My R (Ruby's Fanfiction)

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[A/N:If ya want an English one then here ya go! Also, it's been a while since I previously put on Stereo Hearts! Hopefully you'll enjoy this one!]

⚠️TW⚠️:Suicidal Event, Mild Depression (I guess that's it since I can't put on flashbacks for this one), and a long dialogue since I'm getting into this song.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(School; 4:30pm)

Ruby's POV:

For some reason, I've been hiding myself from everyone. I always think that my closest friends and the Sides will leave me as if they have something to do without me...Recently, Lani and Vanity have been bullying me for being emotionally weak, vulnerable, and just...emotional that they beat me to the pulp whenever I'm alone.

And everyday, I told myself out of pure sadness and anger.

"I can't live like this! Everyone I know is better off without me!"

———Flashback To Three Weeks Ago———

~🎶Just as I was about to take my shoes
Off of the rooftop there I see
A girl with braided hair there before me
Despite myself I go and scream;🎶~

So I made the most crucial decision that every suicidal student should have been doing for the sake of everyone's happiness. Suicide...I went upstairs to the rooftop just to find...Ash who has her hair braided. Wait Ash?! She's doing the same thing as I'm about to do! I can't let her I screamed,

~🎶"Hey, don't do it, please!"🎶~

As I screamed, the blue cat faced at my direction and hopped down towards me. Trying not go to fall to her death. "Ruby! I didn't expect you to come's been a month since we last talked..."

As the blue cat smiled (fake) at me. I recognized her eyes. Her eyes are now filled with sadness and rejection.

~🎶Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way
To be honest I was somewhat pissed;
This was an opportunity missed🎶~

This WAS an opportunity missed since Ash got there first. Now I want to know why did she want to fall down to her death when she seems fine in everyone's eyes.

"May I know why are you on top of the balcony? You look like you want to 'fly'. And I'm worried that it's something to do with something personal that makes you want it..." I asked Ash with concern and said her woes.

~🎶The girl with braided hair told me her woes
"You've probably heard it all before;
I really thought that he may be the one
But then he told me he was done."🎶~

She was talking about her relationship with Espio and thought that he sees her as a weak person since she cried a lot. This makes me want to scream because relationships don't last and she should fight for what's right!

~🎶"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason you got here before me
Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted?
You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything!"🎶~

As I said this, her tears went down on her cheeks but she wiped it off and hugged me and said her thanks.

~🎶"I'm feeling better thank you for listening!"
The girl with braided hair then disappeared🎶~

She then saw Espio who's  looking for her and went to him with happiness.

"Ash, I'm worried about you! I'm sorry I left you alone like this..." Espio apologized. He has the worried look as if he is to blame if Ash did it.

"It's fine really. At least we have each other." Ash forgives Espio and hugged her worried boyfriend.

"I guess today is not the day..." I thought to myself as I saw Espio and Ash talking about themselves being together with real smiles.

——————————3 Days Later——————————

~🎶"Alright, today's the day" or so I thought
Just as I took both of my shoes off
There was but a girl short as can be
Despite myself, I go and scream.🎶~

I went upstairs to the rooftop like three days ago and took off my shoes but as I do so, I saw Val about to jump STRAIGHT to death.

I then scream at her not to do it and ask her the same question like three days ago after she jumped towards me and told me her woes.

~🎶The petite girl told me her woes
"You've probably heard it all before;
Everyone ignores me, everyone steals
I don't fit in with anyone here."🎶~

Her woes are about a rumor that she beats people up with cold blood when really, she did it to protect her friends and family. Her homework was stolen that time by Lani and people called her names and suggested her to kill herself.

So I screamed at her the same thing as three days ago. Making the feline draw tears that are rolling down on her cheeks. Val is the strongest person I know and I CANT let her die...she's stronger than this!

~🎶"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe
That for some stupid reason you got here before me
'Cause even so, you're still loved by everyone at home!
There's always dinner waiting on the table, you know?"🎶~

Speaking of food, she remembered that Mighty and her are planning to have dinner together at Burger King tonight and gave me a hug with a smile.

~🎶"I'm hungry" said the girl as she shed a tear
The girl short as can be then disappeared.🎶~

As she says this, she pets my head before walking away thinking about going on a date with her armadillo boyfriend.

~🎶And like that, there was someone every day
I listened to their tale, I made them turn away
And yet there was no one who would do this for me, no way I could
Let out all this pain🎶~

Days went by as I attempted to do 'it'. But I've been stopped by certain people I know. To my surprise Shadow and Knuckles are one of those people. They may look tough but they're good people...

I listened to a tale from the suicidal per day and receive a hug each day I save a Mobian. But every save is another demon telling me that I'm worthless...

———————End of Flashback———————

Today is like usual. After dismissal, I go upstairs to the rooftop and see a person planning the same thing before me! What's worse is that Knuckles IS that person on top of the balcony!

"Knuckles?" He turned his head to face me. He looked like hell...with eyes as sore as Amy's fur color.

"What do you want Ruby, Don't tell me that I'm just a comic relief!" He shouted at me. I heard this before. I thought he can take it. But just like everyone else, he can take THAT personally.

"Sweet Möbius, why are you here!?"

As he questioned me while walking towards me, I just had the worst feeling going to me. He's usually there for me. And with him gone, I'd be feeling sad! He's literally the male echidna existing right now! And I can't let him end himself. But now it's my time to BE there for him as a best friend. It's my time to save him!

"Hey...I know that you have a hard time...and...I had mine as well...but...I never think about you as the 'comic relief'. You have friends who LOVE you! Not just by being the hero or a guardian of some sort, but also a comrade, a friend, a brother...even a best friend..."

As I said this, I took a glance on his face. He slowly gave me a small smile and wiped his tears from his face. "Thank you Ruby..."I heard the red echidna thank me. He hesitated when he hugged me. Yes, we are best friends and HE needs love as well.

"You're a good person! One day, someone will save ya! Good things will come to you when you expected the least of things."

As Knuckles said this, I fake a smile at him. I wanted to cry but now is not the time since there's no one there for save me...

"I have to do it tomorrow..." I thought to myself.

~The Next Day~

~🎶~For the very first time, there I see
Someone with the same pains as me
Having done this time and time again
She wore a yellow cardigan🎶~

Back at it again, as usual. I didn't see anybody as I walk by the stairs to the rooftop. But again, a person planned ahead of me. As I recognized the yellow cardigan, I know that it was Olivia! So I stopped and thought. "It'll be the same again!" 

And then Olivia said to herself...

~🎶"I just wanna stop the scars that grow
Every time that I go home
That's why I came up here instead"
That's what the girl in the cardigan said🎶~

She talked about how she's been faking a smile this WHOLE TIME! The whole time she's been lying that she's fine but she's actually not?! Holy moly, what have I got myself into...

~🎶Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?
I couldn't care less either way
But in the moment I just screamed
Something that I did not believe🎶~

~🎶"Hey, Don't do it, please."🎶~

Olivia then turned to see me and looked at me with pure sadness in her eyes as I told her and REFERRED to her.

~🎶Agh- what to do!? I can't stop this girl, oh this is new!
For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew
But even so, please just go away so I can see
Your pitiful expression is just too much for me!🎶~

The yellow cat then wiped her tears away and took off her cardigan and gives it to me.

~🎶"I guess today is just not my day"
She looked away from me and then she disappeared🎶~

As she says this, she left the rooftop balcony and went back downstairs. Leaving me with her cardigan. "Today isn't my day..." I said to myself.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wore a braid on my hair and just think about today for the whole day in school from morning til the afternoon. It's a struggle but it's worth the wait...

I thought to myself that today is the day where I do the permanent solution...while climbing up to the rooftop balcony. Thank goodness that no one's here! Now I can do it!

"~🎶There's no one here today, I guess it's time
It's just me, myself and I
There's no one who can interfere
No one to get in my way here.🎶~

I took off my cardigan that Olly gave me yesterday and place it on the bench nearby. took off my braids. Watching it come undone. I then do a t-pose before falling to my death.

~🎶Taking off my yellow cardigan
Watching my braids all come undone
This petite girl short as can be
Is gonna jump now and be free🎶~

I then jumped in glee but the jump stopped in time as I felt two pair of hands. I felt the big hands holding onto my right arm while the other pair(normal sized hands) is on my left arm.

They pulled me back to the rooftop. As I turned my back, the first people I see are Rookie and Knuckles!


I was about to scream at them for not making my jump but then I saw everyone...

"Ruby, we are here because we care about you...I care about you." Rookie answered me and gave me a hug. "And I care about you..." he added as he nearly tear up. He kept hugging me as I smiled at him and thanked him for being there for me.

I glanced at the people behind us and all I see are the Sonic Gang, and everyone I also saved...they're here for me.

Heck! Even the Sides are even here! And they're running towards me and gave me a hug. Rookie and Knuckles then step aside to make way for the Sides. 

"What were you thinking!?" Val yelled at me.

"You could've been killed!" Olivia cried while getting her yellow cardigan back from the balcony.

Iris and Ash then lectured me about the thing I nearly did and why I shouldn't do it. While lecturing me. I looked at the two red heads.

Knuckles then mouthed "I told ya so." with a small smile and a wink. I then gave the red heads a small smile. Knowing that Knuckles is right.

"Good things will come to you when you expected the least of things."

A/N:Jeebus, it's been like what three month since I last posted Stereo Hearts! I hope ya guys enjoyed reading this one. Thank you guys for reading this. Don't forget to comment your requests! Thanks again and I'll see you all in the next one. Bye!

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