Prologue - broken hearted

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It was an ordinary day on the island and as usual......but Sonic was rejected and ignored more than usual...because his so-called friends never listened to him despite him being the leader...& his friends handled the battle without him because he was tied to a tree for being ridiculous or just trying to help again...five minutes later the battle was over and his friends left leaving Sonic tied to a tree...Sonic just looked down and said to himself, why is it that everyone hates me no matter what I do for them? *Sonic started to cry* Alright that's it..I had enough of being rejected, ignored, unloved, unwanted, and neglected...even if they don't admit I am just something in the way...they're just taking pity on least I felt loved back at my hometown mobotropolis..I never fit in this dumb village anyway....I'm a city boy not a village boy....maybe I should talk to my big brother Manic at least he understands me....I quit heroing this time for good....a minute later Knuckles turn back towards him and saw Sonic crying and said, hey Sonic are you okay?..... Sonic turn to see Knuckles and said with denial, n..nothing...nothing's wrong.... Knuckles said, I know this is sudden but...can you meet me here so we can talk? Sonic said as he looked away, why so you four can prank me again like the day before yesterday? (The day before yesterday Knuckles talked to Sonic by telling him to meet him towards town square but unfortunately it was actually a prank....Sonic tripped on it and was covered in mud and tar...the four friends laughed as the public laughed at him....Sonic ran off crying without anyone knowing) Knuckles maybe dumb but he isn't cruel like everyone...Knuckles said,'s not like that this time....I promise.... Sonic still didn't look at him and whispered, I don't believe you....I'm not as stupid as I look....I don't wanna talk right now.... Knuckles couldn't just leave his friend like this so he untied Sonic who fell on his knees.... Knuckles looked at him with concern and said, Sonic are you sure your okay? The blue hedgehog didn't look at him he just held on to himself while tears fell down his face. Knuckles went down to his knees and looked at Sonic with concern because he knows how he feels to be emotional and the red echidna had a crush on Sonic since they first met.... Knuckles caressed the blue hedgehogs face gently but Sonic gently moved his hand away and stood up and ran back to the shack.... Knuckles can sense he must be feeling so alone....despite the him and the other three being his friends and teammates.....but Knuckles starting to think....Sonic didn't think Knuckles and the other three were only being his friends outta pity.... meanwhile when it started to rain Sonic was on the phone with his brother Manic..... Sonic finished explaining what happened today and then added sadly, Ma...Manic what's wrong with me? Manic said on the phone, there is nothing wrong with you Sonic....people around you just don't how to act around city people like us....and I got bad news Sonic..... Sonic was beginning to worry and asked, what is it Manic? Is it bad? Manic answered in a sad and concerned tone, well...Sonic it's Sonia and mom.....they....they both died in an accident... Sonics eyes widened in despair and fear as he whispered, oh....Mom...&...Sonia are.....dead?......Manic?...wha...what should....we do?....*sobbing*.... Manic said in a concerned and sad tone, Sonic.....I know it's a real pain.....but I'll haft to make arrangements for both their funerals by myself.... Sonic whispered, I'll be coming for the funeral.... Manic was worried and said, well....I'm arranging the day of the funeral the day before you arrive back to mobotropolis....but there's something you need to know....I'm having full custody of you since this village is a real pain and making arrangements for you to move back to mobotropolis for good... Sonic knew he was Manics only family and he misses being in mobotropolis and whispered, I shouldn't be surprised....I miss you & my real friends so heart is breaking to bits..... Manic said, listen tomorrow night come to mobotropolis for Sonia and mom's funeral....then go back to that sloppy village for a bit while I make arrangements for you to come back okay...try to stay strong and promise me that you be strong for me okay. Sonic said as a tear fell down his face, okay....Manic.... they hung up as Sonic cried and ran off in the rain as he yelled, WHY?! MOM!! SONIA!! WHY DID YOU HAFT TO LEAVE US ALONE?!

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