A New Discovery

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No one's pov.

Two gun agents, Max and Ashley were patrolling the city, a lot has changed in their technology, wearing hover shoes that were made by the same technology that allowed the vehicles to fly. Their guns looked like something you'd see in an alien movie to show how more advanced they were compared to humans and their armer was practically skin tight but at the same time very protective allowing for a lot of defense while also preventing the armour of being a hindrance on the wearer.

Max pressed a button on the right hand side of his helmet which caused a scanner to pop up in his face, it was designed to pick up on any strange energies not known to them yet, it may have been 200 years in the future but humans still went around trying to discover and study new things that they weren't aware of before.

Max suddenly picked up on something on a tall building, it's reading's were all over the place as if it didn't go by the natural laws of life. Ashley picked up on it as well, the two turned to each other and Ashley smirked

"race ya there!"

And with that she was off jumping high into the air and began to fly off, max watched her for a moment with a smirk and took off as well right behind her.

Ashley was very energetic and competitive and sometimes a bit childish but it was all in good fun and always wanted to make something a competition with Max. Whether they were eating dinner or going for a walk or even if the two of them were just getting out of bed.

Max enjoyed it as well though, he liked her wild imagination, he could be himself and didn't need to follow what was seen as 'polite' or 'mannerly' or even 'normal' when he was with her, they could just have fun.

After about a minute the two made it to the location of the strange energy they picked up on their trackers, Ashley winning the race by just a bit, she jumped in the air in celebration of your amazing victory, Max chuckled before he turned to see a strange liquid in front of them, it was in a circular shape and would've looked like any ordinary puddle if not for its black colour, along with the purple aura that seemed to rise from it.

"what on mobios is that?" Ashley said as she began moving her head closer to it, Max stopped her however, he wasn't sure if it was safe to get too close "we should bring this back for testing before we make any hand contact" Max suggested.

Ashley sighed, she was always so curious and didn't really fear anything, while that could be a dangerous attribute it also comes in handy when in an intense situation and no one is calm enough to think rationally.

Max took out a big silver box that looked somewhat similar to a suit case and placed it down beside the black liquid, he then opened up the case and inside was a transparent tube that was cylinder shaped, he twisted the top of it and the tube opened up from the middle of it. Max proceeded to scoop up the liquid into the tube until it was all in, luckily it all fit.

Ashley looked at the liquid in wonder as Max attacked the two sides of the tube once again and got up "let's head back to the base, commander Gerald will want to see this" Ashley nodded in agreement and the two took off, this time not racing each other just returning to base side by side. They've been dating for about 2 months now and were thinking about marriage at this stage, but they wanted to get enough money so that they could have a life together and get a break from the whole GUN thing for at least a year, a year they would spend as husband and wife.

When the two returned to the base they headed straight to commander Gerald's office, they've been there many times so it was easy to remember even though it was quite a trip to get there even when at the entrance of the base itself.

The two of them knocked on the door and commander Gerald lifted his head from all the paper work he was reading involving shipping for new equipment "oh, um, come in!" he said in an ordering tone, he didn't like to show when he was tired because he knew someone would try to help him or even do the work for him and he personally hated making any of his agents do something they didn't sign up for, it seemed wrong and rude in his opinion. He had short grey hair, brownish eyes and a small grey beard, he also had small bags under his eyes due to all the extra work he had to do through the past few days.

The two walked in and removed their helmets, Ashley revealed herself to have long blond hair, blue eyes and dark red lip stick, while Max revealed himself to have black hair, brown eyes and stubble covering under his nose and around his jaw line and chin, he also had a scar going down his right cheek from an earlier battle a few months ago

Max walked over to the commanders desk and placed the tube with the black liquid on it before taking a step back "we apologize for our sudden intrusion si-" "intrusion? Young man you didn't intrude on anything, besides I was expecting use to be back eventually I was the one who sent you two on that mission after all" he said in a kind yet serious tone as he grabbed two cups of coffee and placed them at the other side of the table in front of Max and Ashley "now the two of you just sit down and rest a bit, you two did end up working over time, I know it was your own call but I still feel bad when doing that sort of thing and since use aren't working right now you can talk to me as a normal everyday person, not your boss"

He said with a happy smile across his face, he saw both of them as his own children as he knew them from a young age and they always helped him when needed and Gerald always wanted to return the favor, even on days when he was tired and would normally want to finish his work and get home as quickly as possible.

Ashley and Max smiled and sat down picking up the two cups of coffee and took a sip of it, Ashley let out a happy sigh before putting the cup back down so she could give the report "we found this strange liquid in the city today, it was just lying there on a tall building, it's reading's were all over the place" Ashley explained before taking another sip of her coffee.

Commander Gerald picked up the tube and began to examine it, it seemed very strange indeed especially with the purple aura it had seeping out of it Gerald seemed very puzzled indeed something that wasn't normal, he got up holding the tube in his hands "I shall put this with the other special projects, this will need to go through special testing for sure. Also there's biscuits behind my desk go ahead and have some" he said with a chuckle as he walked out.

Ashley practically jumped out of her chair to get them Max laughed as he watched her excited behaviour, Gerald's biscuits were made by him at home, he was always so great at making them with his great baking talents and they were no doubt Ashley's favourite nothing ever came close.

"make sure not to devour them all now" Max said through his laughter before taking one of the biscuits and dipping it into his coffee, Ashley calmed down and did the same. They looked at how much work Gerald had and sighed "poor Gerald, he has to work so hard all the time and he refuses to let others help him with it" Ashley said as she slumped down in the chair.

Max placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled "it'll be OK, we'll continue to help Gerald in any way we can, honestly he needs a holiday more than the both of us" Max said as he picked up one of the many pages of paper work talking about construction of more bases across the globe so GUN could protect as much of the world as possible of course Gerald was the one to decide to work out deals with other countries on where to put these bases.

Meanwhile Gerald walked into a room that was only really used by him and scientists that worked at GUN, they normally used this room for studying of alien weaponry, tools and remains. There were no scientists there as everyone except Gerald Max and Ashley had gone home so he just left the tube on one of the tables and walked out with a yawn, still feeling exhausted. Little did he know how deadly this discovery truly was.

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