Shadow and Rouge's Sweet Escape(Shadouge)

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Requested by:r4151n

Mafia! AU

A/N:Guys, this is fictional, I just imagine this in my head and not every relationship can be perfect. Sometimes they had their fights. This is unlike any other fanfic that I just make so I hope ya enjoy this one. This is gonna all Rouge's POV. Hopefully the songfic makes sense!

(Out From Prison Island, 9pm)

Story:After Shadow and Rouge escaped from prison island alongside with Iris as a getaway driver, the trio got bored and Iris proceeds to turn on some music. Rouge and Shadow then recognized the song called "Sweet Escape".

Rouge's POV:

Shads and I are chilling in the back seat after we had our "sweet escape~". Although, Shadow apologized before the breakout, I don't know if I'm going to gain his trust again.

And then, Iris turned on the radio, Shadow and I recognized the song. "Iris, honey, May you please turn the volume up?" I requested the green cat. She agreed and turn up the volume a bit. Making things less awkward.

"Ya know this song you two?" She asked us while focusing on the road. Instead of me answering, Shadow answered it for me.

"Yea...Rouge got me into this song and now that it's there after we escape, I don't see why I can't just relax with the jewel." Shadow answered while putting his arm around my waist.

I blushed as he does this. I missed this. So I scoot closer to Shadow and rest my head on his fluffy chest. And so, I imagined about what Shadow and I did earlier.


~🎶Woo hoo, yee hoo
Woo hoo, yee hoo
Woo hoo, yee hoo
Woo hoo, yee hoo🎶~

We were gonna get the chaos emeralds as Eggman has commanded but I was distracted by a big diamond ring. It's so shiny that I can't even resist. So I decided to ditched the Chaos Emeralds for a big diamond ring.

Shadow was gonna warn me about the trip wires but...the alarm went off as I accidentally trip on the wires. Rookie mistake as I can call it.

~🎶If I could escape
I would, but first of all let me say
I must apologize for acting, stinking, treating you this way
Cause I've been acting like sour milk that fell on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold🎶~

-Prison Island-

We were pushed in the prison bus by the policemen. But what's worse is that I felt hurt when Shadow doesn't even look at me the way that he looks at me before.

" got us into this mess!!" Shadow scowled crossing his arms like a child.

"Quit putting the blame on me! You could've warm me!" I snapped back.

"Rouge, if it weren't for you being distracted by some stupid diamond, none of this would've happened!"
He said as he gets more angrier at me. I did show my anger on him but deep down...I don't like being the blame. That's why I acted so cold right now.

The ear piece that I have made a sound. It's from Eggman..."If you fail to get the Chaos Emerald, then you're on your own!" He growled before hanging up. What a douche...I quietly groaned after a call.

~🎶If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
Tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Forever) We can make it better
Tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)🎶~

Hours have passed and being in jail with the "edge lord" is unnerving...sure, I'm used to his presence but the only thing I'm not use to is when he's not gonna look at me in the eye and when he's not gonna talk to me because of what I did earlier.

As a Jewel Thief, it's not my first time being in prison island because of getting distracted. I've been in jail for a few times. The only thing that kept us more awkward is silence.

Thankfully, Shadow breaks the silence by apologizing to me. "I'm sorry...."

"Wait...what for?" I asked.

"For putting my anger on you." He replied.

Honestly, I was planning on apologizing to him but now is the good time to apologize to him as well.

"Shadow honey, I'm sorry too...I can't help but had a thing for jewels..."


~🎶Woo hoo, (I wanna get away) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (to our sweet escape) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (I wanna get away) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (yeah) yee hoo🎶~

Just as he's about to say his last sentence, the lights went out. So much for the moment...

"Hold onto me Rouge..." Shadow told me.

I obliged and went into his arms. Well, only because he wanted to protect me for some reason.

~🎶You let me down
I'm at my lowest boiling point
Come help me out
I need to get me out of this joint
Come on, let's bounce
Counting on you to turn me around
Instead of clowning around, let's look for some common ground
So, baby, times getting a little crazy
I've been getting a little lazy
Waiting for you to come save me
I can see that you're angry
By the way the you treat me
Hopefully you don't leave me
Want to take you with me🎶~

I then heard the keys rattling, and the door made a squeak as it slowly opens. Thanks to my night vision, I recognize the grass colored feline with her night vision goggles.

"Hey, Iris." I whispered.

"Rouge, Shadow...Honestly, the security system is crap..." She whispered as she pull out the "damn" 4th Chaos Emerald and gives it to Shadow.

~🎶If I could escape
And recreate a place as my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
Tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Forever) We can make it better
Tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
(Sweet escape)🎶~

"Thank goodness you're here Iris..." Shadow and I whispered at the same time, after Shadow received a Chaos Emerald. "Let's get out of here." Iris told us quietly.

"Chaos...Control..." The hedgehog said the words as we hold onto him. We then teleported to the Carpark of Prison Island.

"You're lucky that Omega isn't here right now and doesn't know about it..." the feline told us and rolled her eyes as she gets into her vehicle disguised as one of the police cars. We also get into her vehicle. Only in the back seat before hitting the road.

~🎶Woo hoo, yee hoo
Woo hoo, (If I could escape) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (If I could escape) yee hoo
Woo hoo, yee hoo
Cause I've been acting like sour milk that fell on the floor
It's your fault you didn't shut the refrigerator
Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold🎶~

"So, you're telling me that you guys argue because Rouge got distracted by some big Diamond? Ya know, the 'Chaos Emerald' in the Jewel store, it's a fake..." Iris told us while driving.

"That doctor..." Shadow growled.

"Shadow, I swear if you break the window, I'm turn this thing around!" Iris yelled.

He slowly obliged and as for those two mobians, wed go quiet. I'm surprised that the security didn't even notice the fake car by its smallest of details.

~🎶If I could escape
And recreate a place in my own world
And I could be your favorite girl
Forever, perfectly together
Tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?
If I could be sweet
I know I've been a real bad girl
I didn't mean for you to get hurt
(Forever) We can make it better
Tell me, boy, now wouldn't that be sweet? (Sweet escape)🎶~

~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~

~🎶Woo hoo, (I wanna get away) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (to our sweet escape) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (I wanna get away) yee hoo
Woo hoo, (Yeah) yee hoo
Woo hoo, yee hoo
Woo hoo, yee hoo🎶~


"Yes dear?"

"I was about to say that I forgive you. I hope you do the same...just to gain each other's trust." Shadow finally forgave me.

I can't believe what I just heard from my partner, my sweetheart, my Shadow. I smiled at him and hummed a little.

"I forgive you as well hon~" I replied to him in my usual happy flirty tone and kissed his cheek. After that kiss, he then caresses my cheek for me to look at him. I turned my body facing him.

We gave each other a 'I know ya wanna do this' look and then had our make out session. Iris looks happy for us, but feels annoyed at the same time.

"Oh Möbius... you always end with a make out." She groaned as she is focusing the road. Shadow and I both had our chuckle as we look at each other.

"Hey, the stars are so pretty!" The feline exclaimed as she was fascinated by the night sky at 2 in the morning.

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