Chapter 8 - the meadow in the open

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Sonic and Knuckles walked to a path that Sonic wasn't able to recognize. The path was like any other path but it had a bit of tiny white flowers on the side.... the blue hedgehog wasn't sure about this path he never took it before.... but Knuckles was so sure of himself that this is it..... Sonic said as he held his hand tighter, are you...sure this is safe? Knuckles replied, trust me Sonic....I take this path all the time... the blue hedgehog looked around the area....the path was so unusual because of the white flower sides but the trees covered the whole sky leaving nothing but shade and beams of sunlight. The farther they go the tired Sonic legs have gotten. Knuckles immediately notice how tired his little blue crush was getting so he decided to pick him up..... Sonic said as the red echidna picked him up, don't need to do that.... Knuckles replied, well I haft to do something....we're only half way there and already your getting tired... Sonic said in a worried tone, are you sure...but I'm heavy....*Sonic rests his head on the red echidna's shoulder* Knuckles replied with a chuckle, your ain't that heavy worry too much....*starts to walk again with Sonic in his arms* your really cute when you worry.....*Knuckles stopped in the middle of his sentence and realized what he just said*.... Sonic blushed as Knuckles said that he's cute..... Knuckles thought, oh no Sonic is looking at he thinks I'm weird. Sonic asked as he blushed more, did you just say I was cute?.... *Knuckles nodded as he blushed himself*....well umm...thanks I guess... Knuckles blushed pink as he heard Sonic say thanks....then a bit later they reached an opening that was filled with flowers.....most of them were blue while others are red.... Knuckles placed Sonic down and said, you need to see something I always see almost every day.... Knuckles sat beside Sonic as they saw half of the flower petals blown away from the breeze in the air.... Sonic was amazed and said, this is....really pretty but....what does this haft to do with me? Knuckles replied with a small smile and blushed, well....whenever that breeze blows the petals away the simple breeze makes me think of you Sonic.....the petals always reminds me how beautiful you really are..... Sonic blushed as he said it..... Sonic whispered as he took his hand, really think that I'm beautiful?.....*Knuckles nodded*....I'm very happy Knuckles....but like I said....I'm just regular old city boy..... Knuckles said with a chuckle, Sonic you are anything but regular old city me...your special compared to those villagers..... Sonic blushed and said, that goes for you too.....I always thought you were special..... Knuckles said, your real sweet Sonic..... the two looked at the field for an hour or two and headed back to Tails workshop.

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