Jade and the Mysterious Wisp's BackStory

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This is Jade's Flashback and If you haven't read "The Ice Wisp" and her backstory, Go Read It before reading this, and Remember This is a AU means there might be lines change from the Original and please don't get mad at me for this, I just want to do it for fun, So Let's start!

[A conveyor belt opens up, carrying numerous Wisps inside of Wisp Capsules. They are dumped inside of a pile of more captured Wisps. Orbot and Cubot are seen carrying some of these capsules, with the former
transferring a White Wisp from its capsule into a machine. Afterwards, the machine begins to do something to the Wisp, much to the shock of the other Wisps, particularly a Jade Wisp and the Mysterious Wisp.

Jade looked at the Gray light Wisp, who is feeling scared and worried until She Started confront to her, While the procedure is happening, Cubot crashes into Orbot, causing several Wisps to break free from their capsules. A White Wisp attempts to escape, but as it reaches for the door, it is strangled by Dr. Eggman.

The doctor takes the Wisp along with other Wisps that escaped, and shoves them into the machine. He then presses a button, which activates the procedure on those Wisps.]

Eggman (with Tails' voice): Ho Ho Hooo!

Sonic: [Laughs] Wow.

[Goes to the present In Sweet Mountain, day.]

[The events before are revealed to be a flashback told by Tails, who is accompanied by Sonic, Yacker, and Jade.]

Tails: Excuse me?

Sonic: Oh, sorry. I was just like, into the story, and then that Egghead impression took me right out of it.

Tails: Okay, then. Would you like to read Eggman's lines?

Sonic: What? No, no, no. I mean, if you insist. [Takes the Miles Electric from Tails; clears his throat] I've been practicing, y'know.

[Scene Change: Inside Eggman base on Sweet Mountain, day.]

[Goes back to the flashback. Where Orbot and Cubot are clapping at Eggman.]

Sonic (imitating Eggman): Ho ho ho ho hoo! You see? Once each of these alien drainers is filled to the brim, I'll have enough energy to power a whole army of my stupid machines!

Orbot (with Tails' voice): Uh...

Sonic (imitating Eggman): Of course, I'd have more if you hadn't dropped so many capsules, but I guess that's the most I can expect from the garbage I invent!

Orbot (with Tails' voice): Uh, Sonic...

Sonic (imitating Eggman): Sonic! Where?! Dohhh, he's gonna kick my butt!

[Sonic is back in the present, tip-toeing like Eggman in his flashback.]

Tails: [Sighs] Sonic. Would you like to stop ad-libbing, please? Just read what the translator says.

Sonic: Well, the direct translation was a little dry, okay? [Yacker takes the Miles Electric away from Sonic] I'm just spicin' it up.

[Jade begins to cry.]

Tails: This Poor Jade Wisp is trying to tell us her tragic story with her Mysterious Friend. Let's be respectful.

[Yacker gives Tails back his Miles Electric, then goes to comfort Jade. Sonic decides to lay on the ground]

Sonic: Ugh. Fine. Hey, Jade, feel free to throw in a joke or a car chase or something to keep it interesting.

Tails: [Sighs] Sorry. Please continue. [Jade continues talking into the translator and Tails reads the translation out loud] "Eggman left right after that. He hopped into a cool car with flames on the side and drifted away, but then it exploded, and then suddenly a dinosaur appeared?"

Sonic: Whoa, really?! Wait. You're just making it more interesting for me, aren't you?

[Jade nods.]

Sonic: Haha. [Makes a clicking noise and points a finger at Jade.]

[Tails continues translating.]

Tails: "But before I could confront the Mysterious Wisp, Eggman put another robot in charge of the others."

[Back to the Flashback: Inside Eggman base on Sweet Mountain, day.]

Tails: He called him..." [Gasps] Oh, no.

[One of the lair doors opens, revealing a figure behind a cloud of fog, who steps forward and reveals himself to be Metal Sonic.]

Orbot: Metal Sonic! Sir! What a—


Orbot: —honor it is to work with an—


Orbot: —marvel of engineering such as yours—


Orbot: [Sighs] Pay him no mind. His voice chip has been on the fritz, you see.

Cubot: ROCKET!

Orbot: Now, is there anything we can do to make your time with us more pleasant?

[Metal Sonic's eyes move.]

Orbot: Ah, yes, of course! Our jobs! We've just got to get these Wisps processed and shipped out across the planet. And Eggman asked very sternly that we not do it like complete "bumbling and We need this mysterious Wisp to become One of Eggman's Biggest and Strongest Weapon, So Sonic didn't defeats Him.

[he and Cubot pick some Wisp capsules]

Orbot: But don't you worry, Big Bro. [Grins] Can I call you Big Bro? Anyway, we aren't bumbling at all, are we, Cubot?

[There is a distant crash as Cubot fumbles with his capsules. Metal Sonic takes Orbot's capsules from him.]

Orbot: Uh...

[Orbot follows Metal Sonic. After he leaves, Blue was wearing a black headband pops out from behind a table leg. It gives an all-clear noise, allowing Zigzag, Blast, Glide, and Sharp- were all wearing rebel-like attire- to come out of hiding. The Wisps work quickly to take the Wisp Capsules while Metal Sonic is standing by the drainer.

Glide hovers upward with the capsule holding Jade and the Mysterious Wisp, Zigzag shoots across the room with a laser streak, and the Blast rockets away with another capsule. The Wisps return to the Blue with the capsule.

On Blue's command, Driller and Sharp use their spikes and drill abilities to destroy them and break the Wisps free. Jade is delighted at the Wisp resistance and offers to help them, While The Mysterious Wisp was completely confused and decided to watch Jade, worrying about her then started to Questioning the Wisp resistance.

Jade flies down to Cubot and phases into him, making the robot intangible. The capsules fall from Cubot's hands and smash on the floor. As Jade leaves, Cubot tries to grab the escaping Wisps.]

Orbot: Honestly. What did I just say about bumbling?

[The Wisps start to fly out of the base through a cracked-open hatch. The Jade Wisp starts to leave as she looked behind her was The Mysterious Wisp, who was getting scared and worried and Jade was thinking What she should do and made up her mind, She was telling the Mysterious Wisp that She will go with her so that the Mysterious Wisp doesn't feel alone,

but Jade turns to say goodbye to the Wisp resistance. Unbeknownst to Them, Metal Sonic is standing right behind Them. When They notices him, the Jade Wisp flees as the robot tries to grab her While The Mysterious Wisp was a Spirt and Fleeing around fast and Panicking while destroying some of the capsules for the Wisps to escape. Jade flies to the resistance for help, only for the band of Wisps to flee from Metal Sonic. Meanwhile, Cubot is trying to grab some White Wisps.]

Orbot (offscreen): Cubot! That one!

[Orbot is stuffing White Wisps under his arm. Cubot chases after some escaping Wisps and crashes into Orbot.]

Orbot: Huh?

[Orbot grunts. Metal Sonic manages to catch Sharp and Driller.]

Orbot: Big Bro, I bumbled!

[Metal Sonic catches Zigzag, who struggles in his hand. He places him in the capsule with the rest of the captured Wisps.]

Orbot (offscreen): Little Wisps...

[Jade and The Mysterious Wisp were fearfully hides from the robots and tries to make an escape, only to run into a dead end. Metal Sonic corners them and prepares to capture them and Jade was trying act tough like If she was strong to protect The Mysterious Wisp until Blue turns into a giant cube and blocks Metal Sonic's way.

Metal Sonic starts hacking and slashing at the Wisp. Blue shouts something at
Jade and the Mysterious Wisp, who fearfully flees while Blue remains at Metal Sonic's mercy.]

Tails: "He sacrificed himself for us, even though it was all my fault."

[Back to the Present: Sweet Mountain, day.]

Tails: Oh.

[Jade starts to cry. Yacker and Tails try to comfort her.]

Tails: It's okay. Sonic's gonna save him. No, all of them! Right, Sonic?

[Sonic has turned away from Tails with crossed arms and a frown.]

Tails: Sonic, are you listening?

Sonic: Yeah. [Turns around with a stern look on his face] The only part I didn't hear was where I can find these creeps and aggressively recycle them.

[The Jade Wisp says something, which Tails translates.]

Tails: "I can lead you right to them."

[Until a noise alert everyone and started to look at the corner, where the noise came from]

Tails: Uh....Did anyone heard that?

[Everyone Nodded]

Sonic: We did Tails, Let's go check it out who made the noise or maybe It's Eggman's robots?

[Everyone started to walked toward the corner, but Sonic ran the corner first, then Yacker and Tails cornering the Light Gray Wisp with Ears]

Sonic: What did you think your going?

[Tails looked at the Mysterious Wisp with surprise, is that The Mysterious Wisp that Jade was talking about in her Backstory, The Mysterious Wisp was scared and turned herself Into a Spirt and flees quickly then goes into a small hole while everyone Catches up, but wasn't able to find her.]

Sonic: Where did the Wisp go, Buddy?

Tails: (Shakes head) I'm not sure, Yacker?

(Yacker was pointing at the small hole, where the Mysterious Wisp and hearing whimpering until Jade followed Sonic and the others behind seeing what's happening.)

Sonic: How did the Wisp get in there, Tails?

Tails: I think The Wisp must have squeezed inside hole, but we're not sure that The Wisp could stay there for a while.

[until Jade starts talking into the translator and Tails reads the translation out loud]

Tails: Huh?

[Tails looks at the translation and started reading]

Tails: "I think I might try to talk to her, since She trusts me lot" [Nods] Okay Jade, Just be careful, okay?

(Jade nods before going front of the hole and started talking to the Mysterious Wisp inside the hole while  Tails, Yacker, and Sonic were hiding then looked a the translation)

Tails : "Hey, It's okay, you safe"

[The three sees the Light Gray Wisp peeking out and slowly comes out of the hole, Tails never seen a Wisp with four tentacles, ears, and a tail with a mouth before, then looking back the translation.]

Tails: (Whispers) "are you okay?"

[The Mysterious Wisp nodded while Sonic and Tails were whispering]

Sonic: (Whispers) What kind of Wisp is that, Tails?

Tails: I'm not sure what kind of Wisp it is, but we need to find out.

[Tails looked at the translation and reads the translation]

Tails: "So I am going to introduce my friends that are going help us save the others, Guys come out now and don't worry, They're not going to hurt you, I promise"

[The Mysterious Wisp nodded feeling scared once again and as Sonic, Tails and Yacker came out of the corner, The Mysterious Wisp went behind Jade, Frighteningly.]

Tails: Hey, Hey, It's okay we're not going to hurt you, little one, we're just wondering, Who are you, What kind of Wisp are you, why is Eggman trying to capture you, and what happened to you?

(1st Person POV)

[The Mysterious Wisp felt her ears twitching of fear, the way the Two Tail Fox just asked her was making her having her some flashbacks about her family And The Lab that she with Jade until She started to speak in a shy, scared, and sad tone until Tails looked at his translation]

Tails:"My..named...is...Snow,...I'm...a.....Ice.....Wisp...and..my....Family....is gone..,...I'm....not...sure...Why...he's...after..me,...but...All....I....know....is...That...he...said...I..was..most...powerful...Wisp...than....the...others....and..."

[Snow Started to Cry softly about her past, that made Sonic and the others come to comfort her, Yacker and Jade were hugging her while Sonic and Tails were shocked and cornered that a Wisp lost her Whole Species by Eggman.]

Sonic: Hey, It's okay, Just tell us what happened...

[Snow sniffles and started to talk while Tails was reading the translation]

Tails: "He captured my whole family and I managed to escape, but My mom has to fight the Blue robot and trying to protect my siblings, but I didn't want to leave them, so I followed....and...when...I saw mama...and...my....siblings.......not moving....and.....I....I...was...so....Scared and....horrified.......so...I....ran.....away...."[Started to cry again]

[Everyone was Shocked that a young Wisp has been trying to escape with her family, but a mother has sacrifice herself to save her children, but unfortunately One was able to escape, but the others didn't]

[Yacker started to talked to her while Everyone was comforting her, Tails looked at his translation]

Tails: "Oh my...I am so sorry for your family, Snow....but....you can come Me, Jade, with my mother and My Siblings too"

[Snow looked at him with curious and Jade then looked at Jade, Sonic and Tails, nodded]

Sonic: It's alright, we can stopped Eggman his and Robots then you can go with them Right, Buddy?

Tails: Yeah, like Sonic says, you can go with them so you won't be alone again.

[Snow smiled and started to spin around Sonic and the others Playfully]

Sonic: Alright, (Pats Snow's ears making her cheer up) Let's go and also Jade, please, no more stories.

[Sonic jumps and gets into a starting pose.]

Sonic: Now, let's get going!

[Sonic takes off in a blue flash. Yacker, Tails, Jade and Snow all follow him.]

[Metal Sonic inserts the Wisp Capsule with Blue into the alien drainer. As the draining process begins, Metal Sonic watches the helpless Wisp.]

Started in 9/13/2021
Ended in9/21/2021

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