Part 1 - A true theory

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In Bygone island, our blue hero: Sonic the hedgehog; was there protecting the island and the entire world from all villains (incluiding Eggman) who wanted to conquer it. He was with the help of his team, Shadow and Silver too; cause after sometime, they get more well with Sonic and became friends; and also from his silbings: Manic and Sonia; who became good friends with Sonic's team.
One day, Sonic needed to go and stop Eggman from taking over a city from Metal Sonic and other robots, and Shadow, Silver and his silbings wanted to go too.

Sonic: Alright Eggman, stop these invasion right now!

Shadow: You heard that doctor, it's time for you to give up!

Silver: Yeah, leave these people alone!

Eggman: Don't worry, I won't hurt anyone, except for YOU!

And then a big robot grabbed the three of them

Sonic: Ugh, it's really strong

Manic: Hey bro! Why don't you use the thing you always do?

Sonia: You know, your Super form!

Sonic: Good idea. Shadow, did you bring the Chaos Emeralds?!

Shadow: Yes! I got them right here!

Silver: Okay, time to transform!

And then, they used the Chaos Emeralds to turn themselfs into their Super form

And with their speed, they destroyed all the robots, but suddenly something appeared behind them, it was Chaos!

Super Sonic: What the... Chaos?

Sonia: Wow, who is that creature?!

Manic: Did Sonic said it was called Chaos?

Super Shadow: Sonic, isn't that the creature you tell me about?

Super Sonic: Yes, it is, Shadow

Super Silver: Wait, do you know this creature?

Super Sonic: Yes, I fought him a long time ago

Eggman: Hohohoho, you guys really got a surprise, did you?

Super Shadow: Doctor, you are behind all this?

Eggman: Yes. I brought Chaos back to life to defeat you; but this time, you won't stop him, especially in your Super forms

Super Silver: So it was all a trap!

Super Sonic: Trap or not, I'm sure we can stop him together. Let's see how weak he is now

Super Shadow and Silver: Okay!

They were about to hit Chaos, but suddenly when they punched him, nothing happened. And after all that trying to stop him, Chaos punched them to the ground and they were back to their original forms very bumped and hurt

Manic and Sonia: Brother! Guys!

Sonic: How... HOW?! Why it didn't work?

Eggman: Isn't it obvius...? I'M more smarter that you, and you seven need to have the Super form to stop him

Silver: But we DID use the Super form!

Shadow: And we aren't seven!

Sonic: Wait... you mean...? We need to be seven to stop Chaos?!

Eggman: Yes, but only the ones with that abillity can. And I will start looking for them to DESTROY them. Hohohoho

And Eggman took off, along with Chaos on his side

Sonia: What was that all about?!

Sonic: (thinking) They are... four more of us?

Back in the island, Sonic was curious about what Eggman said about the other four chaos; Shadow and Silver were concerned about it too and they decided to consult it to Knuckles, since he was the one who knows more about this. They told everything that Eggman told and Knuckles was listening to them cause he thinked he had the answer.

Knuckles: So... that's what Eggman said?

Sonic: Yes, you know what that means?

Knuckles: Mmm... I think I know what that means

Shadow: Okay, tell everything that you know

Knuckles: Alright then, I'll tell you everything that you must know

And Knuckles started explaining...

Knuckles: As you know, you guys posess the power of the Chaos Emeralds; but you only posess three of them. Sonic, you posess the green emerald; Shadow, you posess the red emerald; and Silver, you posess the white emerald. But the other emeralds don't have their rightful owners yet, and we don't know who posess the power, so I'll say for Eggman will be difficult to find them without knowing who they are

Silver: And for us too, I wonder who they are

Sonic: Hey Knux, do you know a way to find out who they are? We need to stop Chaos

Knuckles: Actually..., there is a way

Silver: Really?! How we do it?

Knuckles: I'll told you what to do, first put the emeralds here and I will tell you the rest; okay?

Shadow: I maybe don't listen to someone's orders, but we need to know who they are. We need to stop the doctor and Chaos right away!

Sonic: Okay Knux, tell us what we do

Knuckles: Alright then, now sit on the ground and touch the emeralds

They did what Knuckles said and they sit on the ground touching the emeralds.

Knuckles: Okay, now close your eyes and let your minds connect to the other chaos; those will send a message to the other persons who posess the power

And then, the emeralds started to glow, that meaned the message was sent to the other persons who had the power of the Chaos Emeralds

Knuckles: Now then, let them go

Silver: What? What happened?

Knuckles: The message was sent to the other chaos, now we have to wait untill a signal comes; so we can know who they are and where they are

Shadow: Okay then, but I'm sure it will take sometime. We should hold to the emeralds untill the signal comes

Sonic: You're right Shad, we will watch the emeralds so we can find out who are our mysterious characters

Knuckles: Okay, I'm counting on you

Sonic: Alright Knuckles, see you later!

And that how Sonic, Shadow and Silver waited untill a signal comes to them. What will happen next?

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