leaped into the air above her and wrapped her arm around Cinder's. As Cinder slows to a stop, Pyrrha positioned herself to place her feet on the wall behind her and pushed off, flipping herself over Cinder. She used the momentum to flip and toss Cinder across the floor. 

Cinder landed on her front and, as she slides, she pushed off the floor to get back on her feet and perform a back-handspring. Her smirk turns into a look of slight concern upon the sight of Pyrrha charging forward to slam her shield into Cinder's abdomen and push her over. As Cinder stumbled backward, Pyrrha hit Cinder's right hand with the blunt end of her spear, then slashed Cinder's left hand with the spear's blade. She then spun around and slashed across Cinder's abdomen and legs.

Pyrrha spun around to attack again, but Cinder performed a backflip whilst kicking Pyrrha, with flames trailing behind her foot. The kick knocks Pyrrha into the air, and Pyrrha quickly rights herself. She flipped her spear in her grip, held it back, and then tossed it toward Cinder while firing the gun mechanism. Six fireballs appear around Cinder again, but they dissipate when Cinder backhand the spear away. Pyrrha's shield then flew toward her, and she hit it away, as well. After being momentarily distracted by the shield, Cinder returned her attention to Pyrrha and gained a look of slight surprise, then annoyance.

Pyrrha launched herself toward Cinder and put her arms around her, tackling her. The two turn each other in mid-air, fighting to be the one on top. Upon their landing, the room filled with a white cloud. Pyrrha had Cinder in a chokehold when the dust settled, and Cinder barely managed to hold Pyrrha's spear away from her neck. Cinder's eyes begin glowing as she applied heat to the spear in her hands. Her grip tightened as she heats the spear more and more, staring over her shoulder at Pyrrha.

The girl in black appeared on the roof of the tower. She was drinking tea as she looked on ahead with a bit of a disappointed look. She saw a giant Grimm flying towards the tower.

???: The Wyvern is late. I suppose that's what happens when you mess around with time.

The girl sipped her tea and looked at it disgusted.

???: Bleh. Needs more sugar.

Upon hearing a loud screech, Cinder turned her gaze ahead and smirked, while Pyrrha gained a look of fear. While Pyrrha sets her focus on the Wyvern that is flying toward the tower, Cinder finally snapped the spear's melted blade into pieces. Just before the Wyvern slammed its wing into the roof of Ozpin's office, Cinder elbowed Pyrrha in the abdomen. The room filled with a green glow as the windows shatter and Pyrrha flew across the room. Giant cogs and debris came crashing down in the office, and the structure containing the CCT's transmitter fell to the ground outside, in pieces.

Pyrrha crawled toward her shield, while Cinder watched on from her position levitating off the floor with flame jetting from her feet. While looking for a way to distract Cinder, Pyrrha noticed Ozpin's collapsed metal desk and used her polarity to throw it at the corrupt Maiden, knocking her to the floor. She then quickly grabbed her shield and rolled across the floor, sitting up on her knees and holding the shield up. With a burst of flame, Cinder threw the desk off of herself and levitates in the air.

Pyrrha rolled out of the way of two streams of fire that Cinder sent her way and attempted to block a third. However, the force of the third sent Pyrrha tumbling backward, and the floor momentarily catches fire while Pyrrha rolled to her feet. Pyrrha threw her shield at Cinder from behind the wall of flame, who confidently backhand it away. She then looked up in surprise to see a multitude of giant cogs floating in the air around her. Using her polarity, Pyrrha directed her shield to knock Cinder's feet from beneath her and then slammed a cog down on Cinder's abdomen to pin her to the floor. She calls her shield back to her arm, then brings the cogs together into a pile on top of Cinder. However, Cinder blasted them away with a powerful burst of fire, sending them in all directions. One of the cogs flew toward Pyrrha, who raised her shield to block, in vain. The force of the impact slammed her into the remains of a wall, taking away the last of her aura.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Vale, Blake was still fighting off Aka. She managed to fight off the poison as she could move like normal, but Aka matched her in speed, probably even surpassed her. Blaze flew into the air and unleashed pillars of flames from the ground, but Aka dodged them and jumped up, unleashing a ball of darkness at her. Blaze made a shield of fire to block it before turning that shield into an entire inferno of flames surrounding the area. Aka was using the maiden powers she copied to create a heavy gust of wind, blowing the flames out and nearly sending Blaze flying.  Blaze kept her balance as Aka sent a lot of icicles at Blaze, who was quick to dodge them before a few stabbed her legs. Blaze ignored the pain and created two spears of flames. She threw them and they went straight through Aka's body.

Aka: Gah!

Aka used Mephiles' hand, creating a black vortex that sucked Blaze in. This let Aka grab Blaze by the neck and slam her into the ground hard. Blaze reacted quickly and sent a huge burst of flames straight through Aka's chest. Aka was in pain as she took Blaze and threw her to the side. Blaze rolled on the floor before slowly getting up, coughing more blood. Both of them slowly started to get up as Aka's wounds were healing again.

Aka: How long can you keep this up? Aka doesn't need to worry about the damage she's suffered... but you're a different story. Compared to Aka you're not even close to infinite!

Aka dashed at her ready to strike as Blaze had a fireball in her hands.

Blaze: Shut up!

Blaze unleashed a huge blast of fire at Aka, burning off her right arm and half her face. Aka fell to her knees shocked as green balls suddenly rose to the ground. Blaze looked down on her, wiping the blood off her mouth.

Blaze: ... Burn to ash.

Blaze extended her hand and gripped her fist. The green balls suddenly turned red and unleashed a huge explosion.

Sonic and Silver both saw this explosion from afar.

Silver: See that?

Sonic: Yeah! Let's hurry!

They started running faster in that direction.

Back at the tower, Ruby and Weiss made it to the front but had to fight off Grimm.

Ruby: We've gotta hurry!

Weiss looks around for a moment, before casting a series of glyphs up the side of the tower.

Weiss: You can do this.

Ruby runs forward, then uses her semblance to propel herself up to the first glyph. She then sprints up the wall, the glyphs propelling her forward and keeping her from falling off.

While this was happening, Blaze was on her knees, still coughing as there was a lot of debris around her. She could still hear Aka's voice in her head.

Aka: What a shame. It looks like even with all this power, Big Sis is still much more skilled than Aka. Oh well, Aka guesses she can just take what you love most.

Blaze: What are you-

Silver: Blaze! There you are!

Blaze turned around, surprised to see Sonic and Silver had found her. She then sees Aka emerging from the shadows behind them.

Blaze: Wait! Get back!

Blaze used her flames to push them away as Aka used Mephiles' hand to unleash a beam of light, stabbing it through Blaze's body. Silver screamed her name as she fell in his arms. She looked at him and smiled before her body finally stopped moving. Sonic fell on his knees shocked. The Chaos Emeralds started to glow just a little.

On the top of the tower, Cinder formed an obsidian bow in her hand. As she raised it up and drew back an obsidian arrow, Pyrrha charged forward, spun, and threw her shield at her. Cinder lost the arrow, which shattered upon impact with the side of the shield. However, as the fragments part ways above and below the shield, they glow orange and rejoin each other on the other side. The fragments melted into each other and cooled into the shape of an arrow, which continued on its path directly into Pyrrha's ankle. Pyrrha collapsed in pain. She attempted to pull herself to her feet, but the pain was too much. Both ends of the arrow broke off, making removal impossible. She turned over onto her hands and knees as Cinder moved to stand in front of her.

Cinder: It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.

She kneeled down and lifted Pyrrha's chin, staring into her eyes and smiling. 

Cinder: But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined.

Pyrrha pulled away, sitting up and matching Cinder's stare.

Pyrrha: Do you believe in destiny?

Cinder frowned and narrowed her eyes.

Cinder: ...Yes.

Cinder stood back up and formed an obsidian bow and arrow again. She pulled back the arrow, lowered the bow to aim at her weakened opponent. Nearby, Ruby finally reached the top of the tower, landing in a kneeling position. She looked upon the scene, seeing Pyrrha sitting with her eyes closed, accepting the fate that awaits her. Cinder loses the arrow, which planted itself directly in the center of Pyrrha's chest. Ruby watched in horror as Pyrrha gasps in pain, the wound in her chest emitting a red glow. Cinder approached her fallen foe and placed a hand on Pyrrha's head, using her Maiden powers to flash incinerate her.

Pyrrha instantly ceased all movement and sound, her body glowing orange and then scattering as embers. Her headdress remained in Cinder's hand, and the villain dropped it on the floor. Ruby's eyes widened in despair filled with tears. Ruby clenches her fists, curls her arms to her body, and then suddenly flings her arms out to the sides, beginning to levitate slightly off the ground. Brilliant white light flows from her eyes.


The light enveloped over her, spreading out to the Wyvern and Cinder.

Cinder: What?!

Meanwhile, Blaze was still lying in Silver's arms as Sonic was on his hands and knees. Aka was smiling as a ball of flames was above her. She absorbed the flames as her right arm turned into a flaming demonic one.

Aka: Finally... now I am complete!

The Chaos Emeralds started circling around Sonic. He opened his eyes as they were spiraling red. 

Sonic: Why don't you go to hell?!

Sonic's body let out a bright light that engulfed the surrounding area as well.

Aka: Huh?!

Silver looked on in shock and sadness as everything turned white.

(Sonic POV)

... ... ...

Shadow: He's over here!

Amy: Sonic? Sonic!

... ... ...

I could barely see or hear anything. Everything was white Soon a pair of voices echoed in my head.

Amy: Hang in there. We'll be safe soon.

... ... ...

Eventually, I started to hear static from a radio. Then an unfamiliar voice sigh.

???: Nothing.

Qrow: Just turn it off. Without the CCT there's no point.

Shadow: Communication down across the entire Kingdom, no way to contact the outside world... and Ozpin's still missing.

Qrow: Yeah.

Amy: This... This is...

Qrow: Yeah... this is bad...

... ... ...

Moments later... who knows how long... I started to wake up. I was in unfamiliar territory again. Kinda like when I first got to this world. I woke up on a red couch with a TV in front of me. I looked around to see Amy sitting in a chair asleep. Shadow came in with his arms crossed and saw me as I sat up.

Shadow: Finally awake?

Sonic: Yeah... what happened?

Shadow looked to the side and closed his eyes.

Shadow: ... ... ... How much do you remember...?

I sighed and tried to think.

Sonic: ... I remember the tournament... Penny was... ... then someone stole my sword... wait...

Everything started to come back to me as I looked at Shadow.

Sonic: Shadow... where are we and where is everyone else?

Shadow: ... We're in the home of Ruby and Yang... Weiss went back to Atlas in exchange for Silver to receive treatment there...

Sonic: Wait, Silver? What happened to him?

Shadow: ... Once you used the Chaos Emeralds, you didn't turn into Super Sonic. Nor did you turn into Dark Sonic... instead you turned into something else entirely. You went out of control and not only attacked the enemies before you but also your allies. Silver received the most damage... you broke every bone in his body...

Sonic: ... ... ...

Shadow: Luckily I was able to fight you off until you ran out of power. But thanks to that, the Chaos Emeralds have been dispersed around the world once more. I sent Rouge out to find them... meanwhile, I don't know where Blake ran off to... and Amy stayed here to make sure you were safe...

Sonic: ... I see...

Shadow: It looks like Eggman... finally won. Penny and Pyhrra didn't make it... Blaze didn't either...

Sonic: Pyhrra too...? Tch...

Shadow: Apparently... it revealed an ability Ruby could do as a Silver Eyed Warrior... at least that's what I heard...

Ruby: Sonic?

We both looked and saw Ruby listening in.

Sonic: Oh Ruby... Are you okay?

Ruby shook her head.

Ruby: Three of our friends are gone... some of them are who knows where... I don't think Yang is getting up anytime soon either... Sonic? What should we do...?

I looked around for a second. I felt a bit lost from the second. I looked at Amy, Shadow, and Ruby. I then smiled at Ruby.

Sonic: Well, we can't just do nothing. I say we go out there and teach Cinder and Eggman a lesson.

Ruby smiled and nodded as Shadow didn't say a thing.

Ruby: Yeah... let's do it.

Shadow: Hmph... you never change.

Shadow went to walk away.

Shadow: Just know before you go... a lady dropped your sword off in front of the house. Grab it when you can.

(??? POV)

Who knows how much time has passed since Sonic and Ruby had their little talk. Let's just say eventually it went from fall to winter. I sat on Ruby's roof watching from above as Sonic, Ruby, and Amy met up with Jaune, Nora, and Ren at the front of the house.

Jaune: Hey.

Ruby: Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go.

Jaune: I know. It's the only way we have.

Ruby: Are you sure you want to come along?

Ren: The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain.

Nora: But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it.

Amy: Shadow said he's staying for a bit longer. His battle with Sonic really drained him.

Sonic: In that case, let's get going.

The six of them headed out. I continued to watch as I giggled a little.

Grano: Having fun... Mary Sue?

A man with green hair wearing a tuxedo approached me from behind. Honestly, he's such a child.

Mary: I can say the same to you. Did you really decide to get in the head of Shadow with such an obvious backstory? I thought you'd have better use for the semblance I gave you. I especially thought you would try getting into the head of Sonic... but instead, you mess with Shadow. Any particular reason Grano? Oh wait... that isn't your real name is it... Scourge?

The man started to change. He was wearing a jacket instead of a tuxedo and had three scars on his chest. He also had red sunglasses over his head. He was the complete opposite of that oy Sonic.

Scourge: What can I say? It's fun to mess with any one of them. It would be boring if I just targeted Sonic.

Mary: I see.

Scourge: Speaking of which, why exactly did you bring me here? 

Mary: It's the same reason I brought everyone here. I wanted to watch how everything changes. This world has become predictable. I wish to change it... build it all the way up... and watch as it burns itself to the ground.

Scourge: Heh. Quite a twisted personality you got there huh?

Mary: Honestly, I could say the same to you.

A cup of tea appeared in my hand as I stared into the distance with a smile. I knew there would be big changes to this world... I just needed to know when... and how it would happen. So go ahead Sonic... Ruby... do all you can. Entertain me... then watch as I make all your hopes cripple into despair.


(Note: Finally done with Volume 3. I will be continuing the later volumes of course. I was wondering if you want me to end Sonic and Ruby's relationship though since I don't know if I can do anything with it. That's all. See you next time and hope you enjoyed it)

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