Chapter 4

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Blaze POV

Silver and I sat in the Coliseum and watched Emerald and Mercury beat Coco and Yashuhashi.

Silver: They're pretty good.

Blaze: Come on. We're up next.

We headed to the center of the Coliseum and went face to face with Rouge and Amy.

Silver: Amy and Rouge? This should be easy.

Rouge: Easy for us you mean? 

Blaze: I wouldn't get too full of yourself if I were you.

Amy: Oh yeah? Well, get ready because we're not holding back!

The landforms then began to rise. On my side were a beach and a lava zone. on their side were a rocky mountain and an arctic climate.

Port: And... Begin!

Suddenly, Amy was right behind Silver. She swung her hammer and sent him flying into the mountains. I was about to shoot Amy with a fireball, but Rouge came at me with a kick. I blocked it and pushed her back.

Rouge: Amy! You go deal with Silver!

I started shooting fireballs at her and she dodged them. She came at me with a kick and I blocked it and pushed her back.

Rouge: I'll handle little miss kitty.

Silver POV

I flew into a cave in the mountains. I got up and shook my head. When did Amy get that fast? Not only that, but her strengths increased too.

Amy: Curious?

I turned around and saw Amy right behind me.

Amy: I had Rouge and Nora teach me a thing or two ever since Sonic started dating someone else!

Silver: You say that as if you dated him before.

Amy: *hmph* I was going to.

I took quick glimpses around the cave and saw some rocks around her. 

Silver: Yeah, that's never gonna happen.

I smashed the two at her sides together and she jumped on them as soon as they collided. I then pulled down the rocks above her and she dodged them. Then she ran up to me and went for a strike of her own. I would've pushed her away but then I dropped to one knee and had a vision. This one was different from the ones I had a few months ago. Instead of that green haired guy, I saw a black-haired girl wearing a dress and smiling devilishly. I suddenly felt a rush of anger and confusion. Why did my vision change? I didn't have time to figure out because as soon as I snapped back to reality, Amy hit me with her hammer so hard, I flew back out the cave. Then she jumped to me and hit me mid-air so hard I broke the entire mountain on my way down.

(Blaze POV)

I was going up against Rouge, who was keeping the battle in the air so she can have the advantage. She came after me with a drill kick. I blocked it with a cloak of flames and she flew away to avoid it. Suddenly, I heard Ooblecks voice.

Oobleck: And it seems that silver is out cold!

I looked at the giant screen and saw that Silver had lost!

Blaze: What?

Rouge: Wow. I wasn't expecting Amy of all people to beat Silver. I swear I thought I'd have to prepare to go two on one. Well, this may be much easier.

Blaze: Better not underestimate me,

I put on my claws and set them on fire.

Blaze: Because this little kitty's got claws!

I flew up to try and get a hit in on her but she dodged it and kicked me down. Before I hit the ground, Amy came out of nowhere and hit me with her hammer. As soon as I landed on the ground, I went to attack her and she sent me flying with her hammer. Then Rouge swooped down and kicked me back to the ground. I got back up and a bright red light appeared under me. Amy decided to come in for an attack and I dodged it. She stepped on the light and a huge chunk of flames burst out from under her.

Port: And now Amy Rose is out of the match!

Rouge: Your gonna have to pay for that.

Rouge went for another drill kick but this time instead of dodging it, I blocked it. Then I grabbed her leg and slammed her to the ground. Once she got up, I finished her off with a giant fireball.

Oobleck: And there you have it, ladies and gentleman! Blaze has won the match for Team SEGA!

I smiled and walked out the arena.


After that battle, I met back up with Silver in the fairgrounds. He was sitting in a booth eating a large bowl of noodles.

Blaze: You know, I think you've had enough of that for one day.

Silver: Heh... yeah...

Blaze: ... Hey, is something wrong?

Silver: How could you tell?

Blaze: Silver, I've known you for years. By now, I should be able to read you like a book. And I should know, that lose of yours was not natural. So, did something happen?

Silver: ... I... I had a vision...

Blaze: Another one? But you haven't had one in months. Why now?

Silver: I don't know... but the difference between this time and the others, is that this time everything seems to have gotten worst. I don't really know what to do... not when it's getting this close.

Blaze: Silver... when we first got here do you wanna know what I asked myself?

Silver: What?

Blaze: I asked myself: Why are we protecting a planet that can very much hold it's own? A planet that probably exceeds ours in every way possible. I'm a princess of a very small kingdom. So, of course, my natural instinct would be to try to get home no matter what. But then I met people like Jaune and Pyrrha...

I sat down next to him.

Blaze: Not only did that make me have a soft spot for humans, but it made me realize that home is where I want it to be. And I want my home to be wherever I feel I need to protect. Right now, this is my home. This is our home. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect it. So if push comes to shove. If we fail to protect what's rightfully ours. At least we know we didn't go down without a fight.

Silver smiled. I guess that was exactly what he needed to hear.

Silver: Yeah. Your right.

Blaze: Now let's go before you get so depressed you turn to Shadow.

After that, I started to wonder. When could Silver see the future? He never did that back on Mobius. Could it be...? No, we're not from here so that shouldn't be possible. Well, it doesn't matter. As long as I'm here, I'll make sure Silvers visions never come true.

                            -To Be Continued-

This has to be the shortest chapter I've ever made. But no worry. I'll make sure the rest of them are longer than this one. See ya. Goddess out!

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