Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader

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(Y/N) = Your name
( Y/L/N) = Your last name
(F/C) = Fur color
(E/C) = Eye color
(T/A) = Type of animal you are
(F/S) = Fav song
(F/F) = Fav food.

If there's anything else, I'll let you know before the thing starts. ENJOY MY CIVILIANS!!!! <3 ~Lava


You were walking through the park jamming to (F/S) on your phone, when a blue blur ran by, knocking you over. The blur made a U-turn and ran back to you.

It stopped in front of you, and you saw that the blur was a blue hedgehog. He held out his hand to help you up and said, "I'm sorry that I made you fall."

You took his gloved hand and stood up. "I-It's really no problem." You had to admit, the azure hedgehog was pretty handsome.

"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog." He introduced himself with a smile and a thumbs up.

"I'm (Y/N) the (A/T)." You gave a shy smile.

"That's a really pretty name, (Y/N)." He said with a slight blush on his peach muzzle.

You blushed a bright red. "T-thank you."

He smiled. "Maybe I could take you somewhere to eat as an I'm sorry?"

"You really don't have to, Sonic..." you said.

"Don't worry about it! Come on, it'll be fun!" He had a smile on his face that you just couldn't help but agree to his suggestion.

He then picked you up, bridal style, which made both of you blush, and he said, "Hold on tight!" before running at an extremely fast speed.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on his chest, so you wouldn't fall out of his grip. Even though you didn't notice it, Sonic was blushing the whole way there.

When you two made it to a restaurant, you kind of didn't want to get out of his arms, but you did anyway.

You two walked in and both ordered (F/F). You two talked and laughed as you waited for the food. Even when it did come, you had to hold back laughs as he made a joke while you were eating.

Overall, you had a really fun time with Sonic... you really liked him too...

*2 weeks later*

You and Sonic were the best of friends. You hung out everyday and you even met his friends. You still had feelings for him, but you kept them hidden. The azure hedgie probably doesn't even like you back.

Eggman heard of this close friendship between you two, and captured you to lure Sonic.

So there you were, in a cage, your only hope is Sonic, but if he comes, then... one of you two are probably going to die. So you hoped that his didn't come.

But, sure enough, the blue hero came...

"Sonic!?" You yelled seeing him.

"(Y/N)! Let her go Egghead!" Sonic glared at Eggman.

"I was wondering when you'd be here, pest!" Eggman cackled.

" Please, let her go! Take me instead! Just don't hurt (Y/N)." Sonic stood there, looking defeated.

You were shocked. Sonic would rather die and have you live than the other way around? Tears came to your eyes. "Sonic, don't do it! The world needs you! I'm nothing! You're a hero!"

Eggman looked at Sonic with disbelief. He quickly shook out of it and pressed a button. Robots surrounded Sonic, but he did nothing.

"Sonic! Let him kill me!" You were crying. "The world needs you not me!"

"I need you, (Y/N)." Sonic said.

You were loosing it! You banged on the strong glass cage, hoping to brake it. Tears were streaming down your face as the robots started to shoot at Sonic. Smoke surrounded the room. You couldn't see anything. You just sat there and cried.

Then, the glass shattered... and you were lifted up, bridal style. You could feel wind blow through your (F/C) fur. You were still crying, eyes closed. You were set into a standing position.

"Come on, (Y/N). Please don't cry." Said a voice, but you weren't listening.

The voice sighed. Then, you felt someone's lips on yours. Your (E/C) eyes shot open and you saw Sonic, with his eyes closed. Sonic was kissing you!? You blushed a really dark red.

He pulled away to see you staring at him. He wiped away some stray tears. "Please don't cry."

"S-Sonic!?" You hugged him tightly, tears of joy coming to your eyes.

"(Y/N)." He hugged you back.

When you two separated, you just stared into his emerald green eyes. Then you remembered that he kissed you and your hand was brought up to your lips. Then you kissed him. He kissed back.

When you two pulled away, he was the first to talk.

"(Y/N)," he began. "I've, uh, liked you since I first met you. Call me crazy, but I believe that was love at first sight, and (Y/N), I love you..."

You hugged him, your head nuzzled into his chest as you whispered,

"I love you too..."

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