Epilogue Ghost Girls View

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                     The Beginning   
                       Six Years Ago

I kept running. My heart was thumping in my chest. I was running as fast as I could from them. It was raining hard, and the wind was howling, blowing my hair behind me. I ran into the forest, my mind focused on escaping. They've been after me my whole life, and I wasn't gonna let them use my powers for evil. I took a glance over my shoulder to see that they were hot on my trail. Their horses hooves pounded against the ground, sending water splashing everywhere as thunder clapped in the sky, followed by lightning, which hit a tree in front of me, setting it on fire and it fell to the ground. I jumped over it. There was about twenty of them. "You aren't using my powers for- Ahh!" I exclaimed as I tripped and fell on the ground, mud and water splashed me.

"Don't worry, little girl... This'll only hurt a bit..." The leader of them said, taking out a sword. "Using your essence is all I need..." Than I was stabbed in the heart and everything went black.

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