Ice Wisp

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Name: Snow

Species: Wisp

Gender: Female

What Planet She lives in: Used to lived in "Planet Ice Biome", but was Destroyed by Eggman then Lives in "Planet Wisp" where she was adopted by The Mother Wisp and her former siblings, "The Race Wisps".

Personally: Very Kind, Sweet, Friendly, very Shy, Scared Easily, Helpful, and Playful

Loves: Being with Sonic, Tails, Yacker, and Jade, Playing with the others, Following the Others that she can trusted, but scared to talk to them (Including Sonic, Tails, and Yacker) and have a new Family

Abilities: She able to make herself a Spirit, can go to small or very Tiny holes, and freeze some enemies in her way

Her Mother and her Siblings: Dead

Former Mother: Mother Wisp

Former Siblings: Race Wisps

Kind of Hyper-Go-On: freeze enemies then making the enemies to slow down with her Blizzard ability

Best Friends: Sonic, Tails, Yacker, and Jade

The Ice Mother Wisp: She is the most powerful Wisp like The Normal Mother Wisp, She is a very kind and Sweet Wisp with a strong maternal instinct, and cares deeply for all her children and can get angry

when someone try's to take her children away from her so She will be very angry and overprotective, so no one will try not mess with her like The Mother Wisp

About The Ice Wisps: They are a different species than the normal Wisp.They have different colors and Abilities, and They are very Helpful, Playful, Smart, Friendly, and very good Trackers

While they are not fighters (Expect for The Ice Mother Wisp, who fights back and always being brave to protest her Children including Snow too), they are nonetheless brave and very helpful towards their friends and allies.

Fear: Being separated from her family and her mother, being Alone, Getting taken away from her family, and getting hunted down

Some sneak peek for the Story

Facts: She was the last Species in her kind, Because Her mother sacrificed herself to save her children and Snow, but sadly all of her children was captured and getting drained with their energy for too long that caused them to passes away except for Snow, who escape from Eggman his three robots in her Planet

-She was originally going to be a normal Wisp, but her abilities and color cause her to be a different Species

-She was originally was going to be Existent like her family, but The Ice Mother Wisp knew that She needed to survive alone and luckily She told Snow about the places, but sadly

she knows about the Normal Wisp, but didn't have time to tell Snow about that , because she was getting chained up and getting her energy drained until She realize that, The Mother Wisp, can take care of Snow for her since she needed to sacrifice herself to saves her children and Snow, unfortunately She didn't know that all of her Children were captured too

-She started to have anxiety when The White Wisp was getting their energy drained and after She and Jade was separated, She was getting more anxiety that Something happened to Jade when the two split up

-Snow's family was Existent by Eggman, because When he captured all of the Ice Wisps including The Ice Mother Wisp, he drained their energy for too long that causing them to die

-Snow was different than the other Normal and her siblings too, Because when she born, she was very small when she was a young Ice Wisp, after she grows up she was now very Shy, Playful, Sweet, and Always scared easily

-Whenever She is Scared, She'll make herself a Spirt and goes to small or tiny holes and spaces, and until It's safe to come out

-When Snow was captured, She being to feel fear and worried that she might be next, but Jade wouldn't let that happen to Snow

-When Jade and Snow was about to leave, Snow was too scared and worried that she might get captured again so Jade decided to go with her

-Rebel Wisps names : Blue (The Blue Wisp wears a black bandana around his head)

Sharp (The Pink Wisp, while not wearing any gear or accessories, has a scar going across its eye)

Driller (The Yellow Wisp wears a headset over its head)

Zigzag (The Cyan Wisp wears a brown bandana over where its mouth)

Blast (The Orange Wisp is the only one that does not have any physical changes)

Glider (The Green Wisp wears goggles over its eye)

-In Sweet Mountain, Snow was Watching Tails, who is talking her friend, Jade while Yacker was listening to Backstory, so was Sonic, Jade was talking about the between Her and Snow too, until almost the end of the Backstory about

Blue sacrifice himself for Jade and Snow, Jade started to crying while Snow was watching her, She felt like She wanted to crying too, but She made a noise that alert Sonic, Tails, Yacker, and Jade before she was about to go hiding Sonic, Tails and Yacker stopped her,

Making her a Spirt and went to a small hole that she can hide From the others, Unfortunately They know where she is by her tail.

Snow's Backstory

[Place: In the Planet Ice Biome]

[It was a peaceful Place named "Planet Ice Biome" where The Ice Wisps lives with their mother and can Play, Practice with their abilities, and more.

Until one day

their younger sibling named Snow, Who is sleeping with her Mother.]


[The Ice Mother Wisp woke up with loud sounds outside so She decided to go see what's going on until she sees her children getting captured by Crbot and Cubot before The Three Ice Wisps was about to get captured by the two robots.

The Ice Wisp Mother Smacked the two robots into a wall, and other Ice Wisps were getting captured by a another robot named Metal Sonic and started to look at Snow, but her mother knows that she needed to protect her children and Snow too,

But before she could attack him, Metal Sonic used the chains to capture The Ice Mother Wisp's Large tentacles and She tries to get the chains off of her, but It was no used and then her energy was getting drained and looked at Snow, who is now frightened and scared then The Ice Wisp Mother was telling her to run and Snow did what her mother told her to do

while The Ice Mother Wisp looked at Snow for the last time, she needed to do something for Distraction that her daughter will have more time to escape and the choice is to Fight back and sacrifice herself....

While Eggman was looking for Snow, who is the Last Wisp then he was getting angry.]

Eggman: Where's the Last Wisp!?!? CRBOT AND CUBOT!

Crbot: Sir, We looked everywhere and we still can't find the Last Wisp!

Cubot: LASER!

[Eggman growled and looked at Metal Sonic, who is ready for a mission]

Eggman: Metal Sonic, Go find that Last Wisp!

[Metal Sonic nodded and head off to go find
Snow in Sweet Mountains and Dr. Eggman's Incredible Interstellar Amusement Park.]

[While in Dr.Eggman's Park]

[Snow was looking around the park until she heard voices then started to hide when the voices stopped, she was getting sleepy and tired from running away from her planet to get away from Eggman and his robots.]

[The Next Day in Eggman's base]

[A conveyor belt opens up, making Snow to wake up and seeing the machine carrying numerous Wisps inside of Wisp Capsules. They are dumped inside of a pile of more captured Wisps. Snow looked at Orbot and Cubot are seen carrying some of these capsules, with the former transferring a White Wisp from its capsule into a machine.

Afterwards, the machine begins to do something to the Wisp, much to the shock of the other Wisps, particularly a Jade and Snow. She was now scared and cornered that she will feel the pain that the White Wisp feels and Jade noticed her then started to comfort her While the procedure is happening,

  Cubot crashes into Orbot, causing several Wisps to break free from their capsules. A White Wisp attempts to escape, but as it reaches for the door, it is strangled by Dr. Eggman.

Eggman takes the Wisp along with other Wisps that escaped, and shoves them into the machine. He then presses a button, which activates the procedure on those Wisps.]

Eggman: Ho Ho Hooo! You see? Once each of these alien drainers is filled to the brim, I'll have enough energy to power a whole army of my stupid machines!

Orbot:Uh...Sir, We have captured the Wisp that you've been looking for.

Eggman: Excellent! Now I will control the whole universe by Draining their whole energy, Ho Ho Ho!

[Snow was now scared and feeling fear that she remains of her mother, who sacrifice herself, but Her siblings were gone too and Snow started to felt like she blames herself that she lost her family

Before Jade was about to comfort her since she's beside her in the capsule, Eggman put another robot in charge of the other before Leaving the robots working and draining the Wisps energy.

One of the lair doors opens, revealing a figure behind a cloud of fog, who steps forward and reveals himself to be Metal Sonic.]

Orbot: Metal Sonic! Sir! What a—


Orbot: —honor it is to work with an—


Orbot: —marvel of engineering such as yours—


Orbot: [Sighs] Pay him no mind. His voice chip has been on the fritz, you see.

Cubot: ROCKET!

Orbot: Now, is there anything we can do to make your time with us more pleasant?

[Metal Sonic's eyes move.]

Orbot: Ah, yes, of course! Our jobs! We've just got to get these Wisps processed and shipped out across the planet. And Eggman asked very sternly that we not do it like complete "bumbling imbeciles," and

We need this mysterious Wisp to become One of Eggman's Biggest and Strongest Weapon, So Sonic didn't defeats him.

[Orbot Point at Snow, Who was now getting scared by the looks of Metal Sonic]

[He and Cubot pick some Wisp capsules]

Orbot: But don't you worry, Big Bro. [Grins] Can I call you Big Bro? Anyway, we aren't bumbling at all, are we, Cubot?

[There is a distant crash as Cubot fumbles with his capsules. Metal Sonic takes Orbot's capsules from him.]

Orbot: Uh...

[Orbot follows Metal Sonic. After he leaves, Blue was wearing a black headband pops out from behind a table leg. It gives an all-clear noise, allowing Zigzag, Blast, Glide, and Sharp- were all wearing rebel-like attire- to come out of hiding. The Wisps work quickly to take the Wisp Capsules while Metal Sonic is standing by the drainer.

Glide hovers upward with the capsule holding Jade and Snow, Zigzag shoots across the room with a laser streak, and the Blast rockets away with another capsule. The Wisps return to Blue with the capsule.

On Blue's command, Driller and Sharp use their spikes and drill abilities to destroy them and break the Wisps free. Jade is delighted at the Wisp resistance and offers to help them, but Snow was confused about she should do then started questioning the Wisp resistance.

Jade flies down to Cubot and phases into him, making the robot intangible. The capsules fall from Cubot's hands and smash on the floor. As Jade leaves, Cubot tries to grab the escaping Wisps.]

Orbot: Honestly. What did I just say about bumbling?

[The Wisps start to fly out of the base through a cracked-open hatch. Jade starts to leave as well, but turns to say goodbye to the Wisp resistance, but She realizes that Snow was behind her,

who was still feeling scared that she might be alone and possibly get captured again so Jade has one decision is to go with Snow so that she doesn't feel all alone and scared then Snow was happy that she wouldn't be alone anymore, Unbeknownst to them, Metal Sonic is standing right behind them.

When they notices him, while Jade flees as the robot tries to grab her. Snow started to be so terrified that she turned herself a Spirit and started to flee around the room panicking and destroying the capsules for Wisps to escape,

While Jade flies to the resistance for help, only for the band of Wisps to flee from Metal Sonic. Meanwhile, Cubot is trying to grab some White Wisps.]

Orbot (offscreen): Cubot! That one!

[Orbot is stuffing White Wisps under his arm. Cubot chases after some escaping Wisps and crashes into Orbot.]

Orbot: Huh?

[Orbot grunts. Metal Sonic manages to catch Sharp and Driller.]

Orbot: Big Bro, I bumbled!

[Metal Sonic catches Zigzag, who struggles in his hand. He places him in the capsule with the rest of the captured Wisps.]

Orbot (offscreen): Little Wisps...

[Jade and Snow fearfully hides from the robots and tries to make an escape, only to run into a dead end. Metal Sonic corners them and prepares to capture them, Snow was behind Jade once again feeling scared, thinking this is it for them, until Blue turns into a giant cube and blocks Metal Sonic's way.

Metal Sonic starts hacking and slashing at the Wisp. Blue shouts something at the Jade and Snow, who fearfully flees while Blue remains at Metal Sonic's mercy.]

[Few Months later....after the Escape]

[Snow was sleeping in Sweet Mountain after she was separated from Jade after they were being chased by Crbot and Cubot,

After that She lives in Sweet Mountains and gone to small holes where she can hide, practice her abilities, and sleep then go out so she can go look around to see some new things that she never seen, until her story begins....]

(In Sweet Mountains with Sonic, Tails, Yacker, and Jade........)

MY GOD, I finally finished It! And Sorry If I didn't post anything, I having lot of Stress, Anxiety, and having some anger issue and also I'm back so I can update my stories and made some sketches I made, Bye Bye - SnowFlower (Warrior cat Oc)

Started in 9/7/2021
Ended in 9/13/2021

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