Gadget x Infinite tickle

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Gadget's been a today. After the defeat with Eggman, Gadget felt bad for Infinite. Sure Infinite was a villain and he tried to kill Gadget, but something from Infinite's expression couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with him.

Gadget held the fragment phantom ruby in his hands. "Maybe...maybe I could bring him back." Gadget said to himself as he walked towards the base quarters. He told the others that he was gonna go home early and that he'll call them when there's trouble.

Once Gadget walked inside his house, he immediately went into the living room and concentrated on the ruby. "Come on. Come on." he said to himself as the prototype started to react to his calls. A large black figure rose from the prototype ruby. Infinite. "Wh-What? I'm still alive." Infinite said as he looked around his area. "Where am I?"

"This is my place." Infinite turned to see Gadget. "You." he said as he got ready to fight. When Infinite raised his arm, he thought a force of reality will come to him. Unfortunately it didn't. "What the-What happened to my powers?"

"I have the prototype ruby. And I won't let you have it." Gadget said as he held the ruby in his hands. "Why you little-" Infinite was about to say when he felt a sudden force that strapped him up onto thin air. He was now tied up. "Infinite, I brought you here for a second chance. I wanna help you."

"I don't need your help." Infinite said immediately. "Fine, then I'll have to do this." Gadget said as a feather appeared  near Infinite's feet. Gadget snapped his fingers and Infinite's shoes were taken off. "Now them, answer this question. Are you ticklish?" Infinite blushed behind his mask. He was always ticklish. And that was the one weakness that was inside of him. "N-No." he said as gadget eyed him suspiciously. "You're lying." Gadget replied as he wiggled the feather on Infinite's foot. Infinite fought hard not to laugh. "No, please."

"Aw, is that a small smile I see on the little jackal." Gadget teased as he tickled him harder with the feather. Infinite was smiling a little but it wasn't enough to convince the wolf.

Gadget walked over to the poor jackal and used his finger to trace a circle around Infinite's other foot. Infinite was on the urge of laughing out loud. "No hehehehehehe please hehehehehehehe stop." Infinite tried his best to escape, but without the ruby, he was completely powerless. "Aw, I hear soft giggles. That's a start." Gadget said as he moved up to his sides and started to tickle them. Infinite couldn't take it anymore and laughed his hardest. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP PLEASE!" Infinite laughed as he tried to wiggled around to escape the torture.

"There we go a laugh from a jackal." Gadget said as he tickled his armpits next. Infinite felt another vibration of tickles as he laughed harder. That must've been his worst spot because after a minute or so, Infinite let out a small but hearable squeak. Gadget looked at him surprised. "Did you just squeak?"

"NO! HAHAHA!" Infinite said even though it wasn't true. Gadget knew he was lying and decided to tickle his armpits again. The same reaction happened again and Gadget was getting closer to breaking him. "Aw, Infinite's like a little squeaky toy." Gadget said as he teased the jackal with his baby talk.

After a full 20 minutes of nonstop tickling, Gadget released the jackal and kept a close eye on him. "Alright, Infinite here's how it goes. You stay here in my house and don't come out unless otherwise. I don't want people hurting you." Gadget said as infinite started to breathe. "As long as I don't appear in null space again please." Infinite said as Gadget nodded. "Deal." he said as they both shook hands.

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