Chapter 7 - a reunion of two

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(2 days later)

Boomer and Tails were sitting in the workshop peacefully when Knuckles burst towards the front door and said, guys I need to..... Tails interrupts, can it wait Knuckles were kinda busy..... Boomer got a call on his cell phone....he realized it was Manic and answer it as he said, hey Manic what's up.....(Manic: Boomer I know this is sudden but I'm kinda sorta getting ready to fill out the paperwork for Sonic to come back to mobotropolis for good.....).....wait a minute your here? (Manic: yeah I am....look dude could you at least watch over Sonic until I'm done....he's already on his way here now) wait a minute bud.....I can't babysit your brother....(Manic: thanks Booms glad I can count on ya.....bye now) wait...*Manic hangs up*..... Tails said, what is it? Boomer replied, well apparently Manics here to fill out the paperwork for Sonic to go home with him back to mobotropolis for good while I babysit Sonic.....but I can't watch over him right now..... that's when he sees Sonic behind him.... Knuckles whispers, oh goddess Sonics back......  Boomer said, hey...look Sonic I know it's a real bad timing but....I'm extremely busy so.....umm..... Sonic said, I'm not a child Boomer.... that's when Sonic turns to Knuckles who was extremely nervous and runs away.....Sonic chases him to the jungle path and then makes him fall by grabbing his leg..... Sonic gave him a strict look and said, hey why did you run away like that..... Knuckles looked away and said, Sonic you need to.....stay away from me....*Sonic was confused*....its all my fault your like this....*Knuckles backed against a tree* Sonic just looked at him, he walked close to him and said, big brother told me what you did Knuckles.....but tell me.....why did you do it Knux? The red echidna hesitated and said, I....I did it for you.....I just didn't know why you were so sad so I became so angry I took my anger out on that freak...... Sonic said, for me? But can you do that for me after all of the things you've done to me..... Knuckles said in a sad tone, I....I heard about what happened to your mom and sister.....I'm terribly sorry about what happen to your mom and sis Sonic I..... Sonic interrupted, hey....Knuckles don't worry about it I'm alright..... Knuckles said as he cried, I....I am so sorry....I never knew how much pain you were in until I heard.....I never meant to hurt you like this......whenever something stupid.....I failed....I failed everything especially because of me.....everyone's scared of me and I never did anything for you like a true friend should..... Sonic just stared at him with a guilty face and thought as he gave him a hug, so all this time....Knuckles blames himself for not being there for me.....he must've thought it was all his fault when I got fact he's convinced that me getting hurt and depressed was all his fault..... Sonic comforted him and said, Knux it wasn't your fault....I just been depressed is all....everyone just doesn't feel more opened with a regular old city boy like me.....I'm sorry I didn't know you really were trying to help me on that day.....I never quiet fit in with these villagers very much......I've been rejected, unloved, and unwanted......but now it's time to move back..... Knuckles said in a sad tone, NO!.....*Sonic got surprised*....I didn't want you to leave Sonic it's not fair.....who's going to lead us.....if you go I'll never see you again and I'll haft to go back to Angel island.....your my friend.....please I can't let you might forget everything about being here especially me....besides to me your anything but a regular old city boy.....I don't wanna lose you....I tried to make you feel happy but....I think I blew it.... Knuckles stood up but kept his head low.....Sonic said as he caressed the echidna's teary face, I think....I understand now......Knuckles your afraid that if I go back I would forget you? *Knuckles nodded*....Knux it's okay.....I may not know it but you out of all...have been really nice to me.....*Knuckles wanted to say something but didn't know what to say* will be alright no matter what....Knux I may not admit it to myself but you always made me happy.....*Knuckles blushed as he said it* Knuckles completely gave him a small smile. Knuckles took Sonics hand and said, Sonic if it's okay with you...*blushes*...can I show you something before you leave? Sonic smiled and said, well since my brother is filling out the papers...sure... then Knuckles and Sonic walked towards a meadow-like path.

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