Part 2 - The first message

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Meanwhile, in another city, there was another knowed blue hero with his red and green friends. He was a blue cat who also had his eyes the same color as his, and his name... was Catboy.

One of his friends was a red owl girl with a cape in her back as her wings, her name was Owlette

And the other friend was a green reptile who can climb very well and protect himself, his name was Gecko

These heroes were called Pj Masks cause their pijamas were their hero outfits and they go on misions in the night when everyone is asleep. Since they started saving the day 7 years ago (since they were 6 years old, and now they have 13), most people who was awake got the chance to see them; but noneone knowed their real identity.
One night, the Pj Masks were going to a mision to stop their most knowed villain: Romeo. He was a scientist with a white coat, black hair with a white stipe and he was using guggles

In that night, Romeo was attacking with his robot the entire city; and the Pj Masks come just in time to stop him

Romeo: Ugh, you Pj Masks, you always come to ruin my plans!

Catboy: Of course we always do it Romeo, cause it's not good to the city, it's just good for you!

Owlette: That's right! We won't let you attack this city for you own sake!

Romeo: Okay, be that way! Robot, ATTACK THEM!

Robot: Yes sir

Gecko: No way you're gonna stop us! Catboy, GET HIM!

Catboy: Okay, prepare yourself Robot, Catboy is coming for you!

And with his speed, Catboy dizzed Robot a lot, Owlette thow her feathers  to Romeo's factory car causing it to colapse, and Gecko used his muscles to break Romeo's metallic hands

Catboy: Okay factory, you're done!

But when he tried to use his stripes to destroy the factory, Catboy's body started to glow in a blue light and he was hearing a female voice singing. When he stopped, Robot grabbed him by the tail and get him

Romeo: Hahahaha, poor kitty, he wanted to shine and now he won't

Catboy: Wha... what was that?

Owlette: Hey Romeo, let him go right now!!

Romeo: Or what, little bird?

Gecko: You will take this!!!

And Gecko broke all the factory with his muscles, and also make Robot colapse too that he broke and let Catboy free

Romeo: NOOO! My factory! How did you do it?!

Gecko: Well... I actually did another plan for myself in case that happened

Owlette: Wow! Good job Gecko!

Gecko: Thanks! I may be very strong, but I'm also very smart

Romeo: Ugh! You may have broke my factory and my robot, but I will return Pj Masks!!

Gecko: (thinking) Yeah, I doubt it

Owlette: Catboy! Are you okay?

Catboy: What... what happened to me? What was that glow... and that voice?!

Owlette: We saw it too Catboy, I don't know what it was, but we should go to the library tomorrow and we will know what happened to you

Gecko: Yeah, we should get home and...

And then Catboy's body started to glow again and the singing voice he heard returned

Catboy: WHOA!!!

Gecko: What the...Catboy?!

Owlette: (thinking) I think we shoudn't wait untill tomorrow, what if he does that in school?; I'm his sidekick and I need to protect him

Catboy: Guys, did you see that...and did you heard that voice?

Gecko: First, yes. And second, no, I didn't heard anything; I don't have your hears

Owlette: Guys, follow me, let's go to the library

Catboy: But Owlette, it's closed!

Owlette: I think we should sneak in, so we can know what's happening to you, Catboy

Catboy: Hate to do this, but you're right Owlette. Let's go!

And so, they went to the library to find out Catboy's glowing and the voice he heard. They seached and seached, and then Gecko find something.

Gecko: Guys, I think I found it

Catboy: Good job Gecko!

Owlette: Okay, let's see and... bingo! I found the page

Catboy: So what does it says?

Owlette: It's says..."When one of the the seven chaos calls one of their members, a message is sent to the one who posess the power of one of the... Chaos Emeralds"?

Gecko: What are the Chaos Emeralds?

Owlette: Well... I heard about them, but I didn't know they really existed. It said that they can transform your thoughs into power, and when you collect all of them, a miracle happens

Catboy: Your thoughs... into power? And a miracle... that must mean... I'm one of the seven chaos?!

Owlette: I think you are! You must posess the power of the blue emerald, that why you were glowing blue!

And Catboy stopped by a moment and he thought that he wasn't ready for that power

Catboy: Wait... but I don't have an emerald... and... I'm not ready to receive that power, it's too much for me!

Gecko: Well, the sun it's gonna raise; we should talk about it in the morning

Owlette: You're right Gecko, let's go home

Catboy: (thinking) I don't think I'm ready for this power. But I wanna find out what is the singing voice that's calling me, I should give it a try if I had the blue emerald with me.
Okay, let's go home

And the Pj Masks went to their homes and the go to sleep. Catboy was still thinking about the power of the Chaos Emeralds and who was or were the one(s) who call him. Did they needed his help or not? He then get asleep and he was dreaming he had a fast buddy in his side, with his same speed; and that made him think about a feeling that he had "Is my fast friend the one who is calling me?"

(Sonic was the one of Catboy's dream)

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